Forgive And Forget

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"What time is it?" you asked Michael, walking downstairs in your new dress, having just finished your hair and makeup. It was yours and Michael’s anniversary, and you were getting ready to go out and celebrate. As you reached the bottom of the stairs, you saw Michael chasing your five year old son around, trying to get him to put on his pyjamas.

"Almost seven," Michael said in answer to your question, giving up on chasing your son for a moment.
"Are you sure you told the babysitter to be here for half past six?" he asked. Your eyes widened a little in realisation.
"I thought you were sorting the babysitter?" you said, running a hand through your hair; a habit when you were stressed.
"No, you said you were doing it," he sighed,  walking into the kitchen where your son was now climbing on the table.
"Y/S/N, get off the table," Michael said, as you followed him into the kitchen. He picked your son up and put him over his shoulder with an exasperated sigh, settling on putting his pyjamas on for him, since he clearly wasn’t going to do it himself.
"See, that’s not so bad is it?" Michael said, putting your son down and crouching in front of him once the job was done.
"Why don’t you go up to bed Y/S/N, and mummy and daddy will come up in a minute to read you a story?" you suggested, smiling at him from where you were standing in the doorway. He nodded his head vigorously and dashed off to his bedroom.
"So, what are we gonna do?" Michael asked, looking to you for answers. You shrugged your shoulders, racking your brains for someone who might be able to babysit at such short notice.
"What about your parents?" Michael asked. You shook your head.
"They’ve gone away for a few days," you told him. "What about yours?"
"They’re out tonight," he responded. "And the boys are all busy… guess we’ll just have to stay in," he said, pulling you towards him for a hug.
"I completely forgot about a babysitter, I thought you’d done it," you apologised. "Sorry Mikey."
"Don’t be," he told you, pulling away from the hug slightly to look at you. "We’ll just go watch a film with Y/S/N or something," he smiled.
"Sounds like a plan," you grinned. "You find a DVD while I get changed." You went to give him a quick kiss, but he pulled you closer and held you there, making the kiss more passionate.
"Eeew!" you heard your son squeal from behind you, and you and Michael pulled apart, laughing to yourselves.
"Come on you," Michael said, herding your son out of the room. "We’re going to watch a film." Your son’s face lit up when he heard that.
"Mummy too?" he questioned excitedly.
"Yes, mummy too," Michael told him, laughing at how excited he was.

 Ten minutes later you’d changed into your favourite pyjamas, and the three of you were cuddled up in your son’s room, surrounding by blankets and teddies as Y/S/N’s favourite film began to play. Your son was asleep within half an hour, but it didn’t matter, and it didn’t matter that you and Michael couldn’t go out either; all that mattered was that you got to spend the night with your two favourite boys.

Ashton: “I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” you said to your parents, making excuses for your boyfriend. “He probably just got kept behind at the studio or something…” Your parents had planned this family meal weeks ago, and invited your boyfriend Ashton to join you, but he was half an hour late. Your mother was trying to keep dinner in the oven for as long as possible, but if she left it much longer it would have burnt, so you told her to go ahead and serve it up while you went into another room to call Ashton. You dialled his number and let it ring for a while to no avail, so instead you hung up and decided to call one of the other boys and see if he was with them. Calum’s number being the first of all the boys’ in your contact list, you decided to call him.
"Hey Y/N," he answered after the phone had rung a few times.
"Hey Cal," you replied. "I just wondered whether you knew if Ashton’s still at the studio?"
"Er, no he’s not. We finished up there about ten minutes ago so we all decided to get something to eat. Everything alright?" Calum asked, sounding concerned.
"Yeah, fine, it’s not important," you said. "I’ll um, see you later," you told him, before hanging up.

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