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"where are you going?"

Minjeong stops her track, facing Jimin who's on the couch. today is her free day and Jimin decided to just stay home. Minjeong is supposed to be free as well, but it seems like she needs to go.

"Isa needs to buy something for her cousin's birthday. Has no one to accompany her." Minjeong then kissed the top of Jimin's head. "it won't be long."

"last time you said that, you missed our dinner." Jimin sulks.

"I apologized already. We even go out the next day, right?"

"fine." Jimin stands up and goes to hug her. "I'm starting to get jealous." She buried her face on her neck.

"I can't let down her dad's request. Don't worry."

"until she found a new driver, right?" Jimin looks at her.

"yeah. James haven't called. I suppose I have to help her a bit. She's like a younger sister to me." Minjeong caressed her hair lovingly.

"okay." Jimin looks down. "but it's already too long. They can find someone faster, don't you think?"

"I don't know. even for me, it's hard to find the right person that's suitable enough to work at my company. he has to find someone for his daughter. He must be really picky."

"I can accept that." Jimin nods slowly. "text me later, okay?"



Minjeong smiles upon seeing Isa sitting alone. She's at a café where they decided to meet first.

"you wanna give me another dessert?" Minjeong guessed, seeing the place has a lot of cake displayed on a certain section of the café.

"yes!" Isa slides a small plate of cake towards her after she sits down. "I noticed you like something fruity."

"what's this? mangos?" Minjeong looks at the cake. "I'll get diabetes." She chuckles.

"you won't. try it."

Minjeong takes a bite of it. as expected, Isa's recommendations never fails to impress her.

"you like it." Isa smiles. "you like it, right?"

"I never not like what you gave me. you're a real foodie, I admit it now." Minjeong smiles in satisfaction. She continues to eat the cake, focusing on it. "really. You should definitely come to Gunhoo's birthday."

"oh, when is it?"

"next week." Minjeong informed. "then, next month will be the last month for him in third grade."

"really? What about you? when's your birthday?"

"December 27th. I don't really celebrate it. it's the same as Christmas." Minjeong shrugs.

"no, it's not. We'll celebrate it." Isa insisted.

"whatever." Minjeong stifles. "where are we going? Did you find what you're gonna buy?"

"there's this toy shop that he wants to go to. He said he likes robots and Lego." Isa checks her phone, looking at a note that she made. "I also need a cake and a dress for his party."

"okay. we can do that."


Still looking around the robot section at the toy store, Isa is having a hard time deciding what to buy.

"get him something more complicated and technical. He's in high school, right?" Minjeong shows up beside her after looking around as well. She offered to look for Lego sets. "I bought two sets. I was confused as well."

"hey, you don't need to do that." Isa looks at her and look down at the two boxes that she holds. "he's spoiled already."

"you said he's not allowed to play." Minjeong shrugs. "it's alright. I don't mind."

"I do." Isa huffs. "now which one should I buy?"

"the bigger one?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow.

"I'll buy both." Isa turns to her and smiles.

Next up, they go to a clothing store. Isa told Minjeong to wait while she looks for the dress alone. Minjeong takes a seat at a couch provided by the store. While waiting, Minjeong decided to give her girlfriend a call.

"hey! Are you still with her?" Jimin asked. As soon as she answered. "I'm gonna have a lunch with Chaewon."

"yeah, I'm with her. she's buying a dress." Minjeong averted her gaze at Isa who's still visible from where she's at. "where are you gonna eat?"

"I don't know. we're just gonna look around."

"oh, okay. Isa wants to eat as well after this." Minjeong informed.

"and you?"

"me too." Minjeong nods along. She then looks at Isa again. Isa is already looking at her, waving her hand. "I'll call you again later, babe."

Minjeong hangs up and goes to Isa. She noticed her holding a short dress. for Minjeong, it'll fit her perfectly.

"that's nice. You're buying that?" Minjeong smiles lightly.

"yes! I'm glad you said that." Isa smiles, her eyes formed a couple curved lines. "I'm gonna try it out and you're gonna tell me what you think."

Minjeong waits for her outside the changing room, leaning on the wall. After a while, Isa comes out and twirls around in front of her. Minjeong chuckles, seeing her cute behaviour.

"stop that." Minjeong grabs her shoulder, stopping her. "I knew you'll look good in this." she looks at her up and down.

Isa stares into her eyes. Feeling shy at the compliment, Isa looks away, hiding her flushed face.

"I'm gonna change again. Shoo." Isa quickly goes back to the changing room.

Minjeong sighs, leaning back on the wall. Again, her head drops down, reflecting on what she did. Isa's gaze felt different as well and Minjeong noticed that.

"I told you to wait out there. Why are you still here."

Minjeong looks up to see Isa with a confused face.

"oh, yeah. Let's go."

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