Highschool AU (Part One)

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Ashton: The school bell rang, and you watched as everyone around you began to stand up and pick up their stuff. You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and watched as the number of students in the classroom decrease dramatically. Once the classroom was empty, you stood up with a sigh, grabbing your backpack and slinging it over your shoulder. “Y/N, can I please talk to you for a minute?” Your teacher asked, as you walked by him. You stopped upon hearing his voice and turned to him with a worried expression, “I-Did I do something wrong?” My teacher shot you an amused smile, and put his pen down. “No, you’re not in trouble, Y/N, calm down!” He laughed, and you began to relax. You nodded and he then continued, “I only wanted to ask you a favor, if it’s okay with you?” Your teacher didn’t ask favors from you often, and it really surprised you to hear these words coming from his mouth. You bit your lower lip as you nodded, and his lips curled into a smile. “So, as you know, you’re the best student in my class. And one of my students is failing this class as well, and I need you to tutor him for a few days or so,” he says as he kept eye contact with you. He wanted you to tutor someone? You couldn’t help but feel anxious about it, you haven’t tried tutoring someone before, but all you have to do is just teach them stuff they’re bad at right? “Can you please tutor him this weekend?” And there’s the question. You thought about it for a while, at first, you decided against it but you wanted to help this person out, so you agreed in the end. “That’s great, I’m just gonna introduce you to him,” he says, as he stood up to walk outside the classroom. “Wait, him?” you asked yourself, as his words rang through your head. It seems that you were going to tutor a boy - an entirely different species from your own. You were having doubts now, you want to back out because you weren’t used to men. Boys didn’t talk to you, and you were too awkward so you don’t know how to approach them. You were afraid that you’re just gonna scare him off, and it would be really embarrassing. You turned around, wanting to chase your teacher to tell him you change your mind, but ended up bumping into someone’s strong chest. You looked up and your eyes met his beautiful hazel colored ones, and you swear your breath was caught in your throat. “I-I’m sorry,” you tell him, not breaking eye contact with him at all. He smiled, his dimple popping out and giggled, “It’s no problem, don’t worry!” You were just so amazed at how beautiful this boy was - you didn’t know who he is, and wonder why you have never seen him before. You glanced to the side and see your teacher, and as you opened your mouth to speak, these words rolled off his tongue, “Oh, I see you’ve already met your tutor, Ashton.” Your eyes widened as you looked at Ashton, then back to your teacher, then back at Ashton. “W-wait, I’m tutoring him?” You asked, as you pointed towards the curly haired boy. “Hi, Y/N! I’m Ashton, and I look forward to being your student for the weekend,” he smiles.

Michael: You scowled as you watched Michael Clifford smiled at the beautiful girl who had her arm linked around his, and rolled your eyes at him. Michael is probably one of the most popular guys around - most people consider him the king of the school, because he’s friends with basically everyone, and all the girls really like him. He really, really likes girls a lot and they all like him as much as well, maybe even more. You don’t know why, but he seems to talk to every girl in this school except you, and it pisses you off. Whenever you were around, he’d do everything to get out of there and whenever you try to talk to him, he’d act like you were never even there to begin with. You didn’t know what his problem was, if he hated you or just disliked you in general, but that fact made you despise him. Were you really that unattractive to him, that he’d do anything just to stay away from you? You knew you were angry at him because he hurt your feelings, he made you feel unattractive, he made you feel unwanted. You clenched your fists as you tried to stab him with the daggers with your mind, but then noticed him glance towards your direction. For a second, you two had eye contact before he quickly looked away, returning his attention to the girl beside him. “I cannot believe him!” You hissed, as you slammed your closed fist onto the table. You stood up and went outside to get some fresh air, and maybe cool your head a bit. He just pisses you off so much, you don’t know what you ever did to make him hate you, you have never talked to him before and you don’t know what exactly he hates about you, and you wanted to know so bad. You just stayed outside, watching the clouds as they passed you by. You hummed quietly and began to close your eyes, as you felt the cool breeze hit your face. Just then, you hear the door open and you turned to see Michael Clifford, standing there with a shocked expression on his face. “I-I-What are you doing here?” He asked, as he looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed. That was probably the first time he’s actually talked to you, because he usually just ignores you, and this is all very new to you. “I usually come here to clear my head,” you replied, turning back around. You hear his footsteps grow closer, and he stood beside you. “I usually come here but how come I never see you?” He asked, scratching his head. You chuckled, “I don’t come here that often, I only do so when I need to clear my head,” There was a moment of silence for a while, before he turned to you and smiled, “I’m Michael by the way,” he says, holding his hand out for me to shake. You didn’t know what came over his pink head, but he’s started talking to you after ignoring you for the past two years. Why has he only started talking to you now? He makes your blood boil in anger, but now that’s he’s here, you couldn’t feel any anger for him at all. Maybe you just wanted him to notice you, a tiny voice said in your head. You shook the thought away, thinking it was silly how you wanted Michael’s attention. You took his hand and shook it, “Y/N, nice to meet you.”

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