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Jimin noticed that Gunhoo is not feeling good after Minjeong stops visiting them. He's still a good kid, of course. it's just different. Usually, he'll talk about his day at school, but now, he's just telling something that's necessary.

"I should go to Charlie's house again. I started hanging out with Brian and Joseph again because now I'm cool." Gunhoo smiles proudly.

"that's great, dear. Wanna go this weekend?" Jimin is sitting across him on the dining table. "I took a day off."

"really?! For me?!" Gunhoo is getting excited. "then, you can come to Charlie's house too!"

"you should hang out with your friends. It'd be weird if I'm there." Jimin actually feels a bit sad. "I'll be fine."

"but you'll be alone~. I don't want you to be lonely." Gunhoo pouts. "Mrs. Smith will be happy to have you there too."

"really?" Jimin chuckles. "I'll take you there tomorrow, okay?"

"maybe you can go with Mrs. Kim. You guys fight because of me." Gunhoo suggested. "I hate fights, remember?"

"you grew up a lot. I guess you learned a lot of things from her." Jimin smiles at him.

"exactly. That's why you need to keep her close. I will become the smartest in my class, even smarter than the whole school." Gunhoo raised his head with pride. "Mrs. Kim can teach me a lot of things."

"true. You read a lot too. I spent most of my money on those books." Jimin pointed her thumb at the bookcase.

"I wanna read as much as you've read. I can replace your old books with my new books." Gunhoo added. "Mrs. Kim said that you're an intelligent woman because you used to read a lot. I want to be as intelligent as you."

"she did? well..." Jimin felt proud of herself, remembering that she used to be the first in her classes. "I ranked number one in my class."

"that's so cool! You're the coolest mom ever!" Gunhoo cheered. "I'm proud to have a mother like you, mommy. Thank you for working hard for us."

Jimin got taken aback. She can see that he's too mature for his age, it might be a good thing.

"thank you, Gunhoo." Jimin smiles at him. "you can brush your teeth after this. get ready to sleep, okay?"


Being done cleaning up after Gunhoo falls asleep, Jimin enters the bathroom to clean herself before sleep. just after she tied her hair, the doorbell rings a couple times.

"I didn't ask for a guest." Jimin groans. She gets out of the bathroom and goes to the door.


"it's late. Why are you here, Minjeong?" Jimin sighs.

"I supposed, I can come here when I know what I want. So, here I am." Minjeong shrugs.

"come in." Jimin makes a way for Minjeong. "you must've had some sort of telepathy to contact Gunhoo. He's been talking about you all day."

"maybe he missed me." Minjeong smirks. "I missed him too." she sits on the couch. "too bad I meet you instead."

"why don't you go home, then? you know he's already asleep at this hour." Jimin sulks.

"I'm joking. I missed you." Minjeong said, facing the TV.

"me?" Jimin stood in front of her. "you're closer to Gunhoo than me. how can you miss me?"

"well..." Minjeong stands up. "I've been watching you at Shin's dealer. Also, met you a couple times at school. We even go on a picnic together with him. how can I forget you and only care about him?"

"is this your way of apologizing? I already forgive you, okay?" Jimin realized that they're standing too close to each other. "so, do you want your usual tea?"

"I heard that you're gonna be free tomorrow. Wines are fine, right?"


"that's the first time in my life I got defeated. I was so.. ugh! It was annoying." Minjeong ended her childhood story, finishing her third glass of wine.

"but, look at you, now. those people that defeated you, right now, are here." Jimin placed her hand flat on the table. "you. are here." She lifted her hand up in the air.

"some of them owns a company. what are you talking about?" Minjeong stifles. "I do own a company. but I don't really take care of it. my dad took care of it when he's still here. After that, that company is just under my name. my uncle is taking my position instead." she shared.

"you must be hella rich. Doesn't look like it, though, no offense." Jimin looks at her. "take care of yourself once."

"I am taking care of myself." Minjeong felt offended.

"yeah, yeah, you're pretty and all." Jimin blurted out. "at least you're clean and smell nice."

"see?" Minjeong fixed herself with pride. "wait. Did you say I'm pretty?"

"what? when? I just said you smell nice. It's weird. What brand do you use?" Jimin leans closer to smell her more.

"stop that. you're that one that's weird." Minjeong grabbed her shoulders and pushed her slightly. "here." She pulls her in, placing her hand on the back of Jimin's head and guides her to her neck.

"whoa... tell me right now. I wanna buy it for Gunhoo." Jimin pulls away, looking at her.

"I can't do that. girls would be all over him. no. he's too young to have that kind of perfume." Minjeong smirks. "you can just ask me to come here if you wanna smell this."

"you think I don't know how you attract girls with that trick? I won't fall for that." Jimin folds her arms. "I'm sleepy already. You stay here. Don't drive when you're drunk."

"yes, ma'am." Minjeong then grabs her hand. "do I have to sleep on the couch all the time?"

"get an Uber or something." Jimin snatched her hand. "I'll enjoy my bed alone."

"ah... my back is killing me. who wants to take an order this late. I'll drive home, then. see you tomorrow, Jimin." Minjeong stands up, acting like she has a sore back.

"fine. you sleep on the floor." 

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