Snow Days

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You woke up to the first snowfall of winter. "Mikey!" You exclaimed, jumping out of bed. "What happened?" he asked groggily, concern in his voice, following you downstairs. "It's snowing!" You gestured to the window, smiling like a maniac. He raised his eyebrows. "So?" You crossed your arms. "Fine, I'll just enjoy it all by myself," You sighed dramatically, turning to make hot chocolate. Michael wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips to your neck. "I'm not going outside, but I'll enjoy it with you inside." He mumbled. "That sounds lovely," You smiled, turning around, kissing his nose, and giving him a mug of hot chocolate. You put a couple logs on the fireplace and cuddled on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.


Calum had his face pressed against the window when you walked downstairs in the morning, making you laugh. "What are you doing?" You asked him. "It's snowing!" He exclaimed in bewilderment. You laughed again as he turned back to look at the flurry outside. "You wanna go outside?" You asked him, and he looked at you and beamed. "Can we?" He asked you, and you nodded. After the two of you had gotten dressed, you headed outside for a walk to the park. "Hey, (y/n)!" Calum yelled. As soon as you turned around, a deformed snowball met your face. "Okay, Hood, you're just asking for it now!" You yelled back, chucking a snowball in his direction. In no time, you hands were frozen, and before you knew it, you were both asking for a truce. Calum took your freezing hands in his and kissed the tops of them. "Can we do this every single day?"


Snow speckled your face as you and Ashton raced down the hill on sleds. "I won!" You yelled, rolling off of your sled. Ashton, however, wasn't quite able to stop his sled yet, and ran straight into a tree. You couldn't contain your laughter, but Ashton looked miserable. "I have snow places snow should never be!" He wailed, standing up. "Awh, you wanna go inside?" You asked him with a fake pout. He nodded, walking over to you. "I have to say, you look pretty good out there, Ash." You told him as he slung an arm around your shoulder. "I reckon I'll be better than you in no time," he said, making you roll your eyes. He planted a kiss on your forehead. "Keep dreaming, Irwin." You said.


"Let's go get some coffee." Luke said. You set your book down. "Luke, it's 7:30 at night, and it's snowing." You told him. "I know, but I really, really want some coffee." Luke pleaded, sicking out his bottom lip. You sighed in defeat, standing up. "Fine, fine," Luke smiled, grabbing the car keys and your coats. When you got there, the place was absolutely barren, but the service was really good. "So, now what?" You asked him. He took your hand, leading you outside. "I dunno, look at the snow?" He suggested. You stuck out your tongue, catching the snowflake falling closest to you. "Ook!" You said, your tongue still out. Luke laughed and followed the suit. "Hey Luke?" You called, grabbing a handful of snow. "Hmm?" He asked. You smiled, shoving the snow down the back of his shirt. "Oh my God!" He shouted. "Oh my God! You're t-totally gonna p-pay for that!" He told you, his teeth chattering. He ran after you, picking you off the ground. "Don't do it!" You squealed, but he only pressed his lips you yours. "Oh, I thought-" You were cut off by snow meeting the back of your neck. "Are you kidding me?" You yelled.


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