Highschool AU (Part Three)

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Ashton: ”I can’t believe we’re graduating in a few weeks,” you heard Ashton say and your lips curled into a smile. You just finished your finals, and all that’s left were graduation exercises. You had so much fun tutoring Ashton for a few months, and now you couldn’t believe how fast time just few by. It seemed only yesterday your teacher asked you to tutor Ashton for the weekend, and you ended up tutoring him every single weekend. Most of the time, you two would do anything but study, because you two would either be talking or fooling around, he was just too fun to be with and he’s just so lame in every single way. He became your best friend, and your feelings for him eventually developed into something a whole lot more. It was only just an innocent crush at first, but then you fell deeper and deeper as time went by, and as you began to know him more and more, your feelings for him slowly bloomed into love. Of course, he didn’t know that you fell in love with him and you wanted to keep it that way, because this is the first time you became best friends with a boy, and you wanted Ashton by your side until the end. You just didn’t want to lose him and your friendship with him over your silly feelings. “Me neither, time just passes us by so quickly, huh?” you sighed, as you leaned into his chest. You felt his arm wrap around you, pulling you closer into his body and you rested your head on his chest, and to your surprise, you could actually feel his heart hammering against his chest. You decided to ignore it, choosing to believe that it was just from the running you guys did before arriving here ten minutes ago. But that was ten minutes ago though, why is his heart still racing like this? “Yeah, and if you remember, tomorrow is gonna be the anniversary of the day we met!” He was talking about the day your teacher introduced him to you as the boy you were supposed to tutor - both of you didn’t know of each other’s existence before that day, and you forgot you had to thank your teacher for pairing you two up like that. If it weren’t for him, you never would have met Ashton and you never would have fallen for him, nor would you have had your very first guy friend ever. You made a mental note to thank him tomorrow when you bump into him, and you chuckled, “That’s right, I remembered you struggling to figure out how to find the x in this certain equation,” He made a face at you and you laughed harder, “But now you understand all of these things, and I couldn’t be prouder of you Ash.” Ashton called you up a few days ago telling you that he passed his finals with a significantly higher grade than the last midterms. And the reason why he managed to get his grades up is because of you, and you just couldn’t help but feel proud of him. You felt like your hard work paid off when he wrapped his arms around you and told you that he passed all his exams - you felt like a proud momma that moment. You also secretly wished that he couldn’t hear the loud pounding of you heart in your chest in that moment. “It’s all thanks to you, Y/N,” he says as he looks into your eyes once more. “Since we’re graduating soon, I hope you don’t forget about me, alright?” You tell him, poking his side as he giggled. He slung an arm around you and grinned, “Of course I won’t forget you, Y/N. You’re like the coolest person I’ve gotten to know and you helped me pass my finals, you’re like my savior!” He laughed, pinching your cheek. “And you-” He withdrew his fingers from your cheek and his hand flew to his mouth, cutting himself off. You turned to look at him and you noticed his cheeks flushing, and you giggled asking, “Are you blushing? Aww, did I make you blush?” You poked his dimple but he didn’t respond. You continued to poke it again and again until he grabbed your wrist, boring his eyes into yours. “What would you do if I said yes?” Your eyes widened at his sudden question and you found your cheeks heating up as well. “W-well, honestly speaking, if you do,” you peered up at him and smiled. “I would be really happy because I sorta kinda like you a lot,” Once those words leave your lips, his suddenly found yours and you were taken slightly aback by his sudden actions. You also found yourself kissing him back a second later, and you pulled away for a moment. “H-hey, you-” “I sorta kinda like you a lot too,” he whispers before attaching his lips on yours once more.

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