You're His Celebrity Crush And He Meets You

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Calum : " - Why are you laughing? Your friend asked you as you were giggling on stage.
- Another tweet about Calum, from Ashton now, you respond trying to contain yourself, but you failed when she began to laugh loudly.
- Seems that somebody’s got a huge crush on you! She concluded, giving you a wink, before she went back behing her drums. “
You were having your first concert here in Sydney and you were doing the balances, preparing yourselves for tonight.
The whole story about Calum began a month ago, when you followed all 5SOS’ members on Twitter, and that Michael tweeted you that Calum was fangirling and screaming a lot. You had retweeted him and Luke too, when he tweeted you that, thanks to Calum, they would all come to your concert in Sydney. This one was Ashton who tweeted you that Calum was excited to see you tonight. You giggled and tweet back that you were as excited as him, and then you went back to reality, fixing your microphone.
" - Thank you for coming guys, it’s a pleasure to be here in Sydney. so, we don’t have songs left so I wanna play a special song for you tonight. I dedicated this one to my number one fan, so give it up for mister Calum Hodd everybody! You screamed, half laughing as the crowd was screaming, searching for Calum in the arena. 
- This is “Out of my limit ” you said simply, looking directy to Calum who waved shyly at you. You smiled at him and began to sing. “
After the show, you were backstage with your friends, talking about the show when you saw the 5SOS guys coming. You waved at them, seeing that Calum was hidding behind Luke. You laugh as you hugged every others members, and you jumped on Calum’s side.
" - Hello Calum, you smirked with a grin.
- Herm… Hi, he says, looking his feet, great show.
- Thanks, I hope you enjoyed it, you simply respond.
- Yeah, and erm… thanks for the song, he replied, looking finally into your eyes, scratching the back of his head. 
- No problem, you murmured and now you were the one who was looking her feet.
- So … I know that it can seems weird but… would you mind going out with me? Not a date thing but yeah maybe-
- No, you interrupted him, it doesn’t sound weird, it would be great. “
He smiles at you and you took his phone, memorizing your number in it and smiled back. It could be the beginning of a great story.

Michael : " So y/n , who is your celebrity crush ? " Alan Carr asked you on his show. You were here with your band members. You were in England for a month, recording your future single, for the new album. 
" - Her crush is definitely Michael Clifford, from that band, 5 Seconds of Summer, your bassist answered, smiling at you. " 
You were trying not to blush as the audience was screaming how cute it was.
" - So, is that true y/n ?, Alan Carr demands you.
- Yep, he is my celeb’s crush, you giggled as the crowd began to scream loudly. “
There were a few others questions and you left the studio an hour later. As the show was live, you knew that the internet will be on fire tonight. You drive to your hotel, signed a few autographs, took some pictures with the fans and went to you room. You were taking off your high heels when your phone’s vibrations, it was your band’s bassist :
" Go on Twitter and check your mentions, you’ll thanks me later
Ps : I only accept massages. “
You laughed and open your laptop, checking your Twitter’s mentions. And you saw it : 
- @Michael5SOS : I am honored to be @y/t/n ‘s celebrity crush . PS : You’re mine too! 
You fixed your screen, trying not to scream, and DM him that he was sweet, and minutes later he DM you back that he will be in England the next week, and you were definitaly fangirling when he asked you for a “coffee-kind-of-date”

Ashton : You and your band members were in your producer’s room. He had texted you that he had big new for you. He came into his office a few minutes later, with plane tickets in his hands.
" - You offered us a trip ? You asked, smiling at him.
- Very funny y/n but yeah, you’re gonna travel a lot, because you’re going to be… 5 Seconds Of Summer first part! He said enthousiasticly. “
Your band members immediatly looked at you, knowing that it was your favorite band.
A few days later, you were lying on the hotel’s couch in the hallway.
" - There’s a fan who had just tried to take my shirt off guys, I mean, wow! You laughed with the others.
- Well, that could have been interesting, you heard a voice behind you.”
You turned around to face Ashton Irwin. You smiled at him and he began to blush.
" - Hey Ash, you finally gonna meet y/n, I heard she- oh okay, Michael yelled but stopped when he saw you.
- Sorry for that, Ashton mumbled.
- Don’t be, you smiled.
- Well, y/n, I’m happy that he finally gets to meet you, you know you’re his celebrity crush and, okay, I better go now!! ” Michael yelled again and ran away from you 
" - Well I think I’m gonna kill him right now, can I see you later? He asked you, looking his shoes.
- Yeah, sure. I’m not moving, this couch is actually really comfy, you replied. “ 
He smiled at you, walking away from you but still looking at you but he nearly fell off before he was out of your vision. You and your band members laught about it as they were teasing you about it.

Luke : You sighed as you took another glass of champagne. You attended another music award, but you were pretty sure that you’re not gonna win. Cherry on top ; you lost a bet you’ve made with your band members and you have to wear a long pink dress. Actually that was a really beautiful dress, you had to admit it, but you were in a rock band for god’s sake, you weren’t an actress. You turned your face to the right when you felt someone glancing at you. You were sitting next to that Australian boyband that your friend loves very much and you promised yourself to ask them an autograph for her later. 
You were right, you haven’t win the thing, but well, there were champagne and that good looking guy next to you. Every time you looked at him, he pretended to look away, but when you weren’t, you could just feel him looking. 
During someone’s speech, you saw your drummer taking his chair and sat next to 5SOS ‘s drummer, and a little bit after, all your band members had abandonned you. You turned your chair to the other guy who was all by himself too.
" - Nice dress, he told you.
- Yeah, I lost a bet, you respond, smiling at him.
- Well, you should lost bets more ofter, he chuckled. “
You turn your face, blushing.
" - I’m Luke by the way, he said, making you look at his amazing blue eyes.
- Nice to meet you Luke , I’m - you began.
- You’re y/n. I have to admit that I’m a huge fan of you… And your band too, I mean, he retorted, quite confused.
- No problem, you calmed him, placing your hand on his shoulder. “
He began to blush furiously and you stepped back, looking at him. Your thoughts was that he was really, really handsome.
" - Is that weird if I ask you your number? He asked, biting his bottom lip. 
Okay, he was really hot.
- It would have been weird if you had not, you simply reply. “
That night wasn’t that boring after all..

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