Art Class Crush (Part 2)

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Michael: Does Michael like me? This is so weird… As you walk to your next class, you try to think of any time you had talked to him before. He didn’t go to your middle school, so you two have only went to the same school for 3 years. He was in a couple of your other classes, but you didn’t think he’d be interested in you. You didn’t really think you were his type. As you round the doorway into math, you run smack into him, dropping your books. “Oh! Sorry. My bad.” He bends down and starts to pick up them up. “It’s okay.” He hands you the stack and smiles. “Um… Are you in this class?” You’re sure you haven’t seen him in here before, and yet, here he stands. “Yes, but not till last period. I was just getting some notes that I missed. Well, I gotta run.” He takes off, and you find your seat just as class starts. At the end of the day, you go to unload your books at your locker when a piece of folded up notebook paper falls out. Unfolding it, you try to discern the message written in sloppy handwriting. “Meet me outside at 3. -Michael”

Luke: As you walk into your drawing class on Monday morning, you immediately look for Luke and find him buried in the back as usual. He doesn’t even look up when the teacher starts class. He’s working on something with chalk, but you can’t see what it is. Class goes by extremely slow, and you find yourself doodling on your paper. “Your next assignment is a large portrait to done with acrylic paint. The dimensions will be 4ft x 5ft. Make a note that you will not be allowed to use brushes; it must be done entirely as a finger painting. And you must pick a partner to be your model. So let me know who you’ll be working with by the end of the day. Otherwise, you’re free to go!” Chatter starts up as everyone tries to find a partner, and you glance back and see that Luke is sitting by himself, still working with the chalk. After a moment’s hesitation, you decide to ask him to be your partner. Now that you’ve seen his work, you know what he’s capable of. Besides, he’s kinda cute. “Hey! So, do you want to be partners?” He looks up at you surprised, and drops his chalk. “Uh- Yeah! Sure… You can come over to my house later if you want, and we can start. Sound okay?”

Calum: ‘Needed practice’… psh. We only knew about that assignment yesterday…. wait…so why did he sketch me two days ago? You sprint out of the classroom trying to get him before he goes into the locker room, but it’s too late. “Can I talk to someone for a minute Coach?” He gives you a stern look. “Can you just get Calum for me?” He looks confused, and then you realize that they go by their last names. “Hood.” He nods his head and yells into the locker room. Seconds later, Calum jogs up without a shirt. God, he looks good. “We need to talk about the pictures.” You give him a knowing look and he nods. “Can you wait for me till after practice?” After an hour, you hear the click-clack of his cleats coming down the hall and steady yourself, suddenly realizing that you don’t know what you’re going to say. He steps in the room and you cross your arms in front of your chest. “Why did you sketch me 2 days ago, before you knew about the assignment?” He looks off to the right and sighs. “Truth?” “That would be preferable, yes.” He transfers his weight from one foot to the other and rubs the back of his neck. “I’ve had a crush on you for about 2 years now.”

Ashton: Ashton takes the portrait back from you and makes a few more strokes before closing the sketchpad. “So do you draw all of your friends?” He smiles softly and shakes his head. “Only the pretty ones.” As you both finish cleaning up, the bell rings. Everyone leaves for the next class, and you and Ashton walk to the cafeteria for lunch. “Why do they force us to eat this stuff?” You say as you push a stale chicken sandwich around your plate. “Because they make money if you do,” Ashton fills in. “Do you want part of my  turkey sandwich?” He always brings lunch, and now you’re beginning to see why. “Maybe just a bite.” He holds out his sandwich to you, and you lean over the table and take a bigger bite than you mean to. He makes a shocked face, and you chuckle and put a hand over your mouth to say “Sorry.” He just looks at you and smiles. “It’s okay. We’ll go to Sonic later, okay?” You shake your head and try not to laugh with your mouth still full. He really is great. How did you end up with a friend like him after all the rotten ones you’ve had? There’s no telling. Must’ve been fate.

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