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The ride is pretty comfortable. Minjeong managed to keep the conversation going between them and Jimin is enjoying the time.

"I usually listen to some quiz radios and answer them. Since the timing is right, I'd like to show you." she then put the radio on a certain station.

"impress me." Jimin challenged.

"they usually reveals the answers after ten seconds, so, watch me." Minjeong smirks.

Minjeong got the questions right, mostly. Jimin knows that she's able to do that, of course. Minjeong is a smart educated woman after all.

"okay, okay, I approved and I'm impressed." Jimin chuckles.

Minjeong smiles to herself, remembers that she has used this trick to flirt with her ex-wife. Surprisingly, Jimin's reaction was not so different from her.

"what?" Jimin noticed her staring. Thank god, they're in a red light.

"nothing." Minjeong looks ahead. "I'm interested to get to know you better."

Jimin is the one starting at her right now. she doesn't even feel like she's worth it and clearly, Minjeong deserves someone that's on her own level.

"there's no way." Jimin finally got her mouth talking. "I mean, what do you see in me? I'm not as good as you think."

"let me find that out myself, Jimin. Besides, I'm just stating my thought." Minjeong glanced at her.

"the house is down that road on the left, by the way." Jimin averted the conversation.

Minjeong turns the car around to pull up on the house. shortly after, Gunhoo walks out of the house with the friend's mother and his friend. Minjeong rolled down the window and waves at Gunhoo. Right at that moment, his eyes sparkled as he cheers excitedly.

"bye, Charlie! Bye Mrs. Smith!" Gunhoo hopped inside the car. "I miss you Mrs. Kim!"

"I missed you too, bud."


Arrived at home, the three gets out of the car. Minjeong helps Jimin with her stuff and Gunhoo drags his former teacher into the apartment.

"slow down, kid. I could trip." Minjeong chuckles.

"I wanna show you something." Gunhoo runs to his room, while Minjeong brings Jimin's stuff on the kitchen isle.

"he's already attached to you." Jimin stated while taking care of the groceries. "that's the brightest I've seen him since you stopped coming to school."

"really?" Minjeong looks down and smiles. She then looks back up at Jimin. "I was thinking-"

"look at this Mrs. Kim! I made it myself." Gunhoo showed up, showing her his toy ship. "mommy finally got me a ship!"

"that's so nice!" Minjeong turned around, taking a better look at the ship by getting on her knees. "you did a great job." She smiles at him, ruffling his hair.

"are you sleeping here tonight?" Gunhoo asked, showing his puppy eyes as usual.

Minjeong looks at Jimin behind her. Jimin who heard the question looks at them. They both somehow looking at her with slanted eyebrows, as if begging her.

"alright, you guys can have fun." Jimin sighs as the other two cheered. "have your milk before you go to sleep."


Minjeong is quite exhausted after playing with Gunhoo. Maybe it's because of her age, or just she's not used to taking care of single kid anymore.

"tired?" Jimin sits beside her on the couch. "have a drink."

"thank you." Minjeong takes the cup from Jimin's hand. "my back is killing me."

"you picked him up, like, fifty times today." Jimin chuckles. "want a massage?"

"yes, please." Minjeong looks at her.

"lay on your tummy."

Minjeong does as she told. She lies face down, making some space for Jimin to sit down. Jimin starts by massaging her upper back with her thumbs, applying enough pressure for Minjeong.

"never had that in a while. In years, maybe." Minjeong sighs in relief. "that's so good."

"thank you." Jimin smiles, though Minjeong can't see her. "I used to do this for my dad."

"your dad must be very lucky." Minjeong's voice got muffled a little. "having a daughter like you."

"I hope he was."

"he must be. Any man would be proud to have you." Minjeong flips around and sits up.

"I don't even have a husband, Minjeong. Clearly there's someone that's not proud of me." Jimin looks down.

"stop thinking about him, please. he must be the stupidest person in your life." Minjeong moves closer to her. "Gunhoo loves you, right?"

"I'd be damned if he didn't." Jimin stifles then looks up at her. "you're sweet, Minjeong. I'm surprised that you got divorce."

"no... not divorced." Minjeong purses her lips. "they passed away." Surprising even for herself that she doesn't feel sad. Instead, she's relieved.

"I'm very sorry." Jimin slanted her eyebrows. "I didn't mean to."

"it's okay. I can't change anything, anyway." Minjeong smiles weakly. "I really wanna let it all go."

"I can say that it's a good step to move on with your life. I'm sure they want that for you." Jimin then realized something. "they? That's their pronouns, right?" 

"my wife and son. They both passed away." Minjeong explained. "I keep blaming myself for it."

"you shouldn't be." Jimin grabs her hand, wanting to give her comfort.

"I know." Minjeong looks down, taking Jimin's hand as well. "she's the best mother for my son, while I'm just... a mother who likes to work. I think that's why God decided to take them both."

"hey, don't say that. they must be proud of you, looking at you from up there." Jimin rubs the back of her hand with her thumb. "are you okay? talking about this?"

"I'm more than okay." Minjeong smiles at her. "hey, my back feels better."

"you should go sleep now. I'll get you the pillow and blanket."

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