You're Bestfriends And His Girlfriend Hates You (Part 4)

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Your hiccups sounded faint in the hallway as you pulled Michael towards his room, him shutting the door before you both plopped down on his bed. It wasn’t far along when your hiccups started to slow down, Michael whispering sweet things in your ear to calm you down. As the time passed you finally felt a sleep. The sudden sound from a door cracking open made Michael turn around to see Luke standing in the doorframe, Michael giving him a nod for him to walk in. Luke walked over the stand by the side of the bed you were facing, seeing your sleeping form breathing in and out whilst your head was lying on Michael’s arm. The reddish puffs around Luke’s eyes were making it clear to Michael that he had been crying as well. “She always gets so tired when she cries. It’s horrible watching.” Luke mumbled pushing a piece of hair away from your forehead. Michael gave him an unapproved look making Luke sigh.” I know what you’re thinking. I know I’ve been a dick – not only towards you but towards her as well.” He let out a sigh as he took off his beanie before running a hand through his hair. “I.. I called Alana. Broke it off with her.” “So..?” Michael questioned, as he looked down at you as you started to stir in your sleep. Luke let out another sigh as he saw how protective Michael actually was towards you. “Listen I don’t wanna fight. I know she’s always had a thing for you. I think that was the reason why I found Alana. But the fact that Alana hated Y/N more than anything possible wasn’t a part of my plan. I only stayed with her because I thought that the feelings would properly disappear. And now I just feel like the shittiest friend ever.” Michael nodded his head at Luke after he composed himself, and Luke looked at the two of you before he let out a shaky breath. “Michael I do really really love her. But I know that she deserves so much more. That’s why I’m letting you have her.” Michael looked at Luke in disbelief as he stood up from the bed, but as Luke gave Michael a small smile a victorious smile came across Mikey’s face. “And Michael?” Luke asked as he opened the door. “Yeah.” “Take care of her. You’re holding my whole world right now.” “I promise I will.” Michael smiled looking down at your cuddling form as you nuzzled your nose into his chest. “Good.” Luke said quietly taking once last glance at you guys before shutting the door quietly.


Calum ripped the door opened and was about to walk outside as his eyes landed on a figure standing in front of him, making him stop in track, Luke almost walking into him. “Dude what the fuck.” He exclaimed and looked to the side to see Jessica standing in the doorway. Before Jessica could say anything Luke let out a frustrated sigh. “I’m so not gonna deal with this.” Luke groaned passing by Jessica, and opened his car before placing himself on the driver seat. “Hi baby I couldn’t find you, so I thought you may had been at Luke’s and there you are.” She exclaimed making Calum cock an eyebrow at her. “Jessica I’m not in the mood I have to go find Y/N.” She scoffed at his words, running a hand through her hair. “Haven’t I told you that-““No Jessica.” “But Cal I-“ “No just shut up. I’ve been dealing with your shit for too long now. You tore my bestfriend and I apart! And I didn’t even realize it before it hit me hard in the chest! So if you’ll have me excused I have to go find my best friend before share tear herself apart.” The look on Jessica’s face was priceless making Luke laugh inside the car as Calum opened the door hastily, bucking his seatbelt in as he slumped down on the car seat. As Luke backed his car out from the parking spot the silence felt over the both of them. “I’m sorry.” They both said in unison looking at each other, making the tension better already. I’ve been a dick.” Calum sighed burying himself into the seat. “You have. We both have – mostly to each other.” | The waves took up its speed, the wind taking over and the faint smell of seaweed filled your nostrils. You sat quietly in the sand, your fingers sliding over the conch you were holding in your hand. The tears from your almost was almost dried, but at some points more appeared. “Y/N?” A distant voice said, making you turn around to see Calum and Luke run towards you. “Are you okay?” Luke asked worried kneeling in front of you but you didn’t answer just kept staring at the sand. The bluish color on your lips made Luke nervous waving Calum over. “She’s too cold. We gotta heat her up.” He concluded and he pulled you in by the chest and Calum placed himself behind you, them both now engulfing you in their arms. Calum and Luke got eye contact with each other and Luke nodded down at you making Calum sigh before nodding as well. “Y/N I’m really really sorry. Sorry for being a shitty friend. Sorry for actually believing that Jessica was something good when all you told me was the opposite. I wish I could just go back and change everything she’s said and done to you. You’re such a wonderful person and the last thing I’ve wanted to happen was our relationship being ruined. I really hope that you’ll forgive and accept my apology. I’m sorry.” He mumbled the last part and let out a shaky sigh. “I’ll only accept your apology if you’ll accept something else.” You mumbled. “I’ll accept anything.” Looking up at him, you looked back at Luke before looking at him again. Sneaking your hands around Luke’s neck you pulled him carefully down before letting your lips meet his plumb ones. “I did not expect that.” Calum announced making you pull back giggling slightly. “Approved?” You questioned making Luke look up from you, looking at Calum as well. Calum let his fingers move into a thumbs up and a smile of joy appeared on your face. “Approved.”


“Ash can I take this alone with him?” You asked and he gave you an unsure look. “You sur’” “I’m sure.” You reassured making Ashton nod slightly. Pulling Michael outside the club you both looked at each other before speaking up. “Y/N Listen you can’t just kis-“ “No you fucking listen to me Michael Clifford. I’m so done with everything, you Mikaela. EVERYTHING.” “What the hell has Mikaela done?” He defended making you fist your hands. ”Michael remember the Skype call we had? You thought that when she shut the laptop our conversation would be disconnected. But guess what? It didn’t. I heard every single word of what she said about me. And I can conclude that she was the one preventing you from picking me up at the airport. Michael what is actually going on in your head?” The last part was almost a yell taking Michael totally aback. “Y/N I don’t know what to-““Of course you don’t.” You laughed sarcastically as a small tear appeared from the corner of your eye. “Y/N just listen to me! I’m sorry I’ve been such a dick. Can we like – please just start over or something. I’ll do anything, break up with Mikaela, heck yeah I will and I’ll- I’ll.” Michael almost begged making an almost sympatric look come across your face, his own eyes getting watery. “Y/N deep inside I hope that you know that you’ll always come in first line. I just don’t what came upon me when it came to Mikaela. I’m so sorry.” He apologized again, only earning a nod from you. The silence felt on both of you as you didn’t knew what to say. “Y/N?” “What?” You mumbled running a hand through your hair. “ I don’t think you should use more time on me. Go find Ash. Tell him how you really feel. You may not have told me about your feelings towards him, but that’s where my part as a best friend comes in. I can see it in your eyes. Go get him tiger.” He winked making you look at him in disbelief before breaking into a smile. “I know you’ve been an ass, but I still love you.” You pulled him into a tight hug before running down to the parking lot of the bar. As Ashton heard footsteps coming closer to him he looked up from his phone to see you walking closer to him. “What did he said, what did you said?” He asked nervously putting his phone back in his pocket. Breaking out a smile you placed your hands on both his cheeks giving him a light peck on the lips. Ashton was unsure to kiss back, but eventually he pulled you in by the hips, nibbling on your button lip. “I didn’t hope he said that.” Ashton joked making you shake your head at him before pulling him down for another kiss.   


The silence felt over the both of you as you stared down the path where Calum headed as Ashton kept on looking at you. Y/N I’m-“ He tried to pull you into his arms but you rejected him by dogging away.  “Ashton I’ve been treated like shit from your girlfriend the past 4 months. And it is not okay! I’m tired. And I’m unhappy. You’ve had me wrapped around your little finger because I really wanted to continue with our relationship. Having it like in the old days where you used to braid my hair whilst we watched comedy movies. Since Emily came into view you haven’t payer any attention to me. Calum’s right. I don’t deserve any of this. I’m sorry.” You mumbled turning your body around before giving him one last glare. He only gave you a slight nod before turning his gaze away from you making you turn your gaze towards Calum’s disappeared shadow. You ran down the same path as Calum you turned on the same corner as a deserted place came into your view, the view from the whole city showing down from the fence, trees and bushes around a big stone where a dark figure was sitting looking down at the ground. “Calum?” You questioned unsure if it was actually him or some stranger. “Leave me alone.” He mumbled whilst digging a branch stick into the dirt beneath him making you shake your head at his respond. “I-I confronted Ashton.” You stammered making him turn around to face you before letting out a sigh. The wind from the cold night hit your skin as a wind came across your bare arms making your hair raise. “You serious?” He asked in disbelief turning himself 180 degrees on the rock he was sitting at, making you nod your head. “Thank you.” You confessed making a confused look appear upon his face. “For what?” He mumbled digging the stick into the ground again. ”You’ve been there the whole time! Every single moment Ashton wasn’t there for me, you were instead. And it’s probably the sweetest thing ever but I need to know something. Do you like me Cal?!” You questioned, and he slightly gulped as he saw your sudden frustrated state crossing your arms at him. When he didn’t answer you let out a groan. “Calum I need a fucking answer.” You almost yelled frustrated making him stand up from the rock, marching towards you and grabbing you by the waist pulling you in before placing his plump lips on yours. The kiss wasn’t rough, but enough passionate to knock the breath out of you. “Enough answer?” He mumbled against your lips, leaving small pecks around your cheeks and jaw whilst asking it. “Yeah.” You breathed pulling him down by grabbing his neck hair, connecting your lips once again as Calum took his black jacket off, placing over your cold bare shoulders making smile against his lips.  


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