A Match Into Water (Song Preference)

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‘I kissed the scars on her skin
I still think you’re beautiful’

I held her as she cried into my arms. I had no idea that she went through so much. Deep down inside I felt the overwhelming feeling of guilt. I should have been there to help her. But I wasn’t. Now she was broken. I ran my fingers through her long hair as I rocked back and forth whispering encouraging phrases into her ear. 
“It’ll get better I promise” I whispered
“Nothing is going to get better Ash. Look at me. I’m scarred. I’m ugly. No one will ever love me” 
I shook my head as I felt my eyes well with tears. I picked her wrist up and pulled her sleeve up, revealing pink coloured scars. Next I did the last thing that she would expect me to do. I leant down and kissed them. 
“I. Still. Think. Your. Beautiful” I whispered against her skin between kisses. 
I felt her hands pull away and grab my face and bring it up to hers before kissing me. I did the only thing that felt natural. I kissed her beautiful lips back. No matter how scarred she was, she will always be perfect to me.

‘Wake up, I know you can hear me.’

I pushed past all the doctors surrounding her hospital bed. There she laid with a pale completion. I let the tears stream down my face. If I was there to protect her then she wouldn’t be here in this awful hospital bed. Her life was literally hanging by a thin thread. 
“Can you get fucking out?! Do you have any respect??” I screeched at the hospital staff. 
This took them all by surprise but they all left the room. I leant over her head and kissed her cold lips.
“Please be ok” I whispered as I took her hands in my shaking ones. 
I was desperately hoping for a reply. But I got nothing. 
“WAKE UP! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!” I screamed at her. 
But still nothing. I got up and pushed the small table over with frustration before storming out. Why her. It could have been anyone. It could have been me. But it was her.

‘Cause, baby, I’m the one
Who haunts her dreams at night,’

I laid next to her wide awake watching her toss and turn in a cold sweat. She was having a nightmare again. She had been having them all the time lately. But worst of all, they were about me. Breaking her heart. I would never ever do that to her. It’s impossible to hurt such a beautiful thing. But I knew that she had been hurt badly in the past. But if she fell I would catch her. She just didn’t believe me. 
“Michael!” She screamed before sitting up right so fast that it was almost a blur. 
Once again I help her close. 
“Shh baby. It’s ok I’m here. I always will be.” 
“What if you hurt me Michael? I can’t risk that.” She sobbed clutching onto me
“I swear I won’t. I will never do such a thing. I could never”

‘I know that you’re in pain’

I watched from behind as she read endless amounts of hate. Every day. She did this every day. It was only wreaking her. It hurt deep down inside when she was like this. It was only yesterday I found her diary. Like an idiot I read it. There was so much suicidal thoughts in it. It killed me to know that one of the only girls I’ve ever loved this much wanted to end everything so badly. I couldn’t let her go. I wasn’t going to let her go. 
“You don’t need to read that. It’s a bunch of bullshit” I whispered before kissing her and closing the laptop. 
“It’s true. I’m not good enough for you. You deserve so much better than me Luke”
“(Y/N) don’t be silly. You are perfect. We are perfect. Can’t you see how much I love you?” I asked 
“I just don’t think this is going to work” she sighed heavily.

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