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"yes." Jimin then starts grinding Minjeong's waist. "should we continue?"

Minjeong gulps after seeing the look in Jimin's eyes. maybe, she's right. Jimin will devour her and suck her dry. Jimin can see the innocent gaze from the latter, so, she continues to make out with the younger woman and gets the fire going.

With all the hot air, heavy breathings, and sweats the they produce, Jimin dares to take off her clothes. From her shirt, onto her bra. Minjeong got her jaw drop when she looks down to her chest. She looks back up to meet Jimin's eyes.

"should I teach you how to do all this again?" Jimin teased her by kissing her neck in a few places.

"I don't think you need to." Minjeong is getting worked up.

Minjeong starts kissing her again while unbuttoning her own shirt as fast as she can. When her upper body got exposed, Minjeong starts working on her belt.

"that one is for me. sit back." Jimin starts helping her with her pants. "this is almost twice as big as my ex's."

Jimin stares at Minjeong's appendage before she grabs it with one hand, while the other holds the sack under it. Minjeong missed this feeling. Something sexual to spice up her life is absolutely needed.

Jimin gives some kisses on the side of the shaft for starter. Both of her hands are busy massaging and caressing the extra part of Minjeong's body. Minjeong closes her eyes when she feels the warmth of Jimin's mouth. She moves her hand to Jimin's head, wanting her to feel the love despite the sexual intercourse that they're having. Alas, it doesn't take long for her to grab a handful of her hair because she's way too aroused to be gentle with her.

Jimin's moan can be felt on Minjeong's girth. Minjeong's moan soon followed. She looks down and realized that she's holding onto Jimin's hair too tight.

"sorry." Minjeong panted as she lets go of her.

Jimin hums and looks back up. she then grabs her hand and places it on her head again. Minjeong is hesitant at first, but seeing that Jimin enjoys it, she goes all out. to add up more tension, Jimin drags her nails lightly on Minjeong's abdomen, feeling her toned abs.

"you're doing so great, Jimin. I'm about to-"

Minjeong covers her mouth and shuts her eyes close before she can let any sound comes out of her mouth. Lucky for Jimin, she managed to pull out before she's choking on Minjeong's thick liquid. She lets it spurts freely and lands on her face, down to her chest.

"ride on." Minjeong's vision is still cloudy after the climax. She knows she has to return the favour.

"well, if you insist..." Jimin noticed that it's still standing proudly and twitching.

"oh, fuck!" Minjeong looks ahead of her and see that she's already inside Jimin's sacred cave. "fuck."

Jimin's mouth goes agape as she adjust to Minjeong's size. It feels like her abdomen got stretched all over again. Different from Minjeong, she can control her voice. Though it would be much better to let it all out, she still thinks about her son.

Minjeong grabs Jimin's waist with both of her hands and guides her to move. She nods at her to let her know that it's okay to 'use' her. Jimin bites her bottom lip before moving herself up and down. she tilts her head back and grabs Minjeong's shoulder for support.

Minjeong goes to cup Jimin's cheeks, initiating another deep kiss. as they use their tongues, Minjeong managed to capture Jimin's and begins to suck it deeply before pulling away. Jimin rests her forehead on Minjeong's as she wraps her arms around Minjeong's neck.

"switch." Jimin said weakly as she moves to the side and lies on the couch.

Getting the command, Minjeong starts adjusting her position along with the latter. She gets in between Jimin's legs and starts humping her with the same constant speed. Just how she used to do it, no matter how much she wants to bust, she needs to satisfy her partner first.

"keep going. You're doing amazing." Jimin complimented.

Of course, Minjeong gets more and more excited. Suddenly, Jimin locks her hips with her legs. It caught Minjeong by surprise when Jimin suddenly pulled her in for a hug. A tight one. Every muscle on Jimin's body goes tense and she buries her face on Minjeong's neck.

"I want you to pull out." Jimin whispered.

Once Jimin's holds loosen up Minjeong pulls out. she's still on the edge though. Minjeong moves forward, tempted to try something. One foot on the floor, the other goes under Jimin's upper arm. Minjeong placed her dick on Jimin's chest uses both of her hands to clamp her shaft between the breasts.

"you wanna do what now?" Jimin weakly asked without looking at her.

Minjeong ignored her and starts humping on her chest. Things are perfect. it feels like she's ten feet tall with all the pleasure she experienced right now. as she goes faster, Jimin finally understands what she's doing. so, she helps Minjeong holding her own breasts, while Minjeong moves her hands up beside Jimin's head.

"this feels so good, Jimin. Fuck." Minjeong shuts her eyes when as feels like she's about to reach the climax.

With one last thrust, Minjeong stops herself and again, covers her mouth. Jimin gasps when another plenty shot of sperm landed on her face, enters her mouth, and surpass the couch.

"I have to do a lot of clean up." Jimin chuckles.

Minjeong is too tired to speak. She's dragging her own body down the couch to lay on the floor. Jimin is a little confused when she noticed Minjeong laying there, staring at the ceiling with a gaze that she can't understand.

"are you okay? you're scaring me."

Minjeong turns her head towards Jimin and smile. She then closes her eyes casually to take in everything that she did earlier.

"don't sleep there, dummy." Jimin slaps her abs lightly.

Minjeong sits up tiredly and looks at Jimin again. She then looks at the coffee table where there's a tissue box. She takes some and helps Jimin with cleaning her face gently.

"I feel like I've ran a marathon." Minjeong said as she wipes the last bits on her face.

"I thought you're athletic." Jimin reached down to tap Minjeong's abs. "might be my favorite part of you from now on."

"yeah, I'm proud of it." Minjeong smirks. "can we clean up tomorrow? I'll get a good sleep with a good cuddle."

"you're such a baby." Jimin jokingly rolled her eyes as she sits down. she then leans down to give her head a light kiss. "get the clothes. I'll wait for you in bed."

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