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Minjeong visits the hospital again, just like the last few days. She took Ryujin's advice and implements it well. Jimin is accepting her well with a little help from Gunhoo, of course.

"Isa?" Minjeong saw her beside Jimin's bed, holding a bouquet of flowers.

"oh, you guys know each other?" Jimin asked.

"yeah, pretty much." Minjeong lightly smiles. "how's your arm?"

"I already started the therapy sessions. The doctor said I need about two weeks." Jimin happily informed.

"so, do you know who she is?" Minjeong asked her about Isa.

"she said I'm currently working at her fashion store. She lets me take some time to recover fully." Jimin informed.

"of course, I'll give you that. I really hope you can come back, though." Isa chuckles.

"I'm trying. I've talked to the doctor and he said there are some therapies I can do to restore my memories."

"alright. I'll talk to the doctor." Minjeong is about to walk away. She's also excited to hear about the treatments.

"wait..." Jimin stopped her. "he'll come here later, right? maybe... we can talk a bit."

"what do you wanna talk about?" Minjeong walks towards her.

"I mean, Isa is here. Is a bit awkward." Jimin nervously chuckles.

"oh." Minjeong already has her hopes up, thinking that she's starting to develop some feelings. "sure thing."


Jimin is currently playing with her phone, looking at the contents inside. She just got it today because the doctors thought to give her some time to adjust to her memories.

At first, she's looking at some texts and calls that she received that day. most of them are from Minjeong. She's confused because she's supposed to be texting her cousin. It goes the same as the calls. Lately, it's all from Minjeong. Jimin starts to wonder more about her relationship with her.

"excuse me, Mrs. Yu. I'd like to inform you about moving your room to the VIP room. this is Mrs. Kim's request. She wants you to have a more comfortable room." a nurse informed after entering the room.

"oh, really?" Jimin didn't expect anything from Minjeong. "well... I'll take it."

With that, they move Jimin to another room. It's much bigger and has an extra bed in it. Jimin wonders again about Minjeong and how wealthy she actually is. honestly, if it's true that Minjeong used to be her lover, Jimin feels like she doesn't deserve her. Minjeong doesn't really spend that much time with Jimin after the accident except for feeding her and giving her a company. they don't really talk that much, more like Minjeong avoided any sensitive questions.

"do you like the room?"

Jimin looks at the door, seeing Minjeong with a satisfied smile. Minjeong walks over to her, drags a chair, and sits beside the bed.

"it's better, for sure." Jimin smiles back. "I got my phone back." she lifts it up with her healthy hand.

"oh..." Minjeong stares at the phone. "good for you." she smiles. "I hope it helps."

"I don't know." Jimin replied, unsure. "thank you for the room. I feel like I owe you a lot."

"you don't. I just want you to be comfortable while you recover."

"you're so nice to me." Jimin looks down. "what if I can't remember you? I feel like we're super close."

"based on what you found on your phone?" Minjeong wondered. "I want you to just take your time. I'm here, anyway."

"okay." Jimin vaguely smiles at her. "thank you so much."

"by the way, Gunhoo is with my sister at my apartment." Minjeong informed. "he's there every day."

"what happened to mine? Did I live with you?" Jimin tilts her head.

"sort of. We- you decided to put it up for rent. So, you live with me." Minjeong nervously waits for her response.

"so, we're THAT close." Jimin looks away, feeling so guilty at Minjeong for not remembering her.

"yeah." Minjeong looks down. "oh, I need to go somewhere after this. I'll be back tonight."

"I supposed you're like really rich, am I right? you're like, so busy every day." Jimin got curious.

"I am. I got a company to run." Little did she know, Minjeong is distracting herself from everything with working restlessly at the company. "I'm glad you like the room."

Jimin just nods. She watches Minjeong stands up from her seat, getting ready to go somewhere again.

"hope you found something else there. You should really take your time." Minjeong unconsciously grabs her hand. "I'll see you tonight."


Minjeong has an appointment with James. She doesn't know why he wants to meet at this unusual time. it way past dinner time and right before her normal bedtime.

James finally came with his two bodyguards, sitting across her. they're at a restaurant, in a private room, just like James usually do.

"so, heard from my daughter about Jimin." James said without any greetings. "how's it keeping up with her?"

"excuse me?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows. "Jimin is actually getting better."

"here too?" James raised his eyebrow, tapping his temple a few times.

It seems to Minjeong that he's mocking her. she's really uncomfortable to the level that she wants to throw a ton of hard concrete to his face.

"here." James took out a paper. "I've been waiting for years for this. you're the only one capable of doing this." he slides the paper closer to her. "sign."

"what's this?" Minjeong hesitantly reads the paper. "no. are you insane?" she looks at James in disbelieve. "Jimin is still at the hospital, fighting for her life! How dare you offer me this?!" she stands up from her seat.

The two bodyguards quickly grabs her, forcing her to sit back down. Minjeong struggled to let go of herself.

"oh, here's the pen." James put it in front of her. "c'mon. you don't need to waste your time on someone who doesn't even know you."

"no. please don't force me." Minjeong is still held by the two big guys. "Isa is a great woman. But, my heart belongs to someone else. I don't do contracts for marriage, James."

"I already know you'd say no." James sighs. "but, listen to me... you will never get your peace."

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