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Jimin has been trying to call Minjeong. It's already a day before parent's day and Jimin still heard nothing from her. she knows that this is all her fault. Jimin shouldn't have lied in the first place.

On the other hand, Gunhoo keeps asking about her and Jihoon. Maybe because the father also gained his interest by promising something he likes.

"Mrs. Kim usually visits at this hour." Han showed up beside her. "how's your son?"

"he should be with his friends." Jimin replied, looking at him.

"did something happen? Did you guys fight or something?" Han asked. They're close enough for him to ask about those things by now.

"sort of. Now I feel guilty. I lied to her." Jimin frowned. "what do I do?"

"ah... so that's why she came here the other day. she was asking about you. where were you anyway?" Han recalled.

"I was seeing my ex. Gunhoo's dad." Jimin looks away.

"damn, if I were her, I'd be so pissed and mad about it. why did you lie? She's a very understanding person." Han sighs. "well, then. you better talk to her."


"and this is the cost for child support. The mother refused accept it if it's less than this. as you know, the father- ma'am?"

Minjeong is in the middle of reviewing a case with Giselle. No matter how much she wants to listen, her head goes somewhere else. She keeps thinking about Jimin's behaviour that night. Jimin didn't even look at her and just continued to talk with him instead.

"excuse me, ma'am. If you need some time alone, I can give you some space." Giselle snapped her out of her thoughts.

"no, no. continue." Of course, Minjeong doesn't want her to worry.

"it's okay, ma'am. We can continue when you're feeling better. The court is in Monday. We have time." Giselle kindly suggested with a comforting smile. "and maybe, you should pick up the call." She added before collecting the files and stacks it up.

"thanks, Giselle. I'm in doubt." Minjeong takes her phone and stares at it. "I miss them, though."

"maybe you guys need to talk." Giselle suggested.

"we do actually." Minjeong responded without looking up. then, another ring comes in. Minjeong looks up, looking at Giselle, letting it rings some more.

Giselle nods vigorously, encouraging her. Minjeong sighs, gathering up her emotion before she picks up.

"hey." Minjeong weakly answered.

"where are you? I hope you're not busy. Let's talk, please." Jimin sounded desperate.

"the park. Twenty minutes." Minjeong shortly replied.

"thank you so much. I'll see you there."


Minjeong waits for Jimin to show up at the park. This is the place where Minjeong once saved Gunhoo from drowning.


The woman looks up, seeing Jimin standing in front of her. Minjeong smiles slightly, telling Jimin to sit beside her.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to cover things up. I just don't want you to worry." Jimin started explaining.

"I just want to let you know that I'm not mad at you." Minjeong looks at her. "I was worried, indeed. I couldn't call you, I didn't know where you were, you didn't say anything for the whole day. impossible for me to stay calm." She stifles.

"I shouldn't have lied to you." Jimin looks down. "Jihoon. That's his name. he said something the day we have dinner together. Gunhoo should know his father."

"you should've told me. you're right. a child needs to know their parents unless they're already dead." Minjeong keeps her eyes on her. "just tell me if you need anything, okay?"

"you're too kind. Han was right." Jimin sighs as she looks up.

"what now? did he say something?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow.

"he's right about you being a very understanding person."

"well, I'm flattered." Minjeong's smile grew slightly wider. "by the way, is Gunhoo at home?"

"I asked Han to take him home and keep an eye on him." Jimin replied. "oh, about tomorrow..."

"yes, I'll come. I promised him." Minjeong smiles a little. "I heard... Jihoon promised him something as well."

"he still has my number and I told him where I live." Jimin looks down. she's feeling so stupid right now. "Gunhoo wants to hang out with him again."

"looks like I got myself a competitor." Minjeong joked around. "you didn't even come to me that night. I think Gunhoo loves me more."

"hey, that's not true. I was too embarrassed after getting caught." Jimin pouted. "I was just giving what Gunhoo wants. I did that for him. I offered him and he wanted it."

"I know. I told you, it's okay." Minjeong grabs her hand. "ah, I'm sorry that I avoided your calls. I felt like shit the other day."

"I deserve it." Jimin stifles. "come by tonight. we can go to school together tomorrow."

"see you, then."

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