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A little boy runs towards a woman after getting out of the elementary school building. He quickly gives the woman a hug.

"mommy, I want candy and chocolate." He looks up at her.

"we'll stop by a store, okay?" the woman takes his tiny hand and walks to their car.

"Gunhoo! Gunhoo!"

The woman turns around when someone called her son's name

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The woman turns around when someone called her son's name.

"hey, kid. You left your colored pencils."

The mother watched the woman, supposedly his teacher, giving back his pencils and helps him putting it back in his backpack. She looks around the same age as her.

"you must be his mother." she smiled warmly. "I'm his teacher, if you're wondering."

"Mrs. Kim is my new teacher. She teach me to draw a car." Gunhoo cheered, pulling on his mother's cardigan.

"oh, yeah, little pup?" she pinched his nose lightly, then looks at the teacher. "thank you, ma'am."

"oh, I'm not married. Call me by my name." she offered her hand. "I'm Minjeong. I'm trying to get to know everyone, which is stressful, but, hey, it's a good kind." She chuckles.

"right.." the mother takes her hand to shake. "I'm Jimin. Nice to meet you."

"take care on your way home." Minjeong waved lightly.

"bye, Mrs. Kim!" Gunhoo runs to the car as he said that.


Jimin is preparing dinner for her and Gunhoo. The kid is still busy roleplaying as a Batman.

"Gunhoo... let's eat, dear." Jimin caught him mid-run. She then put her on his seat. "uncle will pick you up tomorrow. I have to work overtime."

"I was happy." Gunhoo's smile turns upside down.

"I'm sorry, son. Money is a bit tight lately. As soon as I get my extra pay, I'll pick you up every day." Jimin sighs.

"you said it yesterday." Gunhoo lowers his head as he shoves a spoonful of pasta to his mouth.

"how about we watch your favorite Diego after this. I'll let you drink two glasses of strawberry milk." Jimin smiles at him.

"I love Diego!"

They soon finished their dinner and Jimin turns on the TV, putting on Gunhoo's favorite show. After the kid is seated and focused on the screen, Jimin goes to the kitchen to make the milk. While doing that, she makes a call.

"I need you to pick up Gunhoo." Jimin said after the cousin picked up.

"sure. usual time?"

"yes. take him somewhere if he sulks. I have to work overtime." Jimin explained.

"leave that to me."

"thank you, Yeonjun. Sorry I bother you." Jimin put her phone between her cheek and shoulder as she walks to the living area.

"no, not at all. I'd love to spend time with my nephew. See you, Jimin."

"see ya." She put down one glass on the coffee table and give one to Gunhoo.

"milk!" he happily takes some gulps. "thank you mommy."

"anytime, kiddo."


The next day, Minjeong walks into the class with a smile on her face.

"good morning, my little heroes." Winter greeted them.

"good morning, Mrs. Kim!!!"

The kids are happy to see Minjeong. She too, loves to see the kids in the morning.

"don't forget to stretch your bones because today we're gonna learn about your body." Minjeong grabs her book, keeping an eye on the children. "wait..."

The students look at her confusedly.

"any of you miss a friend?" Minjeong noticed a kid missing.

"Mikey!" one of them pointed at the door.

"Michael." Minjeong looks at the door. There's a boy with a sad face walking in.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kim. I promise I won't be late again." He looks down.

"as a punishment..." Minjeong guided him to stand in front of the class. "you are going to teach your friend."

"Jessy. I want you to measure the height of Mikey."

The girl walks forward, taking her plastic ruler with her.

"no, no. I have a special tool for the special occasion." Minjeong takes out a measuring tape. "we're gonna use this."

"are we gonna start from the head?" Jessy asked.

"that is correct! Smart kid." Minjeong praised. "now, what's the result?"

"one hundred and thirty eight!" the girl shouted.

"well, kids. According to experts, all of you would be about a hundred and thirty three centimeters tall. Now, tell me. is Mikey a tall guy or a short guy?"

"tall!!!" all of them replied.

"correct! Now who wants to know about their height?"


After a long day of teaching, Minjeong decided to check on the kids who's running outside after school is over. She got her coffee with her, standing in front of the entrance.

"good evening, Mrs. Kim!" "buh-bye, Mrs. Kim!" "have a great day, Mrs. Kim!"

Minjeong responded to all of the kids who bid goodbyes to her. then, someone taps her shoulder.

"hey, Mrs. Kwon. Going home?" Minjeong greeted the senior teacher.

"I'm too old to work overtime. The kids loves you." Mrs. Kwon smiles at her.

"and I love the kids! This school is perfect. Thanks, Mrs. Kwon."

"Mrs. Kim! Miss!" a boy runs towards her. "oh, hi, Mrs. Kwon. Miss... I have something for you."

"hey, Gunhoo. What's that?" Winter noticed that he has a paper on his hands.

"I finished the drawing. Look! This is you. this is me. I also have my mom because I love her. then, I draw this rainbow because you teach me the colors the other day! this is for you." Gunhoo explained cheerfully.

"thank you, kiddo." Minjeong takes the drawing and look at it briefly. "you get the colors right!"

"of course! I'm a smart kid just like you said." Gunhoo proudly smiles.

"Gunhoo! Stop bothering your teachers!" a man called him.

Gunhoo waved at him and runs towards him. still, he waves goodbye to Minjeong.

"another drawing on my fridge." Minjeong sighs, smiling while looking at the drawing.

"you think it's better than kindergarten?" Mrs. Kwon asked.

"I can't communicate with them, Mrs. Kwon. It's my time to really talk to my students." Minjeong chuckles. "but, I don't love them less, of course."

"alright, Minjeong. Have a good day."

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