How You Meet

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Ashton: ”No (Y/BFF/N) I really can’t go to the concert tonight.” You stared up frustrated at your friend who was trying to persuade you to go to a concert for some new band she was obsessed with. You had an exam the next day, there was no way you were going. “Pleaseee (Y/N) I have wanted to see them forever!” Frankly she had only known about them for 3 days, but there was no way you could resist her puppy dog face. “Fine, but if I fail I swear-” you were cutoff as your friend squealed in delight. Apparently they were some Australian band who were touring America for a few weeks, under the impression that this would be another useless thing you were dragged to by (Y/BFF/N), you wore a pair of running shorts and a Denver Broncos sweatshirt. The band had actually turned out to be amazing, especially the drummer. You thought that you’d caught him looking at you once or twice but why would he look at a girl wearing a stupid Broncos sweatshirt. You mentally cursed yourself for that. Once the concert was over you realized that you had lost your friend in the crowd and began searching for her, that was until you crashed into someone. “I’m so sorry!” you looked up and saw that you were staring right into the eyes of the drummer of the band, you tried to explain yourself but it came out in stutters due to your incredibly fast beating heart. “I-I-my friend-she-uh-lost-and-um-oh god-uh-yeah.” You mentally cursed yourself for the second time that night. “No problem,” he flashed a dimpled smile and held out his hand to help you up. “(Y/N) come on!” you heard your friend call. You turned around to walk away but the drummer grabbed your wrist, “Hey you forgot something,” he said handing you your phone. “Thanks,” you blushed and walked towards your friend. You got out of the shower that night and heard your phone vibrate. I know this is cheesy but I just had to get your number- Ashton :) P.S Nice sweatshirt, though I’m not sure what a ‘Bronco’ is… Ashton.. you sat on your bed grinning like an idiot, that was a nice name.

Calum: You were working a late shift at Starbucks and were dead tired. You cursed everyone and everything under your breath for having to be here so late. Nobody was going to come in, it was 12:02AM and the restaurant was practically deserted. The other person running the late shift had gone out for a ‘Quick Break’ but hadn’t returned for about half an hour. Usually you would be in uniform but since you knew nobody would show up you were wearing an oversized hoodie, concentrating on making each hoodie string precisely the same length. You heard the bell ring, indicating someone had just walked in, assuming it was Chris, your shift partner, you yelled without looking up, “Chris I swear to God! A break takes like two minutes, not a god damn forty-five minutes!” “Umm I apologize on behalf of this Chris guy, but I’m just here for a coffee…” You heard an unfamiliar voice and looked up to see Calum Hood. You knew him because you saw him and his band play as the opening act on the Take Me Home tour. You felt your cheeks heat up with embarrassment, you had just yelled at THE Calum Hood. “Oh God I am SO sorry!” You quickly sat up and rushed to the coffee machine. He placed his order and you asked who it was for, even though you already knew and there was nobody else here. “Rachel, ” he smiled goofily. You giggled and wrote ‘Rachel’ on the side of the cup. He started to leave, but then turned around and asked, “Hey could I have another cup and can I borrow that Sharpie?” he grinned and you were confused but obliged, and handed him another cup. He scribbled something on the side of the cup and left it on the counter before rushing out of the door. You lifted up the cup and read what he had written: Thanks for the coffee! - Rachel :P ! He also left his number which made you squeal with joy. You reached into your pocket to pull out your phone to add his number, but realized that you had left your phone at home. You quickly grabbed your jacket and rushed out of the door, Chris could lock up when he came back from his ‘Break’.

Michael: You didn’t have many friends. It was Grade 3 and everyone around you was playing with someone or the other while you sat on the swings by yourself. You were used to this, it was what you did every recess. You lazily made shapes in the sand with your feet and waited for the time to pass, that was until you heard a boy’s voice “Can I sit here?” You looked up to see a blonde boy who was missing his two front teeth. He was grinning up at you and you couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure!” you said. “My name’s Michael, what’s yours?” the boy asked. “(Y/N)” you replied happily. “That’s an awesome name,” he said, which made you giggle. The two of you swung and talked all recess, he told you that your pigtails were really cool and you said that his missing teeth were the most amazing thing you had ever seen. After a while you started humming a tune to a song and turned to see Michael staring at you with a huge smile. “What?” you asked, blushing a little. “You’d be a real good singer! I want to learn how to play the guitar, maybe we could start a band!” “OK!” You replied excitedly. You were having so much fun, you didn’t want recess to end. You heard the bell ring and Michael started to walk towards the building. “Hey Michael!” “Yeah (Y/N)?” “Are we friends?” you asked looking at your feet, you were a bit scared he’d say no. You looked up to see him grinning at you “The Bestest!”

Luke: You were sitting at the edge of a pond in the middle of a forest. You came here quite often to clear your head. Nobody else had really discovered the pond, it was like your secret sanctuary. You sat staring at the clear blue water, a smile playing on your lips as you saw a baby frog hop in. It was calm and quiet, that was until a tall blonde boy came flying through the bushes. You jumped up and screamed out of surprise, and then lost your footing and fell straight into the water. You swam back up to the surface and saw a large hand reached out towards you. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but took it, then you angrily yanked down on his hand, forcing the boy to fall into the pond too. You stomped to your earlier spot and sat down with your arms crossed over your chest, your clothes still dripping from the pond water. “Well that was awfully rude,” the boy said running his hand through his now wet hair. Damn he had toned arms. You mentally told yourself to stay focused and responded with nothing except a grunt. “Aren’t you a nice one?” He said in a mocking tone, sitting down beside you. You shot him a glare, “Well at least I didn’t give somebody a freaking heart attack!” You were really bad at coming up with comebacks. “Your comebacks are rubbish.” Oh so now he could read minds too. You scoffed, since another comeback would result in you embarrassing yourself even further. The two of you sat in silence, that was until you heard more rustling in the trees. A group of girls rushed out and screamed, “IT’S LUKE HEMMINGS!” His name is Luke? “Shit.” Luke cursed jumping up. He looked around frantically. His gaze landed on your red bike that was leaning against a tall oak. He ran and jumped on the bike and started to peddle away. “THAT’S MY BIKE YOU ASS!” You yelled. Then you did the only thing that came to your mind, you took off one of your worn out white Converse and threw it at his head. Perfect shot. “Ow!” he yelled, momentarily losing his speed, but then peddled even faster. Great now you were bikeless and half-shoeless. “I HATE YOU!” you yelled at him. “I’LL GIVE IT BACK! I PROMISE!” was his barely audible response. You grumpily walked home with a scowl on your face. That night you heard something hit the window-door that led out to the balcony. You became scared, but got up and peeled back the curtain to see what had caused the noise. You saw the white shoe that you had lost earlier that day and quickly unlocked the door and walked out. You looked down over your balcony and saw Luke’s figure standing in the grass, leaning on your red bike. “Luke what are you doing here!?” You whispered. “I made you a promise, I said I’d give you your bike back so I came here to do that.” He flashed you a wide grin. You were angry but couldn’t help laughing. “You never told me your name, you know?” He said. “(Y/N).” You smiled. “That’s a pretty name,” he winked up at you. You rolled your eyes with a goofy grin plastered on your face, “Goodnight Luke.” “Goodnight (Y/N)!” He called out and shoved his hands in his pockets, then walked away. You walked in and closed your door, putting your back against the wall. You looked down at your shoe and realized there was something different about it. You looked closely and realized that a phone number had been written in sharpie along the side of your shoe. You grinned and sent a text to that number: You have to get me a new shoe you ass .xx -(Y/N). Your phone then vibrated, indicating a reply. I’m looking forward to it ;). You smiled and fell back on your bed. One word playing around in your head. Luke.

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