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Minjeong arrived at the restaurant, going straight inside to look for her uncle. She already guessed that James wouldn't want a public spot, so, she asked a waitress about the VIP room under his name.

"here it is!" James greeted. "feel free to order. It's on me."

"you don't look healthy. Are you okay?" Soohyun noticed.

"don't think about it. we're here for you." Minjeong takes a seat. "are you gonna go back to Canada soon?"

"no. things are great there, I just have to spend time with my family now." Soohyun sips his wine.

"you too should start another one." James added. "who are you gonna leave your assets to?"

"I already have plans for that. I also found-"

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I have to hire some additional employees." Isa showed up, quickly sits beside her father. "oh, hey, Minjeong."

"perfect. I also have plans for you." James pours some wine in Minjeong's glass. "for the sustainability of our relationship."

"what is that?" Minjeong takes a sip of the fine wine.

"you know, I was thinking that you and Isa can start something more than business partners." James stated.

Minjeong choked on her drink, not expecting his words.

"but, of course, you already have that woman, Jimin. I can't just force you." James looked at her in the eyes and slightly smirked. "it's still an ongoing offer."

"you said that woman has a son. Don't you wanna starts something new?" Soohyun added.

"also, I can give you a lot of benefits. A lifetime fortune, probably. You can just sit back and let a lot more money comes to you."

Minjeong is still confused. She thought that this dinner is about Soohyun visiting, but, it seems like it's for something else. The good side is she'd live life the easy way, but, on the other hand, leaving Jimin is not something she had in mind. she doesn't want the easy way.

"chill out... I was just telling you what your dad wanted." James leans back.

"I thought we're here to have casual dinner with Mr. Kim." Isa is as confused as Minjeong. "have you guys ordered yet?"

"I did. heard the oysters are great here. Also their pasta." Soohyun tried to avert the conversation.

Minjeong feels a little awkward by now. she's still thinking about his statement about her father's wish. She doesn't even know what it is exactly.

After some time, the food that they ordered gets served. Setting aside those topics, they all managed to get comfortable again.

"of course, I want her to have a great family and partner. That's why you're one of my choices." James brought it up again.

"maybe, she has better options. As you know, I'm-" Minjeong got cut off.

"yeah, yeah, I know. but, have you considered the fun of having someone younger?" James raised an eyebrow.

"I don't see her like that, sir." Minjeong excused. "can we talk about something else?"

"it's a good offer." Soohyun looks at Minjeong. "even my wife is related to him, you know that?"

"wait, she is?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him.

"not that close related, but still the same line." James added. "look how wealthy he is now."

Everything starts to make sense. Minjeong can't deny that James's family is so powerful that she wouldn't be surprised if all the money in her card came from him.

"I've learned a lot from you. I can't even imagine I didn't take your offer back then." Soohyun chuckles.

"now, you wanna follow along?" James looked at Minjeong.

"I think you pressured her too much." Isa noticed that Minjeong is not interested.

"it's alright." Minjeong smiles at her, appreciating her attention. "I still don't have any thought about it."

"what about you?" James looked at his daughter. "you said you'd accept her if she's single." He teased.

"but, she's not, isn't she?" Isa looks down.

At this point, Minjeong doesn't know how to act anymore. Since she has no one else in her family, she has a lot of respect for both James and Soohyun. She can only listen and talk to them about business matter, not family or something more personal.

"as long as you're not married to her, you still have a choice." Soohyun said to Minjeong.

"I'm really uncomfortable." Minjeong sighs.

"it's for your own good. But, if you don't want to, it's okay." Soohyun shrugs. "oh, I bought the apartment you suggested the other day, sir. It's a great spot, indeed."


Jimin and Chaewon got startled when Minjeong suddenly bursts into the apartment. they're currently watching a horror movie by Chaewon's request.

"you scared the hell out of me!" Chaewon exclaimed. Then, she noticed her sister has a bad vibe coming out of her. "shouldn't you be happy, meeting that guy?"

"what's wrong?" Jimin noticed it too. she walks over to her, following her to the bedroom.

"nothing." Minjeong said as she picks out some clothes and change.

"really? You know you can talk to me, right?" Jimin hugs her from behind.

"I'm not feeling well lately." Minjeong sighs, turning around. "I just wanna pause everything for a moment and enjoy my time with you."

"we can do that." Jimin guides her to the bed.

"I don't think you understand." Minjeong lies on the bed after Jimin. They both facing each other.

"I'll be here for you, okay? just come to me." Jimin scoots closer, cuddling her.

"you know I love you, right? not a single doubt on my mind when it come to you. I'd choose you over anyone else." Minjeong holds her tighter.

"I know that. why are you saying those things?" Jimin looks up at her. "freaked me out a little bit."

"just making sure." Minjeong didn't want her to worry or overthink about anything. what she said was actually more to herself to erase any doubts that she used to had with Jimin. After the dinner, Minjeong realized that she doesn't want anyone else.

"alright." Jimin pecks her lips. "good night, baby."

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