He Gets Hit On By A Guy

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LUKE: "That was the best movie I think I’ve ever seen," You say as you exit the movie theatre with Luke by your side. 

"You say that about every movie," He chuckles in reply, and looks at you, smiling, causing him to run into someone in front of us, causing him to drop his coffee. "Shit, dude, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going," Luke’s eyes widen as he quickly picks up the guy’s cup, and hands it to him. The guy simply smiles back at Luke. 

"It’s fine," The guy waves his hand dissmissingly. 

"No, it’s not, mate, here, I’ll pay for another," He reaches for his wallet, and hands the guy a five dollar not. The guy bites his lip. 

"Or, we could get one together." He offers, and Luke frowns. 

"What do you mean?"

"Like, if you’re not busy, or anything. Me and you… Could like, go and get a coffee together, or something." The guy smiles flirtatiously, not even looking your way. You hold in your laugh as you watch Luke’s face drain of all colour. He’s never been hit on by a guy; so this was the most entertaining thing you’d ever seen. 

"Um," Luke coughs. "I have a girlfriend, I’m sorry." He apologizes, and the man looks at you, his eyes widening. 

"Oh, goodness me, I’m so sorry." 

"It’s alright, mate," Luke smiles softly. 

"I’ll just be on my way then." The guy chuckles awkwardly before leaving. Luke turns to you, his cheeks turning a bright pink colour. 

"You just got hit on by a dude," You smirk. 

"Jesus Christ, hold my hand, please," He reaches for your hand. "I don’t like it when anyone but you flirts with me. Male or female.” He mumbles as you exit the movie theatre. 

> > > 

ASHTON: You hug your boyfriend Ashton after he comes off the stage after another show of his. He was sweaty, but you hugged him anyway, you were absolutely proud of how well he did tonight. 

"I can’t believe I broke another drum stick!" He giggles. 

"I think it’s because of those biceps," A stage hand chuckles, and Ashton turns to look at him. "I mean," The stage hand looks at Ashton’s arms, biting on his lip. "They’re quite nice arms, you got there." 

"Oh," Ashton chuckles. "Thanks." 

"No worries," The stage hand winks. "Maybe later after your show you could show me how strong those arms really are?" He offers, and Ashton gulps. 

"I totally would, but um," Ashton pulls his arm around me. "Me and my girlfriend are going out for dinner and, yeah. Sorry.” Ashton apologizes and the stagehand awkwardly nods, his face going red as he walks off. “I can’t believe that just happened.” Ashton goes red. 

"To be honest, you do have quite nice biceps.” You smirk. 

"Well then maybe later I’ll show you just how strong they really are," He winks as he pulls you in for a kiss. 

> > > 

MICHAEL: "This colour sucks," Michael pouts as he looks through the various colours of hair dyes in this hair salon.

"What about red this time?" You ask. 

"Mm, nah," He shakes his head. "I want something cool and different. Something that suits me, y’know." He tells you, and you nod, still looking through the different dyes. 

"You’ve got such lovely skin," The hairdresser compliments. "Since you are so fair, I think it would be totally hot if you went a darker colour, you get me?” He smirks at Michael, who furrows his eyebrows. 

"Uh, sure, what did you have in mind?" He asks. 

"Mm, honey, for you I got a lot of things in mind, but none are really appropriate to say with so many children around," He winks, reaching down to pick up a bottle of hair dye. Michael looks at you with wide eyes, and you hold in your laughs before the man hands Michael his hair dye. "This one will be perfect for you, cutie." He says. 

"Oh," Michael takes the bottle. "Thanks, how much?" He asks, and you just stand to the side, watching as you try not to laugh at how awkward he gets when the obviously gay male hair dresser flirts with him. Once you’re out of the store, Michael smirks. 

"You look quite happy for a man who’s just almost been seduced by another man." I say. 

"I’m so hot even the guys want me,” He grins, and you roll your eyes as he leans in to kiss your cheek. “Too bad for him; you’re the only one I have eyes for, hey?” He whispers.

> > > 

CALUM: "Try this," Calum hands you a drink and you scull it down, your eyes scrunching closed as you take it down. 

"That’s horrible!" You whine. 

"I know right," He chuckles. "Have some more," He smirks, and you laugh. You and Calum were out on the town for the night, walking in to different places, trying food you’d never had before, and you were both having quite a good time. 

"Hey, man," A guy sits in the spare seat between you and Calum. Calum wipes his mouth after drinking his last drink. 

"Hi," Calum answers. 

"I gotta say, you’re probably the best looking guy in this bar, dude." The guy flirts, and your eyebrows raise, wondering what Calum’s response may be. Considering he was such a proud boy; you expected an awkward answer, or for him to look at you for help, but Calum simply smiles. 

"Ah, thanks, man." Calum grins. 

"Can I buy you a drink?" The other dude offers. 

"Actually, I’m here with my girlfriend," Calum nods at me, sitting behind him. 

"Oh, I’m so sorry," The guy stands up. "You accepted my compliment, so I thought you were gay, too, and I-" Calum shakes his head. 

"It’s all cool, man. I like compliments; doesn’t matter who they’re from." He grins at the guy, who then wishes you both a good night, and you look at Calum who smirks. "Would you look at that? I don’t only attract women, but men too! Man, I am on a roll.” He grins, and you laugh at your silly boyfriend.


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