Q&A w/ Mel

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I actually found this 5sos question tag on Tumblr so i'm gonna answer those and maybe you'll know me better (chances are it probably won't reveal too much about me but XD)

1. Favorite thing about 5sosfam?

Um, I guess the fact that if you talk to someone online or in school about 5sos, it eventually leads to talking about music and "oh hey, I like that band, you like them too?" I always like finding people with a similar music taste, but also people who aren't completely ignorant on the topic. But there are downsides to a fandom. Any fandom, really. If I could give advice to the people who devote their lives to Twitter and getting 5sos to notice them, I would just like to say that i've tried that too, and sometimes people just need to start worrying about practical things. If you have 5/4, that's awesome, and it probably feels great. But if you have 0/4, who cares, I mean seriously, think about what 5sos have to do everyday. They have shows to play, and radio shows to go to, and events, etc. Do you really think they're thinking about the people they're following on Twitter? They probably call their parents every week, and talk to their families most of the time. Yes, they retweet and reply to fans and I think that's very nice, but I have 0/4 and I don't get butt hurt when they respond to other people and not me. I'm 15, worrying about my next essay, applying for a job in the summer, and the last thing I think about before bed is "oh god I hope my teacher doesn't make us do another practice AP test." I think it's absolutely ridiculous when girls get mad that 5sos notice some and not others. I think people need to get their priorities straight and focus on important things.

2. One thing you have in common with Luke.

I definitely share the responsible streak with him. I would like to think that he's the most responsible/4. But, that might just be in comparison with the others XD I'm pretty sure they've all lost their passports at least once, but Luke is probably the most sensible and pragmatic, and possibly makes the better decisions, so that's what I think I have in common with him.

3. @iluvu2much190: What's your favorite ship? (Btw you are so pretty)

Aw, thank you so much, you're gorgeous! I'm not sure if you mean my favorite ship in general, or my favorite 5sos ship, so i'm just gonna go with 5sos ship. To be completely honest, I don't really ship the boys with each other or read fanfictions that have plots based around 5sos homosexual relationships. But if I had to choose one, i'd pick Lashton because they're both blonde and seem like together, they could be functional members of society and be, for the most part, responsible adults and hold themselves as such. Also, I just can't really see either of them with Calum or Michael.

4. @Gotta-Get-Out: Would you rather throw a pineapple at Calum or throw a brick at Luke?

When I saw this question, I got so pumped. I would rather throw a brick at Luke because first off, I would love to gage his reaction. And second, if he screamed really loud or did something embarassing, I would have something to hold over his head and mention it everyday after that. And third, I would film it so I could use it as blackmail, haha. And just the thought of throwing a brick at Luke. I just kept repeating that in my head, and it just sounded so random and I started laughing hysterically for no reason.

5. Favorite song(s) by 5sos?

Tomorrow Never Dies, English Love Affair, Independence Day, or Greenlight.

6. Favorite 5sos cover?

Teenage Dream by Katy P.

7. How did you find out about the band?

It was the summer of 2013 (and if someone is going to make a comment about me not being a real fan because I "wasn't there since 2011" please save me the bs), and I was scrolling through this tumblr girl's homepage on Tumblr and she had a music playlist. So I clicked on the tracklist and I knew a few of the songs but I didn't know who/what 5sos was, so I looked them up and I listened to the two songs on her playlist, which were Heartbreak Girl and Out Of My Limit and I listened to just those two songs and I watched the music videos and I remember fangirling over Ashton's dimples and showing my mom the video. And then I posted a video on Instagram of me singing along to Heartbreak Girl and people were commenting how much they loved 5sos, etc. I then proceeded to call them 5 es oh es until someone in school graciously corrected me XD

8. First favorite in the band?


9. Favorite now?


10. Favorite hair color on Michael?

I really liked his galaxy hair color, and I don't mind all the hair-color changes. He changes it so often that I don't even notice his hair's a complete different color until I see a picture of him on Twitter or something, and his hair will be a different color and i'll just be like: oh okay looks great yeah.

11. What would you do with them if you had them for a day?

Go to the beach or to a rock concert.

12. @Lexi_Baker: What music do you listen to?

All the bands I like are listed in my bio :D

Thanks for reading! If you have any more questions, just comment them and i'll answer!

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