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Gunhoo is currently running around the apartment excitedly. Today is the day where they go to the planetarium for the kid's birthday. Not only Minjeong and Jimin, Alice and her parents comes as well. Gunhoo told Alice about it and her parents allowed her.

"we'll meet them there, right?" Minjeong asked Jimin to make sure. "kid, stay still. You'll mess up your lunch in there."

"best birthday ever!" Gunhoo jumps around the place.

"I'll see you there. Bye!" Jimin hangs up the call from Jeonghan. "they're already on their way. I already send them the location."

"okay." Minjeong grabs her last things and goes to 'catch' Gunhoo. "okay, that's enough."


The parents and the two kids gathered at the entrance of the planetarium. They have a little chat before a man approached them.

"good morning, ladies and gentlemen, kids." The man kindly greeted. "I'm Dave. I'm going to be your guide for today."

"we even have a guide?!" Gunhoo's eyes sparkled. "so cool!"

"man, I envy you. booked the whole place for your son? He's not even your biological son." Mingyu commented.

"honey." Jeonghan nudged his arm.

"sorry." Mingyu chuckles.

"alright. Shall we start?"

They all follow Dave to the first attraction. A hall with a huge display of the solar system for starter. He starts explaining each planet which were individually displayed in the room. the parents make some room for the kids since it's their day.

"I thought we only have earth." Alice commented.

"we can only live here." Gunhoo shrugs.

"what a smart boy." Dave responded. "do you know why?"

"because we have oxygen." Gunhoo easily replied. "it'd be hard to live up there."

"I feel challenged." Mingyu said to Jimin. "our kids are smart but yours is on another level."

"talk to Minjeong about that." Jimin stifles.

"he's already great. I only help him to get better." Minjeong shrugs, bragging a little.

Halfway through the tour, the kids aren't getting tired. They seem to get more excited, asking questions, and asking for their photos to be taken by their parents.

"you guys are so cute. Holding hands and stuff." Mingyu commented on the kids' pose. "smile!"

"do you want me to take pictures of you all?" Dave offered.

"oh, thank you, Dave." Jimin smiles warmly at him, gives him her phone, and goes to the kids. She also grabs Minjeong's hand and drag her along.

The six of them take a few photos casually and continues the tour. Minjeong had already done some research about the place, but, never expected how huge the place is. her feet starts to hurt and there are not much seating spot in the current room.

"I work out, but this is different, don't you think?" Mingyu nudged her arm, leaning on a railing with her. "does she often give you massage?"

"totally, yeah. She gave the best one." Minjeong actually doesn't want him to know anything about their situation lately. Last time Jimin gave her a massage, it was a long time ago.

"bet." Mingyu stifles, looking at the starry ceiling. "hey, you should visit our place sometimes. My baby boy is really great at baking."

"I know. Gunhoo really likes you guys." Minjeong looks at him. "especially Alice."

"let them be friends." Mingyu fixed himself to lean on his side. "ever since Gunhoo got close to her, she became a new kid. I didn't even know that my daughter got bullied. Jeonghan kept telling me back then, but, I just thought that it's just how kids play." He sighs. "you both are great parents and he's a great kid. Not to cross the line, but, I want her to have someone like Gunhoo in the future."

"well... still a long way to go, am I right?"

"guys! let's get some merch and go home." Jeonghan called them.

"I want a rocket and NASA shirt!" Gunhoo chimed in.

"I want a lava lamp!" Alice added.

"you can have anything you want, bud."


Minjeong is still chilling on the couch since they came back from the planetarium. Gunhoo is playing with his rocket, astronaut figurines, and miniature planets on the floor. Minjeong bought more than he initially asked. All that just to spoil the little boy.

"are you guys hungry already?" Jimin checks on both of them.

"do we have fruits?" Gunhoo looks back. "I want snacks."

"sure, dear. I'll get it."

As Jimin walks to the kitchen, Minjeong abruptly sits up. she's feeling a little uncomfortable from not doing anything for hours. even so, she still takes some time to just zone out for some moments.

"honey, your phone is ringing!" Jimin called her, noticing that Minjeong had left her phone on the dining table.

"can you answer it and put it on speaker?" Minjeong stretched and stands up. she then walks over to the dining area.

"Jeong! You have time tonight?" it's Soohyun. "James wants to have dinner with us."

"I just woke up." Minjeong sighs. Honestly, she's not in the mood to go anywhere.

"c'mon. I only have time today."

Minjeong looks at Jimin, as if asking for permission. Jimin just looks at her, giving a sign that it's all up to her and Jimin will respect her decision.

"alright." Minjeong scratched her own head. "send me the location." Soon, Soohyun hangs up.

"you don't seem like you want to go." Jimin commented, fixing up a plate for the fruits.

"he's here for a vacation. Maybe he doesn't want to meet James alone, so, he called me." Minjeong randomly pecks her lips. "I'll be home as soon as I can."

"take your time. he's your closest relative." Jimin caressed her head, smiling as she did. "is Eric still available? You better go with him if you're still tired."

"I'll give him a call."

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