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After what happened that day, Minjeong starts to see that everything is not an accident. She contacted Yujin and Chaewon, the people she trusts the most. With Yujin, she asked to meet at a café to talk about this.

"maybe we can start with comparing Jimin's case and Chaehyun's. do you have someone you know from police department?" Yujin suggested.

"I think I know someone that can help us. I'll contact him. also, I want you to be my lawyer. We gather the evidence, all that we can find. I wanna know where it leads." Minjeong grabs her phone and give Chaewon a heads up about her plan.

"aside from the truck thing, anything else similar about them?" Yujin asked as she takes out her ipad.

"both of the driver died. I already did a little research about the drivers and the trucks' information. Both of them are from the same expedition, just different color. When I asked the police, they always said that they died from the impact." Minjeong explained.

"that's not really possible, wasn't it?" Yujin raised her eyebrow. "unless... they killed themselves after hitting them."

"that actually make sense. But how? If there's a bomb, it'd be noticeable."

"did they really check the truck?" Yujin squinted her eyes. "any autopsy of the drivers?"

"that's... not really what I care about." Minjeong looks down. "if I found someone from the police, I'll update you."


Jimin is currently doing her therapy to strengthen her muscles. She already made a lot of progress, like, going to the bathroom alone, getting up from bed, and having a little walk around the hospital park.

"good evening."

Jimin looks up, noticing Minjeong walking in. she smiles warmly at Minjeong to greet her.

"Mrs. Kim." The doctor greeted. "it's looking good here. The rest of the sessions can be done at home, actually."

"really?" Minjeong smiles happily. "what about the hypnosis stuff?"

"for that, you still need to come here." He informed. "as I said the other day, you can do other methods at home. Yet again, it's all your decision."

"I wanna take my time. the hypnosis is too fast for me." Jimin confessed after three sessions. "I'm sorry."

"no problem at all." the doctor smiles at them. "I suggest that you guys do some old habits to reopen the memory boxes."

"okay. thanks, doc." Minjeong nods at him.

Shortly after, the doctor leaves them. Jimin continues to look into her phone while Minjeong stays beside her.

"do you know who they are?" Jimin asked as she shows a picture of them, Gunhoo, and Alice's family.

"this is Alice, Gunhoo's friend. The two of them are the parents of Alice. Jeonghan and Mingyu." Minjeong pointed at them one by one.

"oh... can I meet them?" Jimin looks at her.

"you have their contacts." Minjeong informed. "they'll visit you. we're already close."

"oh, really? I'll try then."


Gunhoo barged into the room, surprising both of them. Not only him, the people that they talked about showed up behind him.

"no wonder you came so late." Minjeong gives the little boy a hug.

"I'm really sorry. We just found out." Jeonghan gave Minjeong a comforting hug. "I baked something for her and you."

"hello, aunt Jimin. I'm Alice, a close friend of Gunhoo. I hope you remember me again and we can hang out again." Alice stood close to the bed.

"you're a sweet girl. I will remember you." Jimin kindly responded, fixing her bed so she can sit up.

"so, she doesn't remember anything about what you guys have?" Mingyu sits on the couch. Minjeong joined him while Jeonghan and Alice are talking with Jimin.

"no. it's an excruciating pain. But, I'm glad that I can still be here for her." Minjeong poured her heart out. "my plan is too let her have her own process. I don't wanna push her."

"that's a good way to start, right? are you guys gonna live together still?"

"her apartment is unavailable. I already told her. we're good." Minjeong purses her lips. "I think it can also help her remember."

"agree. Gunhoo can stay at our house if you want." Mingyu offered. "must be hard for him too."

"he doesn't look sad. That's the saddest part. He wants her to not worry about him. I'm glad that he has Alice. Thanks to you, he can still be a happy kid."

"no problem. We're ready to help you guys."


Minjeong visits the police department to check on someone. She just remembered the detective that came to her for Jihoon's case.

"Mr. Choi. Someone wants to see you."

Minjeong waits a bit before the detective shows up. she smiles at him and shakes his hand.

"you're Kim Minjeong, right?" Sungmin raised an eyebrow. "is there anything I can help?"

"yes, actually. I'd like to check on my partner's accident. If possible, I also want to see my late wife's accident's files. Maybe you guys found something on the scene."

"let's go to my office." Sungmin looks around before leading her to his office.

"so, can you help me?" Minjeong sits across him.

"I remember the recent case. Mrs. Yu's files are right here. But I'm not the one in charge of your late wife. It's my senior's." Sungmin gives her the files, still putting his hand on top of it. "I know you're a lawyer, so, I can trust you. can I?"

"yes." Minjeong flips over the pages. It filled with pictures from the scene. "what about the truck? This is all from my car."

"the company refused. The only thing we got from the truck is from outside." Sungmin flips the pages, showing her the exterior of the truck. "after the rescue, I found out that there's another smaller truck following it. they're the ones that insisted to take care of the properties."

"odd, isn't it? just like my late wife's case. never heard of the truck's drivers ever since."

"you got me curious." Sungmin pointed his finger at her. "here's my number. Tell me the names, date of the accident, and the type of car that your late wife rode. I'll do something about this."

"really?" Minjeong got suspicious instead.

"do you have a name of someone you want to investigate?" Sungmin tried to assure her.

"yes. but before that, I want to gather the evidences." Minjeong informed. "I'll give you the information and you'll give me the reports, okay?"

"well, you also need my account, then. I'm being realistic here. You're basically hiring me." Sungmin slides another card.

"I'll give you any amount you need. I really hope I can trust you."

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