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Minjeong haven't ate for two days now. she's starving and just want to sleep. sadly, every time she did, the guards woke her up with beatings.

"still no?"

Minjeong looks up, seeing James walks into the room. he sits across her casually, keeping his manner. Minjeong is too tired to say anything. she looks down again, refusing any offer he gave her.

"don't make me do something you don't like. You know I can't unalive you." James sighs. "bring her in."

That statement made Minjeong's heart raced. The worst case is, James already got Jimin.

"Giselle?" Minjeong finally said a word. "I thought you-"

"what? she's going abroad with a guy named Oscar?" James laughed at her. "really?"

"Minjeong?" Giselle is as confused at her. "I thought you'd take me to your client." She said to James.

"oh, shut up. if you weren't so afraid of Namjoon, you wouldn't be here." James rolled his eyes. "did you know a secret that she has?" he looked at Minjeong.

"what secret?"

"you know why she wants to be your assistant?" James asked, still looking down on her. "she fantasized about you, darling." He stifles. "still look innocent to you?"

"she did not." Minjeong then looks at Giselle who looks away, as if feeling guilty. "did you?"

"I should leave." Giselle turns around, but soon held by the guards.

"c'mon. aren't you gonna confess to your 'God'? I wanna know how religious you are." James mocked her. "my child, you have sinned and I will punish you." he laughs afterwards. "hm.. what else? Oh, you fucked your boss."

"what?! I did not!" Giselle defended.

"not technically. You just made out with him. not a one-time thing." James then glanced at Minjeong. "by him I mean Namjoon."

"Gigi..." Minjeong can see through people pretty well. She knows that Giselle can't defend herself. "why did you do it?"

"I needed a raise." Giselle looks down. "that's his request."

"see? not so innocent after all." James scoffed. "now, how does it feel to work with a whore?"

"hey! Shut your mouth!" Minjeong jumped from her seat.

"chill out." James fans his hand in front of Minjeong. "at least she likes you. have you tried her?"

Minjeong is sick of him. every word he said is rubbish.

"as I said, she'll be punished." James looks back, snaps his fingers to give the guards a cue to drag Giselle to another room.

"what are you gonna do to her?!" Minjeong struggled to get out of the ties and chains.

"okay, that's done for today." James stands up. "I'll be waiting for your approval."


Sungmin and Yujin are struggling to track Minjeong. They're able to track down the car from that night but it comes to a dead end.

"so, you're saying he might have multiple identities?" Yujin raised an eyebrow.

"you see, based on what I found when I have the names were all the birthdate are all the same." Sungmin showed her all the IDs to compare them. "this one is the one who bought the car, this guy owns the trucks that hits Jimin and Chaehyun, also the expedition. This guy hired Giselle. Minjeong asked me to look it up."

"that's James. The real James, right? the birthdate is different." Yujin noticed.

"but, look." Sungmin pointed at an ID. "this is Isabelle. James's late wife."

"oh, shit." Yujin leans back. all of the evidence started to make sense. "how are we gonna find her now?"

"we still can't find the phone. maybe it's still on her." Sungmin sighs.

"excuse me." A man peeked inside the office. "we found the phone."

"where is it?" Sungmin looked at him.

"the team is still on the way here to bring it back. it's already broken, like, it's crushed."

"send it to forensics, maybe we can get a fingerprint." Sungmin let them takeover.

"on it, sir. I'll report to you ASAP."


Jimin has been losing sleeps, skipping her meals, and started to lose her spirit. Her memories got stuck to the part where Minjeong got sued by Yeonjun and her cousin got the sentence in prison.

"mommy... can you eat?" Gunhoo walked up to her, tugging her shirt. "are you not hungry?"

"hey, they will find her, for sure. you wanna be healthy when she's back, right?" Chaewon said to her as well. "you still need to take care of yourself. she doesn't want you like this."

"I'm starting to like her." Jimin looks down. "I remember when she used to spend a lot of time for me despite being in trouble. I know she told me not to worry, but, right now I feel like I even have anxiety about her."

"how about we eat first? I'll go to the station after you're done." Chaewon rubs her shoulder.

"can I come too?" Jimin looks up at her.

"what about me? I wanna find mama too." Gunhoo chimed in, feeling left out.

"you can't leave him." Chaewon said to her. "I'll take care of everything, okay?"

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