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Minjeong quickly parked her car and enters the lobby. Turns out, someone she expected is still there. She approached him calmly.


"Jihoon." Minjeong watches him stands up and extends his hand for her to shake. "looking for Jimin?"

"yes, actually. I believe you're here for them too." Jihoon smiles at her.

"correct." Minjeong put her hands on her pockets. "why don't we have a chat upstairs while we wait for them."

"I thought I'm not allowed." Jihoon raised an eyebrow.

"it's okay. I'll take the blame." Minjeong chuckles. "c'mon."

The two enters the unit casually. Though Jihoon feels a bit suspicious, he plays along with Minjeong's offer. He sits on the couch, making himself comfortable.

"would you like anything to drink?" Minjeong opened the fridge. "you like juice?"

"anything is fine."

Minjeong walks towards the living area and gives him a glass of apple juice.

"so, what makes you want to come back?" Minjeong sips her drink.

"I've been looking for her for years. I think it's just fate that we met that night." Jihoon stifles. "what about you? how do you guys met?"

"I was a teacher. Gunhoo's teacher." Minjeong shortly replied.

"so, you must've met a lot of single mothers." Jihoon smirked. "must be great."

"oh, I'm sincere about my job. That's not what I had in mind." Minjeong doesn't take it seriously.

"c'mon, we both like women. You can be honest." Jihoon chuckles. "besides, it's easy for someone to fall for someone like Jimin. She's just so perfect, you know?"

"I know that very well." Minjeong smiles a little. "so, let's be honest, shall we?"

"sure, no problem." Jihoon casually sips his drink.

"what's your intention, exactly? Why now?" Minjeong looks at him sharply.

"what are you talking about? After all these years, I want my girl back. I worked my ass off so I can make a living and provide them with my own money." Jihoon raised his voice gradually as if he's offended.

"no need to raise your voice. I'm just asking, making sure. I know all about you." Minjeong tried to control the pace of the conversation.

"so you know the part where her parents kicked me out and threatened me? my parents begged and begged for a mercy so I can be responsible for what I did." Jihoon squinted his eyes slightly.

"threatened you?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows. Of course, she didn't believe that. "how?"

"look, I don't know what she told you but her parents cut us off, okay? my parents wants me to work, hoping someday I can see her again." Jihoon sighs.

"I see." Minjeong just nods. "sorry to hear that."

"I have no bad intentions. I just want a chance. My chance to have a family." Jihoon looks away. "I know she's way above me, but, you know, at least I can be a proper dad."

"well, you can be someone else's dad and husband." Minjeong shrugs.

"Gunhoo is my son, my blood, and I can't just let him grow up without a father figure." Jihoon tried to offend Minjeong. She's unbothered by it though.

"he's doing well so far. For about eight years of his life."

"a healthy boy like him should be interested in sports, ball games, and any other physical activities. Meanwhile, he likes drawing and walking at the park. He even ask for a pink teddy cotton candy and strawberry milk." Jihoon sounded frustrated. "I don't want my son to be a wimp."

"he's not a wimp, dude. What's wrong with you?" Minjeong got hurt by that but she keeps her tone calm anyway.

"also, look at that bright yellow thing. Why did you let him use that?" Jihoon pointed at a painting brush case.

"oh, the other colors are out of stock, so, I bought that instead." Minjeong shrugs.

"unbelievable. That's not how you raise a son. He needs to learn about how to be a real man." Jihoon starts raising his voice.

"looks like you don't know much about your son even though I gave you enough time to get to know him." Minjeong sighs. "I suggest you let him-"

Her words got cut off by the sound of the door opening. Minjeong knows it's Jimin and Gunhoo. Jihoon immediately stands up and approached them.

"she lets me in. don't blame me." Jihoon pointed his thumb at Minjeong.

"I just wanna talk." Minjeong stood up and approached them. "sorry I didn't tell you that he's here."

"hi, uncle." Gunhoo managed to smile at him.

"u-uncle?" Jihoon takes glances at Minjeong and Jimin. "did you guys set me up?"

"set you up? we're too mature to do that." Jimin furrowed her eyebrows.

"alright, I'm out of here. You're gonna regret this."

The three of them are confused by the way he acted. Jimin guessed that it's probably his short tempered trait.

"I heard that you left after seeing him. so, I rushed here and invited him." Minjeong informed after Jihoon left.

"did you, like, interrogate him?" Jimin chuckles, walking to the kitchen.

"yeah, sort of." Minjeong pays attention to Gunhoo who's changing his clothes with his door still open. She walks up to it and peeks inside. "make sure to close the door, kid. You have to make it a habit."

"why?" Gunhoo looks back, putting on his new shirt.

"because..." Minjeong walks in, closing the door. "... there are things on your body that only you can see." she sits on his bed. "remember when we study about puberty?" Minjeong smiles a little and Gunhoo nods as a response. He goes to sit beside Minjeong. "following that, we have to understand about privacy as well. You and I both have something in common in our body. That's one of the reasons why your mom can no longer bathe you."

"like what I use for peeing?" Gunhoo innocently asked. "you have that? but, you're a female, like mommy."

"true. Just the top part." Minjeong caresses his head. "you have to be careful, okay? there are certain parts that no one can touch but you."

"okay, I will remember." 

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