How You Meet For The First Time

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You looked up from your magazine when you heard the familiar ding of the bell over the door that signaled a customer. A boy with brightly colored hair walked in and immediately went to examining the games. You couldn’t get a good look of him from the back, but nevertheless, you couldn’t look away. You watched him run his fingers over the games until he made it to the Nintendo DS section. He turned around without giving you a chance to look away. He caught your eye and smiled, “Could you help me for a second?” he asked. You walked around the counter and over to where he was standing. “What can I help you with?” you asked, trying to keep up your professional composure. “I’m looking for the new Pokemon game.” “X and Y, right? Good choice,” you walked over to where you knew the Pokemon games were, skimming the glass cabinets, until you spotted what you were looking for. “Hold on one sec,” you unlocked the cabinet with the keys around your neck. After sorting through the games, you looked back at the boy. “Which one did you want? X or Y? Cause we’re all out of X…” The boy furrowed his eyebrows, but a second later gave you a sly grin, “well I was kind of hoping to get X… but I suppose I’ll just have to come back another time to get it.” You laughed, “we should have a new stock next week. Maybe you could come back in then?” you said, trying not to be too obvious in your hint dropping. “Or I can order you one, and send it to your home,” you said, crossing your fingers that he’d choose the alternative. “You’ll get it next week? Great, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” The boy flashed you one more dazzling grin before walking out the door, “Oh, I’m Michael, by the way.”

You took a deep breath, trying to control yourself. (Y/B/F/N) looked over at you, more composed but just as excited, and smiled. You were about to meet 5 Seconds of Summer. When it was finally your turn, the security ushered you up to the room with the boys. You gave your camera to the guard for your photo, and immediately rushed to Ashton’s side, while (y/b/f/n) went to Calum’s. “What’s your name?” Ashton asked, smiling. You smiled back shyly, “I’m (y/n). It’s so nice to meet you.” “Great to meet you too, (y/n),” he laughed. You looked down at your feet and straightened yourself up, looking into his eyes. “Um… if it’s not too much of a hassle… would you mind following me on twitter?” “I’ve got a better idea,” he said, pulling out his phone. You were surprised when he handed it over to you, with a new contact entry open. You looked up, confused, and he nodded encouragingly. You tapped in your phone number with shaky hands, and handed it back to him after you saved your name. A second later, and the security called out for you and (y/b/f/n) to get ready for your photos. You looked back up at Ashton, who gave you a dazzling smile and wrapped his arm around your waist, looking back into the camera. A few bright flashes later and the guards came to escort you out. With one last look back at the boys, you saw Ashton give you a wink before turning around to greet the new batch of fans. A little while later, before the concert was about to start, you received a new text from an unfamiliar number. 

Really was great to meet you, (y/n). Talk later? – ashton

You were at the airport, surrounded by a bunch of unfamiliar girls, all waiting for the same thing: Luke Hemmings flight. You didn’t know how word got out that he was coming here, let alone the time and the airport, but if you knew one thing about the 5SOSfamily, you knew that they were very dedicated to the boys. You could feel the eyes on you and the exchange of whispers “Is that (y/n)?”  “I think so.” “I thought she’d be prettier.” You ignored them though; nothing could get in the way of your good mood. You were about to meet your boyfriend for the first time. 5 months. You and Luke had been dating for 5 months, and yet you’d never seen him in person, until now. “I’ll be wearing the red beanie, that way you can spot me easily” he had told you. You giggled, “I doubt I’ll have any problem finding you. You’ll be the hot one surrounded by a million girls,” you joked, not showing the insecurity that crept through your thoughts. “But you’ll be the only one I’m looking at.” The screams of the fans alerted you of his arrival before you had the chance to see him. Girls everywhere began to push past you, trying to get a closer look at their idol. Standing on your tippy toes, you silently thanked Luke for being so damn tall. You could see the top of his head in, as he promised, the red beanie you had sent to him. You pushed your way through the girls, excusing yourself on the way until you made it to the front. There he stood, a good 15 feet away from you. As soon as he spotted you, his face lit up like a candle. You couldn’t help yourself any longer. Without even thinking, you dropped everything and ran to him, jumping into his arms. You both laughed together as he held you tight. After what felt like forever, yet not long enough, he pulled away, still holding you by the waist, and smiled down at you. “You know, although I love our 3am Skype calls, I think I like this a whole lot better.”

“How many?” the bored looking roller coaster attendant asked you. “Just 1,” you replied, scanning your wristband. He let you through the gate and you ran to the very back cart, which miraculously had not been claimed already. You were just about to pull down the cushioned lever before a dark haired boy slid in the spot next to you, leaving no space between the two of you. He smiled at you, eyes shining, and beads of sweat forming on his forehead from the heat of the sun. You raised an eyebrow at him, looking over the half dozen empty carts left, but he just grinned. The boy fastened his seat belt, then looked back over at you. “I’m Calum,” he offered, still smiling his goofy grin. “(y/n),” you replied. “Well (y/n), I just have to warn you that I’m terribly afraid of rollercoasters, but it might help if I can hold on to a beautiful girl like you,” he said with obvious pride. You rolled your eyes and laughed, “you’re ridiculous,” but you took his hand in yours anyways. A second later and the rollercoaster began to lurch forward, rising up a steep slope before a frightful drop. The ride went through loops and turns and more drops, and without thinking, you gripped tightly onto Calum, feeling his biceps under his shirt. When the ride finally came to a stop, you peeled yourself embarrassingly away from the grinning boy. You stammered out an apology, looking at your feet to hide your blush. Calum just laughed and reassured you it was fine. You bit your lip and climbed out of the cart, starting towards the exit of the ride. It didn’t take long for Calum to catch up with you. He ran back up to your side, stopping you from going anywhere until you agreed to let him buy you an ice cream.

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