You Attend His Concert

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You were watching intently as Ashton pounded on his drums. You feel as if you two were the only people in the world, though you know that isn’t true. You could see Luke making his way to the other side of the stage, and Calum was leaning towards the front, and Michael was kneeling down, playing his guitar. But Ashton was the only one you see. Ashton held your attention, there was just something about him that the other boys didn’t seem to have, it was something that bothered you. You smiled when he pounded on his drum and he turned to your direction. You locked gazes with him and he smiled, causing the butterflies to go crazy in your stomach. You smiled back, waving at him and he nodded, laughing.


You watched as Michael loses himself on the stage. Your lips curled upwards, knowing he feels the happiest whenever he’s performing on stage. He’s always told you how unreal it feels for him to go up on stage and see all these people watching you, it was something he’s always wanted to do and now he was doing it. He made it, along with three of his best friends. He locked gazes with you, and soon, he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. Yeah, he was still strumming, but all of his attention was on you. You bit your lip as you watched him, and he stuck his tongue out, still staring at you. The gesture turned you on and he knew it. You glared at him and he just laughed, mouthing, “Backstage, after the show.” You knew exactly what he was trying to say, and you nodded. Let’s just say you two had your own definition of fun backstage after the show.


"Oh, and before we forget, a certain someone’s girlfriend is in the audience today!" Michael said as the two others turned to Calum, who was wearing a huge smile on his face. "Who could that be, Luke?" Ash smirked as Luke shrugged, glancing towards Calum. "Oh, maybe this certain Kiwi?" Luke laughed as Calum’s cheeks heated up. "Calum, you and Y/N look so cute together!" "Cal, Y/N really is the luckiest girl in the world!" "Calum, you and Y/N really belong together!" You hear the fans scream out to him, and he hides his face in his hand, shaking his head but you knew he was smiling behind that. He laughed and he removed his hand from his face, and you were right - he had this huge smile on his face and a crimson streak across his cheeks. "I love you guys so much. Thank you!" Calum says into the microphone and you smiled, Calum looking over at you, winking. "I love you, Y/N. This song’s for you!"


"I dedicate this song to my girlfriend, who’s here right now. It’s her first time attending one of my concerts, so I hope you’re having fun babe!" Luke grins into the microphone. You smiled, looking up at your boyfriend and you heard one particular fan scream, "Where’s Y/N, Luke?" He glances your way, and points toward you with a smile. "She’s over here, say hi Y/N!" You shyly smile and wave at the fans who turn to you and you could feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "She’s so cute," you heard Ashton comment, making you blush even harder. "She’s mine, mate." You laughed at Luke’s reply, and they started the next song, which was Wherever You Are.


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