You Go To His Gig For The First Time (Luke Imagine)

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Today you were going to your boyfriends Luke gig for the first time. You had been friend with the boys for about 2 years and had started to date Luke about 6 months ago. Even though you knew them for that long you never had the chance to see them live. I mean you listened to their songs and covers and were extremely proud of them but with school, family issues and them touring with 1D you couldn’t find the time to see them perform. Right when you were finishing applying a bit of mascara your phone rang scaring you and making you almost stab your eye with the mascara tube thinngy. “Hello” you answered the phone balancing it between your ear and shoulder while you put on your shoes. “Hey babe” Luke’s calm voice spoke “I just wanted to let you know we’re o n in like 15 minutes even though you probably knew that” he continued. When he said fifteen minutes you looked at your clock an noticed you were late as heck. “Uh yeah I’m on my way now don’t worry I’ll be there in time” you said running around your apartment grabbing your purse,phone,wallet, etc. Luke chuckled knowing that you were going to be late and how you cursed under your breath trying to make it seem as if you were on schedule. “Alright I’ll see you when you get here, try not to drive to fast ok? Bye (y/n) ” Luke said “Bye Luke” you heard the boys in the back screaming their head off before you hung up. You quickly got in your car speeding towards their venue. Luckily you made it on time and found your seat just before the lights went off, and fangirls started screaming. The show was great the boys were amazing, the crowd was really fun and you had a blast.

Right after the boys finished their set and thanked everybody you fast walked towards the backstage door thing quickly showing the security guard your pass that the boys had given you and looked to see if you knew any familiar face. “(y/n)!” you heard four familiar voices shout with excitement. Turning around you were pulled into a sweaty group hug with all the boys babbling different things at the same time. “Ok,Ok no need to kill me yet” you joked after the boys except Luke let go of you. “Did you like it?” “Was it good?” “Did you see me do that sick jump?” “I looked sexy right?” Questions were being thrown at you from left to right “Guys!!!” the boys stopped talking and looked at you “I didn’t like it, I Loved it, it was amazing. Yes I did see you do that jump Cal the girl beside me died and Michael I think you saw those girls faint so I’m pretty sure you looked sexy” You said all in one breath smiling when they started grinning and began talking to each other except Luke who was hugging you from behind with his head resting in the crook of your neck. “Did you really like it?” he murmured into your neck causing you to giggle “Yes I did Lucas I thought it was incredible and you looked so bad ass on stage” you said moving your head so he stood up straight and looked down at you while you looked up at him (because he’s a freaking giant). “You think so, I mean I know I’m sexy but the way your telling me I look Id date myself” he said with that smirk of his that could literally kill somebody. You rolled your eyes playfully while you smiled acting as if what he said was to cocky, which it was. “Your cute when you do that you know” He said giving you a kiss on the cheek. Instead of answering him you gave him an Eskimo kiss. “Awwwwwwwwww” the rest of the boys said making you and Luke to look at them. “We just ruined the moment didn’t we” Ashton said already knowing the answer. I was about to say something when Luke turned me around and kissed me making the boys groan and leave murmuring that we were disgusting and something about pizza.


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