Stickwitu (Song Preference)

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Ashton: "Seems like everybody is breaking up, and throwing their love away. But I know I got a good thing right here"

Once you heard your mother’s words, you ran to your room with teary eyes. You slammed the door shut and sat down, hugging your knees as you let the tears roll down your cheek. You sobbed all the hurt away, and tried your hardest to forget everything in life. “We’re getting a divorce,” mum’s words rang inside my head once more, making me sob even harder. You didn’t understand why they wanted to break up after all these years of being together, and it just felt like they were throwing their love away for what? A few misunderstandings? Was it someone’s pride? You grabbed your phone and dialed his number, and he picked up after the first ring. “Hello?” His voice lifted your spirits a little, and you sniffed. “A-Ash, can you please c-come over. S-sneak into my r-room, I thi-think they’re fighting again,” You say in between hiccups. “I’ll be right over,” he replied, hanging up soon afterwards. Ashton knew of your parents’ situation, and he was the one who comforted you whenever you were feeling down. They fought pretty much almost everyday, and he’d sneak into your room to hold you as you cried. About ten minutes later, he crawled into your window and walked over to you wearing a concerned expression on his handsome face. He took the spot next to you and you buried your face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and began to sing the familiar tune of Fix You by Coldplay. His voice was beautiful, and it made you happier somehow, but you still cried all the hurt away. Once you had managed to calm down, you pulled away and your tear-stained cheeks, thanking him under your breath. “Talk to me,” he says, and you didn’t hesitate to ask the question that has been haunting you for a while. “D-do you think we’re gonna end up like them someday?” He turned to look at you and smiled, “I know we’re never gonna end up like them. You wanna know why?” You nodded, and he kissed your cheeks. “That’s because this love is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I love you so much, I couldn’t imagine life without you. Something like that will never happen, I love you too much.” He says, and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer, making you feel secure in his embrace.

Michael: "Nobody gonna love me better, I’mma stickwitu forever"

You let out a deep breath and glanced at the reflection in the mirror. You stared at the foreign-looking woman in the mirror in awe, she looked so different than what she actually looks like. You reached out to touch the mirror, and smiled in satisfaction when your fingers touched the cold glass. You literally couldn’t believe that person was you, because you looked nothing like how you look right now. Your hair was up in a loose bun, and was crowned with tiny white flowers. They had put some light makeup on you, which made your beauty pop out from underneath. Your white dress reached your knees, because you weren’t one for traditional outfits. You were wearing the necklace he gave you during your first anniversary and smiled, taking it in your hand. That seemed so long ago, and now, look at where you’re standing right now. You’ve been together for three years, and you two are still going strong. And all those struggles, memories, smiles and fights led up to this - your wedding day. Your best friend tapped your shoulder, giving you a huge smile and a nod, telling you it was time. You made your way to the doors of the church and took a deep breath when the wedding march started to play, and you watched as the guests stood up and turn to look at you. You took your father’s arm and he escorted you to the altar, blushing when you felt everyone’s gaze on you, his included. You saw the smile playing on his lips when your father dropped you off at the altar, and he took your hand in his, whispering, “You look so beautiful,” before he turned to the priest, leaving you blushing. The wedding passed by in a blur, and next thing you knew, it was time for your vows. “Do you, Michael Clifford, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” He smiles and looks straight into your eyes. “Of course I do,” he says. “Do you, Y/N Y/L/N take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do,” you breathed out with a smile. “You may now kiss the bride,” and a second later, your lips were on his, and you hear the guests clapping and cheering. You were officially the happiest woman in the world, because from this day onwards, you will now be known as Mrs. Y/N Clifford, and Michael, the boy you’ve been in love with since your teenage years, is now yours forever. Your love will be forever, and you two are each other’s forever.

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