Post Break-Up Run-Ins

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The wind blew through your hair as you rushed down the sidewalk to get to your house. You pulled your coat closer to you and shivered. From behind you, there were a few catcalls, making you turn around in disgust. A group of boys were whistling at you and say completely crude things. "What the heck?" A deep voice shouted from behind you. "What the heck are you doing to my girlfriend? I'll kick your asses right over the border and mess you up so badly you won't even resemble a human being anymore," Michael Clifford, you ex-boyfriend, growled, marching towards the boys, who were a little shorter and scrawnier than his 6'0" frame. One boy stepped up to defend himself, but was met immediately with Michael's fist. You knew Michael wasn't really that violent at all. In fact, he was a giant teddy bear who liked cuddling and pizza. "Michael," You gasped, grabbing his arm. "They're not worth it, please," You said. Michael shot a glare over your shoulder, but followed you away. "Sorry," he muttered. "I just saw them looking at you like that and I lost it. No one should ever look at a girl like that. Especially a girl like you," He admitted quietly. You blushed, but remembered you were broken up. "Anyways, I-I came looking for you because I was in town, and I was just wondering if you'd like to go out to lunch with me? As friends," he added quickly. You scrunched up your face as you contemplated what this would mean. "I guess I c-could go out just once," you shrugged, shivering a little. Michael grinned widely. "Really?" He asked excitedly. He knew that the two of you would never really be able to be "just friends".


You flipped through the pages of multiple books, trying to research as much as you could for your history paper, due that same week. You groaned and placed your head in your hands, rubbing your temples. "Are you okay?" An accented voice asked you. You nodded and swallowed without looking up. "Yeah, thanks, I-" You stopped short when your eyes met Calum's dark brown ones. "Oh." You said plainly, averting your eyes. "Oh," he replied, clearing his throat and sitting down. You internally groaned and shut the book you were reading to start a new one. "What are you working on?" Calum asked you, trying to look over the table. You pulled the book back a little and sunk further down into your chair. "Nothing," You muttered. "Come on, (y/n). We can at least talk." Calum sighed, trying desperately to get you to look at him. "No, we can't," you told him. "The boys and I? We can talk. My best friends and I can talk. What we're doing here is trying to make a break-up less awkward than it already is. And trust me in saying there's no way that's ever going to happen." "The break-up was mutual! It's not like I broke your heat, or you broke mine." He told you, making you wince a little. You slammed your book shut and clutched them all to your chest. "You may think that, Calum, but you broke every single piece of my heart the moment you said we weren't working out. What was I supposed to say? I knew we would break up either way. It was so much easier to go down without a fight than argue for unreturned love, Cal." You snapped, marching out of the library.


"Thanks," you grinned at the barista before taking your hot chocolate and sitting down at the window seat. You stirred the hot drink with a stirring straw absentmindedly, watching the little wisps of steam disappear into nothingness. Kind of like you did with Ashton. The two of you never really had an official break-up, but as time passed, you stopped communicating, starting paying less attention to one another. Eventually, both of your statuses were changed to single, and when you saw each other, it became more awkward. You hadn't seen him in weeks, and you'd assumed you would never see him again. You stared down at the whipped cream, slowly dissolving. A shadow blocked your sunlight, making you jump and look over. "Ashton?" You asked, sounded surprised. His eyes filled with affection, and you could almost feel yours do the same. He entered the door, and the little bell rang, and he walked up to the counter to order. When he had his drink, he walked over to you, smiling ever so tentatively. "(Y/n), hi," he said, sitting down next to you. You smiled in response. After that, the conversation just started to flow. You talked and talked until the employee turned the sign from "open" to "closed", and asked you politely to leave. "Wow," Ashton breathed, his voice making fog in the cold air. "We should really do this again some time," You nodded in agreement. "I'm really sorry things happened the way they did, (y/n), but you should know that never once did I stop loving you."


"Oh my God!" You yelled, exasperated. You looked down at your shopping bags, now sprawled across the driveway, contemplating whether they were important enough to pick up. You gave up, deciding you'd get them later, when your blood pressure wasn't so high. Your head was pounding and your stomach was turning and all you wanted to do was sit down on the couch and watch Netflix. You were just pulling a blanket around your legs when you heard the doorbell ring. Thinking it was probably your parents or one of your siblings, you walked over and opened it, ready to apologize for your mess. To your surprise, it was Luke, carrying every one of your shopping bags. He flushed slightly, as did you, but you invited him in, nonetheless. "Sorry, I just passed by and I saw your bags..." he muttered, setting them down. "You really didn't have to do that," you told him. "Yeah, but it gave me an excuse to see you again." He admitted, grinning ever so slightly. You couldn't help but crack a smile, too. "I miss you, (y/n)." He sighed, looking down at his dirty, worn down Vans with black laces. "I miss you too, Luke," You told him. He gave you a confused look. "I don't know why I broke up with you. I just came to apologize. To say I'm sorry for being such an idiot. I still love you. Like, a lot, and all I want is to hear you laugh again, to watch you watch me perform. I don't want to live without you." You felt yourself tear up, and you pushed him out the door. "I'm sorry, Luke. I can't. Not right now."


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