You're Bestfriends And His Girlfriend Hates You (Part 3)

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“Hey mates.” Luke breathed as he came into the kitchen, seeing Calum and Ashton sitting at the dinner table having a meal. They both looked at each other nervously before looking up at Luke again. “What’s going on?” Luke asked with a raised eyebrow making Ashton almost gulp on his food, Calum narrowing his eyes at him. “Michael’s over.” Calum announced with an unsure voice, afraid to see Luke’s reaction. The before happy smile on Luke’s face turned into a furious one making both boys’ eyes wide as Luke smashed his jacket on the counter before sprinting into the living room where Michael’s was sitting with a movie paused on the screen in front of him. “Michael Gordon Clifford.” Luke almost yelled making Michael’s body shake in surprise, turning his head around to see Luke’s face. “Lucas.” Michael spat, standing up as well, making Luke walk closer to him. “You think what you did at the party was acceptable?” Luke spat making Michael chuckle sarcastically. “As far as I know it’s legal to kiss girls who are single.” He shrugged making Luke roll his eyes at him. “You aren’t touching her. Ever again.” Luke warned making a challenged smirk appear on Michael’s lips. “Oh really? Who’s bed do you think she slept in at that party?” Michael smirked making Luke’s head snap. “I’m gonna give you a piece of my mind…” Luke mumbled through gritted teeth marching towards Michael making him back away slightly. “You aren’t fucking touching him.” You warned deadly, making Luke turn around to see you stand in the doorframe of the living room.  Walking past Luke not losing eye contact with him, you made sure to puff your shoulder into his as you passed by. “If you wanna hit him, get past me first. I wanna see how much it takes for you to control yourself.” you spat making his mouth open agape. “I’m not gonna hit you Y/N.” He tried to reassure the shock and confusion vulnerable in his voice. “Oh but I definitely for sure wanna hit you.” You laughed sarcastically. “Y/N what the hell is going on in your mind?” Luke asked frustrated taking a step closer to you making you take one step back almost hitting your back against Michael’s chest. “What the hell is your problem?” You fired back not wanting to answer his question. “My problem is him.” Luke said pointing towards Michael, the cold glare never leaving Luke’s face. “Not only did he get you drunk but he also kissed you. My best friend! How the hell could you Michael, what have I ever done to you?” He hissed fisting his hands making you scoff.  “You’ve always been there for me. Always. We’ve been best friends for more than 7 years Luke. And now it’s all thrown away because of this crappy bird you picked up from the street! I know this is harsh said but the way you’ve treated me the last past months is not acceptable Luke and I hope that you’ve realized that.” Taking a deep breath you squeezed your eyes shut, preventing the tears to not spill. “And you wanna know what the worst part is? I lost my best friend, and he didn’t even notice himself.” The tears pressing from your eyes made your eyelids get heavier and heavier, and soon they gave up the fight, small salty tears streaming down on your warm reddish cheeks. The little speech hit Luke hard in the chest, making a small tear leaving from the corner of his eye as well. “I didn’t know you were feeling this way.” Luke trailed off; a puzzled look was appearing on his face as he pulled on his hair slightly. “Of course you didn’t.” You silently sobbed making Michael grab one of your hands lacing your fingers together, his thumb soothing your skin trying to comfort you. Pulling onto Michael’s arm, you lead him away from the living room and up towards the stairs, leaving an almost heartbroken Luke to stand in the living room alone, just like he did to you at the party.


”And yoou!” You sang into the spatula you were holding in your hands pointing towards Luke with it making him laugh as you two danced around his kitchen to Olly Murs’ “Dance With Me Tonight”. The current time was 2AM, popcorn was gathered around everywhere and Luke’s idea was to make pancakes because, why not? Now the song had changed to a quieter song, making Luke wiggle his eyebrows at you before pulling onto your arms, engulfing you in his. “This is so romantic” you mumbled into his chest making him laugh as well as he swayed the two of you around the kitchen to the beat of the music. As the pancakes were made your eyelids got heavier and heavier making Luke chuckled before you both went to bed.  As the morning went on Luke got awoken by a loud knock on his front door, making him groan and pulling the ever so warm covers away from his body before grabbing a shirt, looking back at your sleeping form for a second, a smile crept on his lips. Walking   down the stairs he pulled on his pants as he opened the front door to see Calum standing there. “Hi Cal.” He mumbled running a hand through his hair. “Hey mate can I come in?” Calum asked gesturing to his living room making a puzzled look appear on his face. “I haven’t really cleaned up yet, uhm and I’m kind of busy.” Luke rambled on making Calum let out a laugh seeing Luke’s frame. “I just need to have a little girl break that’s all.” Calum shrugged making Luke scoff. “Fine.” Luke  mumbled opening the door full for Calum to walk in, them both walking into the living room sitting down for a chat. As you heard voices down the living room, you stretched before pulling the covers away from your body, now walking down to the living room. “Morning.” you announced as you came in through the door, but you stopped in track when you saw Calum sitting on the couch, not expecting him to be sitting there.   “Wait what are you doing here?” Calum asked confused knitting his eyebrows together as he looked between you and Luke in confusion. “Wait hold on a second is that Luke’s shirt?” He asked in disbelief looking at your body wearing Luke’s white smiley t shirt, but not even wanting an answer before he stood up from the couch. “Are you dating?” Looking between the two of you Luke was about to answer when Calum interrupted him. “I told you she was off limits!” He almost yelled making Luke stand up as well. “You can’t just claim that all girls are yours Calum you already have one, and Y/N is single so what if we dated?” Luke hissed making Calum groan. “She’s my best friend. It’s a no Luke. Get over it.” He demanded making Luke growl. “Get over it?” Luke lost his temper at this point, calling out Calum everything about Jessica. ” And the worst part Calum? You’re dealing with all this shit even though it’s eating you up. So I hope your happy because I’m fucking not.” “Luke.” Calum said out in nowhere looking confused behind his back making Luke groan again. “If you didn’t hear anything of the shit I jus-“ “I did but where did Y/N go?” Calum interrupted making Luke turn around in confusion seeing that you were far gone. “Why do you even care?” Luke asked already heading towards the hallway searching for you. “Because she is actually my best friend Luke. And there isn’t a single day that I don’t care about her. Now let’s go find her.”

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