You're From America

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Ashton : You sighed as you turn off your alarm clock. You rolled and sat on your bed.
Don’t cry, come on, do not cry.
You put on the outfit you choose the day before, preparing yourself to go. Put on some shoes, grab your keys and get into your car. You drove to the aeroport and park on a parking space. You turned the engine off and put your hands on the wheel, trying to breathe more calmly. You took your purse and head to the building. There were a lot of fans, everywhere and the Security Officers let you pass when they recognize you. You made your way to your boyfriend, Ashton. He turned to you and smiled. You tried to smile back but it wasn’t that easy. He gave you a hug and kiss your temple. 
That was the moment. 5 Seconds of Summer just had finished their tour in North America and they were going back to Australia. You were still at school so you cannot go with him. And you both didn’t know when you’ll see him again. They were registering their suitcases and Ashton came back to see you, holding you closer to him. You sighed and encouraging yourself.
Come on y/n, you can do it.
" - Ash, I need to say you somethin, you mumbled.
- Yeah love? Tell me, he encouraged you with a smile. “
You inhaled. God, this is going to be hard.
" - Ash, we can’t do this. We can’t have a long-distance relationship. Every damn day I’ll became more and more crazy, knowing that you’ll see a lot of fans and girls prettier than me and thiner and, please don’t interrupt me, the fact is that I can deal with it anymore. Don’t think that I don’t love you anymore because I think that I will love you all my life but I can’t do it Ash, I’m so sorry, you finished, the tears running down your face. "
Ashton was motionless, his mouth was open, like he was about to say something but he didn’t know what. You kissed his cheek quickly and mumbled another sorry and run away from him. You ran to your car and turned on your car, driving quickly away. Big tears were blinding you and you had to stop on the low side of the road, your body shaking with sobs.

Michael : You were leaving from your last class and the first thing you did was to call your boyfriend Michael. It was 17p.m in here but it was only 7a.m in Australia but after three rings you heard his husky voice.
" - What the hell y/n , it’s morning… he mumbled.
- Come on Mickey you told me to call you if I had great news, and I have! You shouted.
- So, tell me, he questioned you.
- Remember this huge test that I have a week before? Well my parents told me that if I succeded it, they’ll pay me a plane ticket to Australia and guess whaaaat?
- You succeded? He said, giggling.
- I did! That means that I’m coming to you for the holidays.
- Oh my god y/n I can’t wait to see you,he muttered before yawning.
- Me too Mickey, so I need to go home now, I talk to you later, go back to sleep now, loafer. 
- I’ll punish you for saying that y/n , you know that?
- I can’t wait, you giggled and hung up. “

Luke : ” So… You’re from America? Luke’s brother asked you.
- Yeah, I’m from Boston, you replied, smiling at him. “
That was the first time you were invited to one of your boyfriend’s family dinner. You and Luke were together for a year now but with him touring and you working in a huge marketing firm here in Sydney, it wasn’t easy for you to be together but finally, you can be together more often, and be a real couple. You were from America but you moved in Australia three years ago, after graduation. 
" - Do you miss your family? His other brother questioned you.
- Yeah sometimes but I called them as often as I can, and my parents are coming in Australia when they can, you concluded. 
- Now, more personal, how can you stand him? He added, giggling. “
You laughed too when Luke hitted him in the arm. 
" - Heey, I’m just asking! He argued, pushing Luke away. "
Luke mumbled and you took his hand in yours.
" - He is amazing and I love him the way he is, even if he’s really awkward sometimes, you answered, making his brothers and even his mother laugh. "
The rest of the dinner was pretty calm, his brothers making you laugh a lot, talking about Luke’s childhood stories and stuff, making Luke blush a lot. At the end of the dinner, Liz and the others hugged you goodbye and you walked to the car. You were sitting on the passenger side, and Luke on the driver’s side. 
" - So you seriously write a love song about how much you loved penguins? You claimed, burst out laughing. "
He smiled, his hand on your thigh, and at a red traffic light, he murmured into your ear that you’ll pay for that.

Calum : ” - So Calum, what made you decide to come and live here in America? The presenter of a random live show asked.
- Well my girlfriend is living here and we wanted to settle together, so .. yeah, we did, he answered, a huge grin on his face. 
- That’s a really great new, so, are you planning to marry, have children? He continued 
- Wow, you go fast, we just settle a week ago, he retorted quickly as the audience laught. “ 
You smiled at your TV. You were sitting on the couch of your new house, wich was, with the TV and the Playstation, the only thing you had unpacked since you moved in. A few minutes later, the interview was over, and you knew Calum will be home a little bit later. You zapped on different channels and let the musical channel. 
You felt his mouth pressed to you temple and you open your arms as he lay down on you. You looked at the wall clock, realizing that you fell asleep for two hours. He looked into your eyes, his hands encircling your face, and kissed your nose before pressed his forehead on yours.
"  - Welcome home, you murmured, kissing him again. "


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