He's Having A Bad Day And You Cheer Him Up

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Michael : You were at your dance studio, crouching in front of the mirror, your hands on the ballet bar. Catching your breath, you smiled at your reflexion. You finally did it. This steps’ sequence that you couldn’t do. You get up, taking your bag and ran to your car. You drove to your house, opening the front door enthusisticaly.
" - Mikey! I’m home! I made it! I can do the full sequence now! You yelled, so happy. "
You made your way to the living room, and you saw him , sitting on the couch, his eyes fixed to the computer’s screen. You took of your shoes and sat next to him, kissing his cheek, which was kinda of wet. You looked at him to see that he was crying.
" - Oh my god Michael, what happened? You took his head in your hands, trying to catch his look. " 
He just pointed at the computer and all you saw was mean comments about him, about his hairstyle, about him being in the band. You sighed and took his head in your hands again.
" - Hey babe, look at me. Look at me, you repeated until he did. Those people are stupid. You’re an amazing person Michael, your family think that, your band mates think that, your real fans think that and I think that too. That’s all that should matter to you. The band wouldn’t work without you in here. And you deserve all the love in the world, so let your real fans give you that and let those people talk. They doesn’t deserve your attention okay?
- Okay, he murmured, trying to smile. “ 
You smiled back, kissing him slowly.
" - I’m gonna make you a hot cup of coffee and we will watch the movie you want to watch under the blankets okay? You told him, walking to your kitchen. He followed you and wrap his arms around your waist, his head in your neck.
- Why are you so amazing? He said.
- Because I’ve got the most perfect boyfriend ever, you simply replied and you felt him smile on your neck. “

Luke : " - Come on Luke, let’s go out! You shouted at him and he groaned. "
That have been three days that he spend all his days in bed and you started to worry a little. Three days ago, after a concert, some angry girls had told him that he didn’t deserve to be in the band because he wasn’t as good looking at the three others. And you knew that he had affected him in a certain way. You sighed and then an idea appeared in your head. You took your guitar and went to the room you both shared. You sat next to him and began to sing. It was Perfect by Pink. As you began to sing, you saw him sat up straight and look at you. 
Pretty, pretty please, don’t you ever, ever feel
Like your less than fuckin’ perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing, you’re fuckin’ perfect to me
He smiled at you and pressed your knee with his hand.
You’re so mean when you talk, about yourself you are wrong.
Change the voices in your head, make them like you instead 
He looked down and you saw his eyes filled by tears. However, you continued your song.
you’re fucking perfect to me" you whispered, putting your guitar down. He looked up at you, putting his hand on your check as you did the same. He smiled at you as the tears were flowing, you wiped them away with you thumb. He finally gave you an amazing loving kiss, murmuring you thank yous. 

Calum : " - I miss my family so much, Calum finally said to you. " 
You were sitting in a couch in the record studio in Los Angeles. Calum and the guys had just finished their first world tour and they had to do some records before they get back to Australia. 
" - Just two weeks and you’ll see them babe, be patient, you responded, kissing his cheek. He simply reinforced his grip around your waist. "
You sat there in silence, and you heard Ashton hitting his drums. An idea popped of your head. You get up and start to dance, like cheerleaders.
" - Give me a C! Give me a A! Give me a L! You yelled
- What the fuck are you doing, he giggled
- Give me a U! Okay that’s one is hard .. Give me a M! You finished, laughing out loud. “ 
Calum laughed with you as you were dancing in front of him. You finally sprawled on the couch next to him.
" - Oh god, it’s exhausting, you sighed and he laid on you.
- You’re a good dancer you know that? He smirked and you laughed. He kissed your jawline and put his hand on your chest. You passed your fingers through his hair as he was listening to the beat of your heart.
" - Thank you, he whispered and you smiled. "

Ashton : ” -Babe, you’re home? You asked when you heard the door slamming.
- Yeah, I’m home, you heard your boyfriend mumbled. He kissed your forehead and you saw that he was kind of upset. 
- Babe, what’s wrong? You asked as you sat on the counter.
- I was in the studio, some fans came to see us, so we were taking pictures and signing some autographs and well.. They told me horrible things about you, and that’s killing me, he dropped, his hands on your knees.
- Ash, you know that I don’t care of what they can think of me. I really don’t care. Don’t be so upset, you replied, wrapping your arms around his neck. His head was down the all time and when he raised, you could see tears in his eyes. 
- Babe, don’t cry, I assure you that they can’t say anything they wanna say, I really don’t care, you murmured, your hands on his face.
- Sometimes I’m so afraid, so afraid to come home and see that you’re gone, he whispered, looking into your eyes.
- I’m. not. going. anywhere. you retorted, kissing him after every word. I love you too much for that. I will never leave you Ash, enters it in your head. “ 
He giggled and hold you tight, rubbing your back with his hand while kissing your neck. 


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