They Fight Over You

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Ashton: ”I heard you were dating her,” Michael says as he cocked his head in your direction. You looked up at the two Australian teenage boys, and you see a flicker of rage in Michael’s eyes as he glared at Ashton. You sensed that there will be some arguing and screaming involved, and so you hurriedly rushed over to the two boys. “Yeah, so? I don’t think there’s a problem with dating her,” Ashton replies, unaware of the bad air Michael was giving off at the moment. “But there is a fucking problem Ashton,” Michael says, his voice an octave higher than his usual speaking voice, causing Ashton’s eyes to widen for a second. “Michael please,” You pleaded, your voice asking him to calm down because you knew what was coming. Michael had always been the overprotective one, replacing your irresponsible older brother’s role. Your brother never really cared, he didn’t even give two fucks and Michael took it upon himself to act as the older brother figure. It was really nice of him, and you loved him a lot, but sometimes it’s just too suffocating. “Don’t try to stop me, Y/N, I just want to protect you.” Michael says, and gently pushes you to the side. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose when Michael began to yell at Ashton. “I can’t let you date her,” Michael began, and Ashton glared at him. “And why the fuck not?” Michael gave a low growl, his fist clenching now. “Because I don’t want her to get hurt! I know you’re my best mate, but I know you can’t promise me that you won’t hurt her. I never want to see her hurt,” He says, but Ashton slams his fist against the wall. “Bullshit Michael! I can’t promise I won’t hurt her because I know I obviously will someday, some way,” He says, and when he turns to look at you, his gaze softened and he looked at you lovingly. “But I promise to be there to pick up all the pieces if she gets broken, and put her back together again,” His voice was now soft and gentle, and you run to his arms, burying my head in his chest. You looked at Michael and he furrowed his eyebrows, and you finally spoke up, still trapped in Ashton’s embrace. “Michael please, he makes me really happy. Please let me be with him? I just want to be with him and only him, I don’t care if he hurts me, what matters is that he’ll be there when I fall apart, and I-” “Okay,” Michael says, his lips curling into a small smile. “Fine. But if you break her heart, I swear to god, Irwin,” Michael pats your head, and nods at Ashton before leaving you alone in the room.

Michael: You were feeling a bit tired after a long day, and you wanted nothing to do except rest right now. You entered your flat and was surprised to see two of your closest friends sitting on the couch in your living room. “Michael, Luke, what are you two doing here? How’d you get in?” Michael and Luke have been your friends since high school. They’re in a band, and they’ve recently returned to Sydney for the holidays so you get to see them again for the next few days. “Your mum let us in,” Luke smiled sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. Michael nodded and added, “We were feeling bored, Ashton and Calum went out for a walk and I finished all my video games so Luke and I thought about visiting you today,” He held up a few DVDs which included Mean Girls, Happy Feet and The Lucky One, and your eyes twinkled. “So we decided on a movie marathon, are you up for it?” You nodded vigorously, plopping yourself on the couch, in between Luke and Michael. You noticed them glance at you and you feel a bit self conscious - although you were friends with both of them, they were both very attractive teenage boys. Who wouldn’t get self conscious around attractive teenage boys? You shifted and Michael inserted The Lucky One and you cheered, because you loved Nicholas Sparks. Half way through the movie, you were getting a bit tired and pouted, glancing at the two guys. “Umm, can I please cuddle?” “Sure!” They say in unison, and suddenly there was an awkward atmosphere in the room as they glared at each other. “No, she asked me to cuddle,” Michael says, but Luke narrowed his eyes at him. “Clearly she asked me!” Luke pulled you to his side, resting your head on his shoulder but Michael pulled you to his chest, trapping you in his arms. “Uhm,” You began, but they continued to yell at each other. “No, she wants to cuddle with me!” Luke yells, and Michael shot him the finger. “Guys stop!” You shouted, making them stop and you pushed yourself off Michael. “Why are you two fighting? I just wanted a cuddle, that isn’t that much of a big deal!” “It is for us,” Luke sighs, running a hand through his blonde hair. Your eyebrows met it confusion and you bit your lip, looking back and forth between the two boys. “What do you mean?” You noticed Luke sending Michael a look and you heard Michael huff in annoyance, “Fine. We both really like you,” He began and Luke finished for him, “I’m pretty sure you’ll choose Michael though,” he laugh bitterly. “I see the way you look at him, but I didn’t want to give up on you. Sorry,” Luke stood up and smiles. “I’ll get over it, I’ll be going now I guess,” Luke pats your shoulder and shoots you a warm smile, before turning to leave, leaving you alone with Michael, who pulls you in his arms.

Calum: ”Stay away from her,” You heard someone say, waking you up from your nap. You yawned, and sat up, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. You have been so tired these past few days, so you decided to take a nap this afternoon. You pouted when you were rudely awakened from your nap, but you listened into the conversation once you realized that Calum sounded a bit upset. “Why should I? You’re not the boss of her,” You heard Ashton reply, and you covered your mouth with your hand. Calum was the only one who knew about your crush on Ashton, and he’s your best friend, so you didn’t like where this conversation was going. “I’m not, but I’m just warning you - stay away from her.” Calum’s voice was stern, and he really sounded serious about that. You didn’t want them to think you were eavesdropping, so you just decided to show up, in order to make them stop yelling at each other. “Why do you care so much?” Ashton asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. You were about to show yourself, when you heard Calum reply, “I-It’s because I’ve been in love with her for so long,” You stopped in your tracks, your breath getting stuck in your throat. You were literally frozen, your eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of their sockets, and your mouth was agape - you have been friends with Calum for years, and you have only found out about his feelings for you today. You always knew you felt something for Calum, but you tried to deny these feelings because you didn’t want to destroy your friendship and you knew he only saw you as a friend. You could hear your heart beating faster and you nodded, finally breaking down the walls to your heart, opening your heart to your feelings for Calum completely. You showed yourself to them and wrapped your arms around Calum, who tensed up when he felt you hug him. “I love you too Calum, I’m sorry if it took me so long to admit it to myself,” He began to relax under your touch and you let go of him, and took his hand in yours instead. “A-are you serious?” Calum asked, a huge smile on his face and you nodded, pecking his lips lightly before turning to Ashton. “Ash, I-” He put a hand up, smiling, “I always knew you two were meant to be together, take care of her Cal,” He pats Calum’s shoulder and shoots him a wink, before leaving the two of us alone, smiling at each other like idiots.

Luke: You were trying to make some food for the three of you because your two best friends - Luke and Calum, were over today and they were playing FIFA in your living room. You know how grumpy they get whenever they don’t eat, so you decided to bake some waffles for them. You smiled when you heard them cursing at each other, because you knew that the game was getting good. A little while later, they began to quiet down, indicating that someone had already lost. You continued to hum, and finished making waffles a few minutes after they quieted down. You headed out and your eyes widened when you saw them holding each other by the collar, as if they were about to punch each other, so you set the plate down and push them off each other. “Hey, hey! What’s going on here?” You yelled, as you placed your hand on their chests, separating them from each other. “What’s wrong with you two, you don’t usually fight like this! What happened, was this all because of that game?” Calum growled and replied, “It isn’t about that, Y/N!” “Then tell me!” You shouted back, and you saw Luke clench his fist. “It’s you! It’s because of you!” Luke says, angry tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. Confusion showed on your face, and you asked, “What? Why me?” You removed your hands from their chests when you confirmed that they won’t be hitting each other anymore, and looked at Luke, expecting an answer. “You both made us fall in love with you, dammit, Y/N,” He says, running a hand through his beautiful blonde hair. You forgot how to breathe for a second, the things he just said haven’t registered in your brain yet. “Wh-why? I just… what?” You couldn’t find the words to say because it all came as a shock to you. Calum and Luke have been your best friends for so long, and to find out that they both have feelings for you and actually fought for you makes you feel all weird. What’s worse is that you know that you’re gonna end up hurting Calum, because you’ve been secretly crushing on Luke for a while now. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner,” You placed a hand on each other their shoulders and sighed. “B-but Calum, I’ve liked Luke for some time now,” you began and Calum smiled sadly, putting his finger on your lips. “It’s okay, I don’t need an explanation or an apology.” He lightly pushes you towards Luke, nodding. “Go on, I’m going to grab a waffle,” he says, smiling as if nothing happened and disappears in the kitchen. “So, you like me?” Luke asked, and you wiped the tears in his eyes. “Obviously,” you say as you press a kiss onto his cheek.


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