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Minjeong opens her eyes as she feels pressure around her body, as if someone is embracing her tightly. She can hear a constant beeping from beside her and it feels like it beeps faster.

"Jimin..." Minjeong remembers that smell very well. She looks to the side and see the girl holding her.

"I'm here, Minjeong. I'm here." Jimin sobs, refusing to let go of Minjeong.

"excuse me, ma'am. We need to check on the patient."

Minjeong noticed the nurses and a doctor checking her condition. From her eyes, muscle responses, and her movement strength.

"she needs more rest. I'll contact a nutritionist to make a meal plan for her. for now, I'll give her the liquid and vitamins that she needs. Thank you all."

Minjeong looks to the side again, seeing Jimin looking at her with worries in her eyes. until now, she's still wondering if she remembered her like she used to. She really wants to run to her and hold her so tight right now. alas all she can do is shed a tear and smiles at her.

"Minjeong, baby...." Jimin approached her. "I'm sorry." She holds her hand gently. "I have no idea that you've been investigating on something."

"baby?" Minjeong weakly questioned.

"I've been dreaming of someone calling me that. I'm sure it's you. it has to be you, Minjeong. We have something. My feelings for you will never change no matter what happened to us." Jimin confessed. "you've been through a lot for me and with me, I know that. you came to my dream every night. That must've meant something."

"I told you to take your time." Minjeong said with shaky voice.

"I know. I just really wanna remember you." Jimin kissed her hand. "while you're asleep, I took a chance to apply to the therapy again. I can stay here with you as well."

Minjeong didn't realize how much she adores and loves this woman until now. even in the brink of death, she's all that's on her head. she loves her so deep that her heart feels like it's about to explode with flowers and butterflies.

"mama! Mama!"

Gunhoo arrived with Mingyu. The little boy rushes towards Minjeong with tears on his eyes. he reaches up to the bed trying to give Minjeong a hug.

"I thought you're dead, ma." Gunhoo cried. "I missed you so... much.... please don't leave us again. Please..."

Minjeong slowly reaches for his head, caressing it lovingly. On the other hand, Gunhoo has been the sunshine in her life. Every time she feels tired and sad, he can always cheer her up with his cute and innocent behaviour.

"holy mother of god. now you too?" Mingyu commented. "look, you're a happy family, I know, but once you got into trouble, it's always a serious one, like, what the-"

"Mingyu." Jimin looks at him.

"wait, you remember me?" Mingyu pointed at himself.

"I just did. you always talk too much in the most inappropriate time. I wish Jeonghan were here." Jimin rolled her eyes. "have a seat."

"hey, I'm offended." Mingyu huffs, taking a seat on the chair. "don't you wanna move to another room? the one like Jimin's."

Minjeong nods at him, then looks at Jimin.

"I'll let them know if there's any empty room." Jimin smiles at her.

"I'll go with you." Mingyu offered. "you, little guy, stay here with your mama, okay?"

"okay." Gunhoo glanced at him, then goes to look at Minjeong again. "you don't lose your memories too, right? you know me, right?"

Minjeong shook her head, messing with the boy.

"no!!!" Gunhoo hugs her sideways. He then heard stifles of laughs coming from Minjeong. "what? what happened?"

"joking." Minjeong can only laugh weakly. "tired."

"you can have all the sleep that you want, mama. You have to get healthy again so we can play and go to the park and library and picnic with mommy." He said almost in one breath.

Minjeong looks at him with so much love in her eyes. a precious kid who lost a father, grow up only with his hardworking mom, and used to have a hard life, now Minjeong can be a second parent for him and give him what he needs.

"I had to leave school early because of your news. Of course, I ran here." Gunhoo keeps talking, thinking that Minjeong needs someone to keep her company.

"hey, they said they'll look for a room." Jimin informed as she walks in with Mingyu.

"mama is tired." Gunhoo noticed Minjeong with her eyes closed. "Look, she's asleep."

"okay, then. why did you come here without your stuff?" Jimin noticed.

"he was in a hurry. He requested that I should pick him up instead of bothering you." Mingyu shrugs. "luckily, I have no work today, so, I can pick him up."

"are you gonna take him back to school?" Jimin asked him.

"I'm just following his requests. I consider him as my own son anyway." Mingyu can't deny that Gunhoo is a lovely kid.

"I wanna come back later. I have to take my things and finish my classes." Gunhoo chimed in. "I'm sure mama wants me to study."



Jimin is sitting beside the bed, waiting for her to wake up so she can eat her dinner. Minjeong wakes up slowly, feeling extremely hungry for some reason. Though hospital food is not good for some people, its smell is enough to raise Minjeong's appetite.

"can I eat it myself?" Minjeong tried to sit up.

"sure. you should eat slowly." Jimin warned. "this is your first meal in, what, four days?"

"okay." Minjeong then grabs the bowl of oatmeal from Jimin's hands and starts eating. Gradually, she eats faster.

"hey, slow down." Jimin grabs a napkin and wipes Minjeong's messy mouth.

"what's that? is that a soup? I want that." Minjeong looks at another bowl on the table. "thank you." she said after Jimin gave her the bowl.

"you sure are gonna sleep well tonight."

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