You're His Sister And You're In A Mental Hospital

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Luke: Today was finally the day that your brother was going to visit you. You had been in a mental home for almost a month now and hadn’t seen him for a while. You were sitting in your room waiting for him, wondering what he’s going to say to you. When your brother walks through the door, you immediately feel better. “Luke !!!” you scream. He smiles and gives you a big hug. You two talk about everything that had happened.

 Ashton:You just got checked into a mental health home  a couple days ago.  You’re in a bad mood and was scared about how long you were going to be there. You were eating lunch when someone tapped your shoulder. You muttered for him to back off. “You don’t want to see your favorite brother?!” you hear the person behind you say. You jump up and turn around and give your brother, Ashton, a hug. You were surprised to see him, you thought he was too busy on tour to come and visit. “I didn’t think you would be able to visit me?”, “ Of course I can visit you, (y/n)! You’re my little sister!” You smiled and spent the whole day with him.

 Calum: You were at breakfast when your doctor came over to you and told you that you had the ok to leave. You were very excited but also a little confused because it was so random. After you had finished eating you went back to your room to see that all of your stuff had already been packed. “Wow, they must really want me out of here.” you muttered to yourself. “They don’t, but I do.” said a voice from around the corner. “CALUM!!!” you screamed. Your older brother was there. “Cal, why are you here?!” Calum smiled and answered your question, “I’m here to pick you up! You’re doctor said it was ok for you to come on tour with us!” You squealed and hugged him.

 Michael:You were awaken from your nap by stuffed animals being thrown at you. “I don’t want to wake up!” you scream. The person didn’t stop throwing stuffed animals at you. You grabbed one of the stuffed animals and threw them towards where they were coming from. “OW! (y/n)! That hurt!” When you heard the strangers voice, you’re eyes snapped open. You knew that voice anywhere. You sat up in your bed and looked around. You were starting to think you had imagined it all when someone from behind yelled, “Boo!” You turned around and hugged your brother, Michael. Michael told you that he had permission to leave the hospital for the day. You two spent the day at an old amusement park you used to go to as kids with your family. It really helped cheer you up.


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