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Minjeong walks out of her car, going to the school. Just like every morning, many students greeted her cheerfully. Other than that, she often pay attention to them.

"Gunhoo!" Minjeong approached him after seeing him with a sad face. "what's wrong?"

"good morning, Mrs. Kim."

"having a sick tummy?" Minjeong tickled his tummy. That managed to gain some chuckles from the kid. "what's up?"

"I'm with the bus today."

"no one could give you a ride?" Minjeong walks with him to his class.

"mommy said she needs to work. More work." Gunhoo huffs.

"maybe she wants to give you a surprise. Working is not always bad. If you do it too much, it's bad." Minjeong caresses his head.

"it's too much for me. it's bad." He stops walking and faces her. "I wanna have money. Mommy said she need it."

"oh..." Minjeong awkwardly chuckles. "I mean, we all need it. trust me, your mom will give you her best. Trust her."

"let's go, Mrs. Kim." Gunhoo smiles as he takes her hand and drags her to the class.

"well, kids. Seems like I'm here early." Minjeong smiles at the confused students. "let's wait for your friends."



Minjeong looks up, seeing someone calling her.

"Mrs. Kwon." Minjeong stands up from her seat. "shall we talk outside?"

"yes, please."

The two of them enters the principal office.

"what do you want to talk about?" Minjeong takes a seat after Mrs. Kwon did.

"some parents are complaining."

"about me?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow. "is there anything I can change?"

"no, actually. I don't really know why they complained about you. they said you're too close to the students it's scary for them. Maybe because the other teachers are... decent."

"you mean, I'm not allowed to bond with my students?"

"just, not too much. Okay?" Mrs. Kwon reminded her.

"those parents have to talk to me directly, Mrs. Kwon. As long as they're having fun learning, I'll do what I do." Minjeong smiles politely, standing up from the seat, and gets out of the office.


Jimin finally walks into her apartment after finishing her extra shift at the department store.

"I'm home." Jimin greeted as she takes off her shoes. "oh, hey, Yeonjun. He asked for that?" she noticed that Gunhoo is watching barbie.

"he said he wants to be like Ken." Yeonjun giggles, still sitting on the couch with Gunhoo on his lap.

"have you guys had dinner?" Jimin approached them and plants a kiss on the son's head.

"yep. I ordered something if you wanna eat first." Yeonjun said as he caresses Gunhoo's head. the kid is already asleep.

"thank you for staying with him." Jimin sits at the dining table and starts eating. "I don't know how long I can keep up with this. I'm going nowhere."

"I offered you something back then. you refused." Yeonjun carefully carries Gunhoo and walks towards her.

"I can't move around again. I promised him that we won't go anywhere." Jimin sighs.

"that's exactly what you just said. You struggled to pay rent. I'm trying to help. "here." Yeonjun takes out his wallet and gives it to Jimin. "there's a name card of car dealership. Maybe you can put your degree to a better use."

"I'll give it a try." Jimin reads the card. "should I apply for the marketing department?"

"that's up to you. whatever you choose, they'll still give you some training period." Yeonjun encouraged her. "you can take your time thinking. I'll get this kid to bed then I'll head out, okay?"

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