You're BFFs And You Like Him But He Doesn't Feel The Same Way

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Calum : ” - So, tell me everything! Did he ask you out? Your best friend Calum asked you. “
You laughed and sat back next to him, handing him his glass. He took it and drank, as you where trying, as hard as you can, not to look at him.
" - Well yeah, he did, but I said no, you shrugged.
- But why? The story sounded nice for once! He looked at you, in shock.
- I don’t know … Maybe because I like someone else, You responded, holding your breath.
- Oh really? You should have told me before I arranged you a date with my friend, silly! he hitted your shoulder with his. Now, tell me who he is.
- Erm.. “
You just cannot look into his eyes. Calum was your best friends since the diapers and you always felt something for him. And now, at 16 years old, you were going to ask him out, as you promised to your friends. You took your courage in hands and kissed him slowly. He didn’t move, certainly too shocked for that, and you draw back, twisting your hands.
" - I shouldn’t have done that, you mumbled as you tried to get up but Calum held you back.
- No, actually, I think that was the good time, because we have time to talk about it, he said, looking at you very seriously. “
You sighed and told him everything; how you felt about him for ages, the fact that you promised your friends that you were going to tell him before the end of school. He listened at you carefully and when you were done talking, he responded to you.
" y/n. I love you. I really do. But not the same way as you. I always saw you like a sister. And I know that’s maybe selfish but I don’t wanna lose my sister. I’m so sorry, I’m not feeling the same for you.. I really am sorry… He murmured, looking at you in the eyes.
- Maybe we can work for everything to be like before, and now that I know you don’t feel the same way, I can move on, you responded. “
He smiled at you and hugged you quietly. At the end of the day he was gone, and you locked yourself in your room, letting the tears you were holding back to slide down your cheeks, letting you drag to the ground.

Ashton : ” When will you come back? You mumbled at your best friend Ashton.
- I think I’ll be back in three months, don’t do anything stupid when I’m not there, he giggled and took you in his arms. “
You sighed and hold him as tight as you can. You were at the aeroport with him and his band mates, they were about to leave for another world tour. He hugged you one last time and you made your way to the others, wanted to say goodbye to them too. They were leaving and you went to the aeroport’s coffee shop. You were cursing yourself interiorly and you felt your cellphone’s vibrations. It was your other best friend.
" - So… How was it? She began.
- Bad. I just couldn’t say anything. Everytime I was about to open my damn mouth, I was thinking : ” He’s got a girlfriend and he is your best friend, you can’t do that. ” So, I didn’t. Damn, I feel so bad. “ 
Your friend was trying to reassured you when you heard someone behind you clearing his throat. You turned and saw Ashton, scratching his head. 
" - Oh my god, y/f/n, I’m calling you back, you murmured, hunging up. Ashton, what are you doing here?
- My flight have been canceled, last minute problem. We need to stay there until the next plane which is in an hour. 
- Oh okay… “
He sat next to you and ordered your coffee. He took a sip and finally looked at you.
" - When were you planning to tell me that you had feeling for me? He finally asked, looking right in front of him. You did exactly the same.
- A long time ago, but… yeah, I guess I never had the courage to, you murmured.
- You should have… Damn, y/n, I’ve been in Sydney for a month, we could have found a solution, he cried out before he took his head in his hands. You had a nervous laugh.
- Well I’m sorry I didn’t told you, I was just trying to save a friendship and to take benefit to see you once in a year. You know what? I’m sorry I was in love with you, you laughed and took your purse, leaving the aeroport, and your best friend, who didn’t know what to think. “

Luke : " Damn, y/n, your room is a mess, where’s your book? Luke yelled at you.
- Under my bed! You yelled back from the bathroom, trying to look presentable. “
You and Luke have been best friends for a while now, and you find yourself looking at him a lot since your birthday party, a month ago. You tied your hair in a ponytail, putting some mascara on, and lip balm. You smiled at your reflection and go back to your room. You slowly opened the door, looking at Luke reading on something, sitting on your bed. You were about to speak when you saw it. He was reading your diary. The one you were hiding under your bed. Oh boy… He finally noticed you and closed it hastily.
" - I’m sorry y/n, I was looking for the book and it fall on my feet, and I saw my name and… I’m so sorry, he repeated nervously. 
- Is it a yes or a no? You cut him off.
- What?
- You heard me. I know what you just read? Is it a yes or a no?
- Well… It’s a no… I just asked a girl out and I was going to tell you that she said yes but … I really am sorry y/n, he continued. 
- No problem Luke. Just… just go, please, you said, looking at your roof.”
He was about to say something, but he just sighed, took his bag and felt, touching your shoulder one last time. You heard the door slamed, and your knees trembled, and you kneeled, wrapping your arms around them, trying to hold back your tears. 

Michael : ” - Michael, truth or dare? Your friend asked him, giving you a wink. 
- Hmmm, dare? He smiled.
- I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with y/n! She shouted “
You stood in shock, glaring at her and all the people who were encouraging it. Michael stood up, took you by the end and you made your way to the closest room. You shut the door at your friends, thumbs up at you. They all know that you have feeling for Michael since primary school. You sighed and turned to Michael. He was lying on the bed, and you lied down next to him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pressing you against him. 
" - Not to drunk? He asked you
- Not yet, you smiled when you heard him laugh. You know that you’re supposed to kiss me? You questioned, hoping for him to do it.
- Come on, I can’t kiss you y/n, you’re like my sister, he giggled. 
You tensed. He saw you as a sister. You straighen up and sat on the couch. He looked at you, suddenly understanding your reaction.
" - That’s means that… you don’t see me as a best friend? He asked.
- Of course you are my best friend. But I guess I was secretly hoping for more, you mumbled “ 
Before he could replied, you heard someone knock on the door, telling you that the seven minutes were over. You rushed to the door, trying to avoid him the rest of the night. You forced a little bit too much on alcohols and you were definitively drunk at the end of the night. You cannot stand on your feet anymore and were about to fall when you felt two strong arms catching you. You closed your eyes as the person brought you to a car. You opened your eyes a little later, looking at Michael, carried you to your bed. You murmured him a thank you and he kissed your forehead. 
" - Even if you love me and I don’t, you’re still my silly best friend. "

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