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A few days has passed. Minjeong recovered pretty well and fast according to the doctor's examinations. She got transferred to a VIP room as well just two days ago. She's currently talking with Jimin and Ryujin who just got the time to visit her bestfriend.

"you didn't even call me after that night we got drunk. No updates or anything." Ryujin stated. "are you really okay, now?"

"I'm fine. still a little tired, but overall, it's good." Minjeong chuckles.

"dude, you scared me. I've watched the news about the chase. Not the live report, though." Ryujin shrugs. "so, you're not working, now?" she looked at Jimin.

"currently, no."

"you can't work at that shop anymore. Just work with Ryujin again." Minjeong said to Jimin.

"was it bad?" Ryujin leans closer.

"it was so bad. she's rarely at home and I hated that." Minjeong replied instead.

"it was tiring as well. I don't know if it's worth it despite the high pay." Jimin added. "and, yeah, I have to be there almost ten hours a day."

"I just raised the salary of my employees. You should come back. my company is making a great profit this year and hopefully in the future as well. It'll be a great decision to hire you again." Ryujin attempted to give her an offer.

"I'll work with you again. Just let me gain back my memories completely." Jimin stifles.

"speaking of, how much do you remember now?" Ryujin asked.

"hm... my ex-boyfriend. He got killed." Jimin looks down, thinking of another thing. "she has to face the detective, come to the station, and explain herself."

"oh, that time I stopped talking to you both because I got mad at you for leaving." Ryujin recalled. "I was offended because you left because got paid higher. I could give you that."

"It's all in the past. I'll work there again. I miss Han, by the way." Jimin smiles as she said that.

"excuse me, ma'am." A nurse walked in after knocking the door, with someone behind her. "this gentleman wants to see you."

Minjeong looks at him and lightly smiles. She lets him in as she walks to the couch to talk to him.

"good to see you Sungmin."

"you look way better than the day we found you. I'm glad to see you getting healthy." Sungmin smiles at her. "so, if you haven't seen the news, we caught James."

"really?" Minjeong's eyes widened. "you said it's gonna be hard."

"we continued the chase after we took you here, he got outnumbered and unable to escape. You know we also had the chopper and FBI ready." Sungmin explained. "it's indeed not easy. For years, he's been hiding himself with multiple identities and often moves places."

"I'm glad. I'd like to press charges." Minjeong took the opportunity to just say it. "kidnap, abuse, threatened, being held hostage, and starved. Can I count that as an attempted murder?"

"yes. wait, I'll write it down." Sungmin took out his small note and starts writing down Minjeong's charges.

"hey, guys, I think I should go." Ryujin walked up to them. "good luck on your case."

With that, Ryujin leaves the room. Jimin then joins them, sitting beside Minjeong on the couch.

"if you want me to call Yujin as well, I can do it as soon as I go. Also, if you wanna talk about what happened, I can give you time." Sungmin offered.

"no, no. I'm done with him. I wanna have nothing to do with him anymore." Minjeong shook her head.

"as for his daughter?" Sungmin asked.

"we'll keep in touch personally. I know she knows nothing about this and I don't want her to worry." Minjeong purses her lips.

"so, you do have something with her?" Jimin looks at Minjeong suspiciously.

"no, babe. Can we talk about it some other time?" Minjeong wants to focus on getting rid of James from her life. She then looks back at Sungmin. "you're right about the building. I heard you guys coming."

"but you weren't there. They took you away again." Sungmin informed. "do you remember anything?"

"of course. I was in that hell hole for days." Minjeong scoffed. "he brought my assistant. Lawyer's assistant. It's like he proved me that he can do anything to ruin me. he tortured her on another room."

"oh, so the girl we found is your assistant? She's in a critical condition as well. You don't wanna know what happened to her." Sungmin writes something on his note. "what else?"

"Yeonjun was there. He's talking about a mansion, bars, and clubs that they own. Seems like Yeonjun works for him now."

"oh, about that, we found that he's been related to him since he sued you. we haven't dug deep into the case but his bars and clubs are owned by James partially. Basically, Yeonjun is just the one who runs it from then on." Sungmin told her what he found about them.

"he bought his businesses just to mess with me?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows.

"we have no info on his motives beside your family's wealth. Your father, uncle, and James were working together for a long time. at first you both have the benefits, then, your family businesses got better than his. He took advantages by trying to keep the relation going by tying an invisible knot between families. That way, he can monitor everything. More like spying, I should say." Sungmin explained.

"that's fucked up. I should legally cut him off." Minjeong looks at him. "since I'm still too weak to go, can you go to my company and talk about this with my assistant? Also, I want Yujin to take care of the lawsuit." Minjeong asked.

"okay. I'll help you." Sungmin writes on his notes. "anything else? Maybe about Jihoon?"

"what about him?" Minjeong got confused again. "seems like you found more than me."

"we do actually. we arrested some of his spies and right-hand men." Sungmin opened up. "I actually brought it up to them, maybe it's related, and yes, they were." He flips through the pages on his notes. "for short, Jihoon's family got short on money, so, he and his dad decided to loan from a loan company which is related to one of James's businesses. For the reason why he called you, Jihoon just thought that you owns the company and would help you. that's why we questioned you back then."

"I proved myself innocent. That doesn't make sense. Why would he think that?"

"the call logs from his phone showed that there were calls from the debt collector. Most likely, they told him that you're the boss to frame you." Sungmin sighs. "now, that's all clear, is there anything you wanna tell me?"

"then... the accidents might be his other wicked plan..." Minjeong looks down. "to get rid of anyone who's close to me."

"I'm glad that Jimin survived." Sungmin smiled. "you can call me if you need." She stood up.

"thanks, Sungmin. Tell me if you found something."

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