You're Afraid Of Love

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Another night of your parents fighting. It happened nearly every night. Love is stupid. You shook your head as salty tears streamed down your face. You picked your bag up running out of the house as your parents screamed and yelled at eachother . The night air was clod and dark. You knew where to go. His parents were out of town for the weekend. You held your hand up and knocked on his door wiping make up and tears off your face with your sleeves. A messy haired ash opened the door with his sweat pants and no shirt please. His hair fell perfectly over his face.
“What’s wrong??” He quickly reached out and led you inside
He sat you down on the couch and held you in his arms as you poured out what happened. He stayed quiet as you explained. Your eyes welled with tears. You blinked trying to stop them from falling. Ash knew what you were trying to do though. He hugged you tighter 
“Stay here tonight” he whispered in your ear 
You nodded slightly before putting a movie on. 
“(Y/N) I like this girl. Shes driving Mr crazy. Help” he sighed looking down at you
You felt your heart drop. 
“Just tell her.”
“What if she doesn’t like me?”
“Are you serious? Who wouldn’t like you Ash? Your the full package”
“Thank you” he giggled blushing a bit
Your life couldn’t get worse 
“(Y/N)… I like you… a lot.. more than friends” he smiled 
“Ash I uh.. I like you to but I’m just not ready for this. Not after my parents. I just can’t” you sobbed before standing up
So there you were denying the love for the only boy you truly love. You grabbed your bag before looking over at him. He looked broken. His eyes were glazed over with shiny tears as he sniffled. He looked heartbroken. You ignored him before walking out

“I love you!! That’s what I’m trying to say! Don’t you get it? I’ve practically been drooling over your every move!” He said frustratedly
“But you still don’t like me back!!” His voice cracked before looking down angrily 
“You know its hard for me Cal” you whispered back “We’ve been best friends for years. Just one chance. That’s all I’m asking for” 

“I. I’m afraid I guess” 
“I can help. I will stop you from being afraid” 
Calum slowly reached his hand out and cradled yours in it. You felt yourself calm under his touch. He slowly moved closer as you looked down and smiled awkwardly as you felt your cheeks heat up. 
“Beautiful” he breathed as he slipped his hand under your chin and lifted it slowly. 
You knew what was coming. He ever so slowly leaned in and lightly pressed his lips against yours. His hand moved up and cradled your head. A small giggle left his mouth as you stood on your tipy toes to reach him.

Michael and you lay in bed panting as he pulled a white sheet over the two of you. Friends with benefits. 
“Your amazing Clifford” you breathed 
“I know” he simply replied 
“Do you ever think we will not be like this?” 
“What do you mean?”
“Like sooner or later your going to meet a special girl” you looked the other way
“I’ve already met her”
“Who is she??”
“You” he placed his hand on yours
You quickly moved your hand away. Your previous boyfriend was abusive and you didn’t want another relationship to end up like that. You automatically started to panic as you shook your head and started to sob.
“I have to go” you put a shirt on and some jeans
“I-im sorry… don’t go please” he looked up at you with pleading eyes
“Bye Michael” 
“Please don’t go. I-I love you” the first time he had ever said that to you

Never in your life had you had a boyfriend. You’ve always had friends who were boys but never had a romantic relationship with anyone. By now, 16 years old, you were convinced that you weren’t good enough. It was one of those nights where you would start thinking too much. All these negative thoughts about yourself. You laid in bed staring at your baby blue ceiling. You weren’t going to sit there sulking anymore. You picked up your phone and dialed the first number that came into your head. 

“Luke?” You asked 
“(Y/N)?” He mocked back with a slight laugh at the end, making you smile.
“What’s up beautiful?” He asked
Luke and the guys were the only ones who complemented you and made you feel loved. 
“Can I come over ?… I could use some friends” 
“The guys are over but of course you can. I’ll see you in 10 yeah?” You could feel him smile over the phone 
10 minuets later you arrived at Luke’s house greeting all the guys before sitting next to Luke. He wrapper his arm around your waist as you all sat out the back and watched the stars. 
“They’re so… breath taking” you smiled looking up completely forgetting about your problems 
“Like you” he mumbled 
He always let complements slip out. Michael began to laugh along with the other guys.
“Get a room!” Michael cooed along with Calum’s long “eewwww” 
“Piss off Clifford” Luke shot him a glare as you rested your head on Luke’s shoulder 
“I mean.. (Y/N) you did tell me the other day that your crushing on Luke” Ashton chirped up before flinging a hand over his mouth. 
You looked at Luke who looked stunned before you knew it you were standing up ready to go. Before you could walk away any further you felt yourself get trapped under Luke’s strong embrace before he spun you around and planted his lips on yours.

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