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Minjeong is walking side by side with Gunhoo at the bookstore. He told her the other day that he wants new books, so she gladly take him here.

"what else do you want? You like comics? Maybe some educational stories?" Minjeong asked him to make sure that he gets everything he wants.

"I want a map." Gunhoo looks up. "one day, I wanna take mommy to travel all over the world. I can make marks on the map."

"that's a big dream. That'll be easy for you since you're a smart kid." Minjeong ruffles his hair. "get everything you want."

"this is enough, mama. Let's go home now."


In fact, they're not going back home. Jimin is still working, so Minjeong and Gunhoo goes to her workplace. After going inside, they go to the seating area where Gunhoo can read his new book.

"good afternoon, Mrs. Kim. Would you like anything to drink?"

"hey, Han. Can you get me some tea and milkshake for this guy." Minjeong greeted back, taking out her credit card. "use this."

"it's alright ma'am. I'll buy you the drinks." Han kindly offered. "just tea and milkshake won't make me broke, ma'am." He jokingly said as he walks backwards, leaving the two.

"mama, can you explain this?" Gunhoo pointed at his book. "it's harder than I thought."

With that, Minjeong spends her time with Gunhoo and teach him a few things she knows.


Jimin was too busy earlier that she doesn't really pay attention to Minjeong and Gunhoo. Lucky that they're also occupied with their own thing.

"guys, I'm gonna go to locker room to change then we can go, okay?" Jimin said after approaching them.

"look what I got mom! Mama bought me so many books!" Gunhoo excitedly told Jimin.

"you don't owe me anything." Minjeong warned her. "we'll have dinner after this. where do you wanna go?"

"I'm craving Chinese food." Jimin said, pouting her bottom lip.

"Chinatown it is. we'll wait in the car."


Having a peaceful time eating at a Chinese restaurant, Minjeong is randomly trying to eat a spicy dish that Jimin ordered.

"that's mala. Can you handle it?" Jimin raised an eyebrow, teasing her.

"mommy loves spicy food. I can't even eat it." Gunhoo chimed in.

"you're still a child. No way you can eat spicy food." Minjeong responded before sipping a spoonful of the broth.

Jimin can see that after a few seconds, Minjeong starts sticking her tongue out and pants as the spiciness kicks in almost immediately.

"you're stupid sometimes." Jimin just laughs at her.

"you can do it, mama." Gunhoo joked along.

Minjeong grabs any drink she can find on the table and emptied almost all of it. meanwhile, Jimin raised her hand so a waiter can notice her.

"do you have some milk?" Jimin asked the waiter.

"sure." the waiter glanced at Minjeong before walking away.

"that's embarrassing." Minjeong covers her face with one hand.

"so, we're the same. I can't eat spicy food, mama also can't. we can eat together more often!" Gunhoo commented.

"the more you eat with me, you'll adjust to it." Jimin reassured her. "now, we have to order more drinks."

"excuse me, here's your- Jimin?"

The three looks up to see a man. Looks like he's in charge of cleaning or kitchen by the look of his clothes.

"Jihoon?" Jimin is dumbfounded.

"you guys know each other?" Minjeong ignored her burning mouth, being confused

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"you guys know each other?" Minjeong ignored her burning mouth, being confused.

"I can't believe I found you here. My son Gunhoo." Jihoon looks at the boy.

"who's he, mommy?" Gunhoo clearly doesn't remember him at all.

"you're the dad?!" Minjeong's eyes widened.

Jimin hurriedly takes out her wallet and places some bills on the table, estimating the price of the meal.

"we should go." Jimin said to Minjeong and Gunhoo.

The three of them quickly gets up and walks out of the restaurant.

"wait! Jimin!" Jihoon chased them. "please, talk to me." he managed to catch Jimin's wrist.

"stop, please." Jimin snatched her hand back.

Minjeong looks back after getting Gunhoo inside the car. Feeling like she's not in the place to meddle, Minjeong leans on her car while waiting for Jimin.

"I missed you. can we just work it out again? I wasn't ready back then." Jihoon begged.

"then you should think before doing anything. I don't want anything to do with you anymore." Jimin looks away, starting to get annoyed.

"what about him? he needs to know his dad, right? at least let me see him once in a while."

"no, Jihoon. We're doing perfectly fine without you." Jimin walks back a few steps.

"I'm not like that anymore. I can be responsible, I have a job, I can provide for you." Jihoon then glanced at Minjeong. "who is she? Your colleague? Your boss?"

"that's none of your business." Jimin glared at him. "now, excuse me."

Jimin then walks towards the car, entering without saying anything. as Minjeong starts driving, she takes a few glances at Jimin. She thinks that Jimin must be in shock earlier.

"mommy... are you sad? Is he really my dad?" Gunhoo asked, leaning forward a little bit.

"hey, kid, you want some dessert? We can stop by Wendy's." Minjeong distracted him.

"does mommy want some dessert too?" Gunhoo sounds a bit sad too.

Minjeong sighs, not knowing what to do. the mother and son are not feeling well after what happened. This only makes things awkward. Regardless, Minjeong can't really say anything about it because it's their past.

"just get what you want, Gunhoo." Jimin finally responded with irritated tone.


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