You Meet Him For The First Time

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Ashton: You were heading home after a long day of work. You were really tired and wanted to get home as fast as possible, but you’re too tired to actually run back home, so you decided to take an agonizing walk back home. You kept your head down, as you tried to take a walk back home. “And we’re gonna go to Panda Express!” you heard a voice say. You found it cute how that guy had an accent, and you looked up to try to find that cutie. But that was a mistake - when you raised your head, you realized that you have collided with someone’s chest. You immediately pull away, looking up at the person you bumped into. Your eyes met with beautiful brown ones, and you swallowed the lump forming in your throat. “I’m really sorry, I was keeking and I didn’t see you!” He says, offering his right hand to help you up. You weren’t exactly one to talk to strangers, but this guy was really cute, so it would be a shame to pass up this opportunity right? You took the stranger’s hand and he helped you up. “I really am sorry. Can I do anything to make up for it?” He tapped on his phone and put it in his pocket, then looked up at you. You bit your lip when you thought about what he could do, and you suddenly thought of a brilliant idea. You looked straight into those beautiful hazel eyes and said, “Let’s go out for dinner tonight, just you and me.” You took out a pen and wrote your number on his palm, before winking and saying, “My name’s Y/N by the way.” “Ashton,” he replied with a dimpled smile. “I’ll see you later then.”

Michael: You sipped your Java Chip Frappucino and sighed as you looked through the pictures of your favorite band on Instagram. You were a huge fan of All Time Low and this new Australian band called 5 Seconds of Summer. You had a pretty huge crush on their guitarist too. “He’s so fucking attractive,” you muttered to yourself as you took another sip of your beverage. You didn’t notice a stranger walking up to you, and you only saw him when he was already sitting down in the seat in front of you. “Can I sit here?” You didn’t bother looking up at him because you were still too busy looking through ATL and 5SOS photos, so you just nodded rapidly. You didn’t mind the stranger, and continued to look through your Instagram. “I’m Mikayla by the way,” he says. You furrowed your eyebrows at his peculiar name and saw that Mikayla was written on the side of his cup. You laughed when you read it, and you looked up at the stranger. A feeling of being starstruck and awestruck arose as you realised you were face to face with Michael Clifford - the guitarist of 5SOS. “Nice to meet you Mikayla, my name’s Y/N,” you giggled as you showed him your cup. He smirked and put his head on his palm saying, “I see you’re looking through photos of a certain lad.” You didn’t know what he was talking about until you followed his gaze to your cellphone, which was currently displaying a picture of the same boy in front of you. You scrambled to hide your phone, as well as the blush forming on your cheeks. “I-I’m just going to leave,” you say as you picked up your frappucino, before running off, trying to hide your reddened cheeks from your ultimate crush. You began sipping on your frappucino again, but not before noticing numbers scribbled onto another side of your cup. You smiled to yourself when you saw Michael’s autograph beside the number, indicating that this was in fact, his own number. You saved his number on your cell happily, and proceeded to call him up later that night.

Calum: You were going out for a little shopping trip to Urban Outfitters with your best friend today. Your best friend had to leave you alone for a while, because her mum was calling her up. You were looking through the racks from the store, when a hooded figure came in. You didn’t really pay much attention to the guy, because you were minding your own business. As you looked through the muscle tees, you noticed the guy who came in started to look through the muscle tees as well. You awkwardly took a few steps away from him, wanting your own personal space, because you didn’t feel comfortable around the stranger, hood and all that. “Do you think I should buy this?” He asked, as he held up a Polaroid shirt in front of you. You didn’t know why this stranger was asking you for your opinion, but you replied to him, because you didn’t want to be rude. “It looks pretty good,” He took the hoodie off his head, and he continued to look through the shirts. As he looked through them, he asked you for your opinion on each one, and of course, being the polite girl you are, you give him your honest opinion. You couldn’t help but wonder why someone like him - someone like Calum Hood was shopping for clothes here. You have heard of his band, and you’ve heard he was in town for one of the One Direction concerts. You didn’t expect to see him here during your little shopping trip. Once he finished picking out some shirts, he entered one of the dressing rooms. After a minute or so, your best friend came back and apologised for leaving you all alone. “Y/N, did you pick something out yet?” she asked you, and you replied with a shake of your head. You had her help you out in finding the perfect shirts, and once you had finished choosing your shirts, she went off to find shirts for herself. In that moment, Calum came out of the dressing room and approached you with a smile. “Hey, thanks for help, Y/N. I’ll be buying all of these now,” he says as he walks to the counter to pay. “Wait, how did you know my name?” you asked, a few moments after what he said registered into your brain. He winked at you, then paid for his clothing and with a smirk said, “I heard it from your friend. I’ll see you around, Y/N.” And with that, he left you confused but amazed at the same time.

Luke: You were out shopping for stuffed animals because it was your little cousin’s birthday tomorrow, and you had to buy a gift for her. Last time you heard, your little cousin had this thing for stuffed penguins. You made your way to the stuffed animals in Toys R Us and began to search for the perfect stuffed penguin. A huge stuffed penguin in a corner caught your eye, and you immediately thought that you found the perfect gift. As you were walking towards it, someone else picked it up and began to walk towards the counter. “Hey, hold up!” You almost scream at the tall boy. He stopped and turned to look at you, with a look of confusion on his face. You stopped to admire his features - he was very attractive, and he was like a giant, towering over you at about six feet. “Um, excuse me?” He asked, as he looked down at you. You snapped out of your thoughts and folded your arms over your chest, “Excuse me, but I was going to buy that for my cousin’s birthday,” His eyebrows knitted together at your statement and he glanced back down at the stuffed penguin in his hands. Then, he looked back up at you and sighed, handing the penguin over to you shyly. “I’m sorry, it was just too cute, I wanted to keep it for myself. But if it’s for a little kid, then I’ll gladly give it to you.” You really couldn’t believe your luck - the handsome stranger practically just handed the penguin back to you, and you took it from him, of course. You mumbled a thank you under your breath, before turning to leave. “Hey, um, please wait,” You heard the stranger say, which caused you to look over your shoulder. You met his gaze, and you can see him scratching the back of his head. “M-my name’s Luke, by the way.” You found his shyness cute and you giggled at him, “Y/N, and thanks for the penguin, Luke. You’re a lifesaver.”

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