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Giselle, the lawyer's assistant, greeted Minjeong after she enters her old office.

"I'm glad that you wanna go back to working here." Giselle smiles at Minjeong. "I've cleaned up this place to make it easier for you to set everything up."

"thank you. one of the reasons is because my bedroom doesn't look like a bedroom anymore." Minjeong has two boxes in her arms. That's actually not even half of her stuff. She places the boxes on the desk and looks around.

"do you need help with the unpacking?" Giselle offered.


Someone uninvited barged into the room.

"Mrs. Ahn." Giselle looks at the door.

" Giselle looks at the door

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"oh, no." Minjeong sighs. "good to see you Yujin."

"you're back!" Yujin hugs her tightly.

"okay, stop that." Minjeong pushed her away.

"I've helped her with some cases. She's improved a lot." Giselle informed, smiling at Yujin.

"you hired my assistant?" Minjeong looks at her in disbelieve.

"it was temporary. She agreed." Yujin defended herself. "besides, I know I couldn't take those cases alone, so, I needed her help."

"okay, yeah, whatever." Minjeong then had another idea. "you help me unpack these. Giselle, you can go back to work." She smiles at her assistant.

"me? but, I have to-"

"don't you wanna catch up with me? I remember you liked it when I tell you my cases." Minjeong smiles lightly at her. Yujin used to be her junior before she decided to stop coming to the office.

"cool! I heard you're working with kids and family problems." Yujin said as she starts helping the older woman.

"yup. After I left, I started working in that field. I just feel like I need to help other families since I ruined mine." Minjeong glanced at her. "how's it working with Namjoon?"

"he's a little mean. I'm kinda scared of him." Yujin chuckles. "but, hey, I got paid more than a few years ago. I've handled some of his cases and got my own. People starts calling me too." she proudly stated.

"that's great. It's important to have connections as well. Namjoon is not the type to get attached to his clients. I, on the other hand, will maintain a relationship with some people that I think I will need in the future." Minjeong shared some advice.

"true. I started doing that little by little not too long ago. I still don't know if I need the relation." Yujin shrugs.

"you should join me sometimes. Maybe you're interested in my cases." Minjeong offered.

"so you'll be my mentor again?" Yujin stopped everything she's doing and looks at her.

"pretty much." Minjeong purses her lips. "you can deal with your cases first. Let me know if you need any help."

"awesome!" Yujin cheered. "thanks, Mrs. Kim."


Jimin is watching Gunhoo working on his homework on his small desk in his room

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Jimin is watching Gunhoo working on his homework on his small desk in his room.

"mommy, I think I need a new book. Social studies book." Gunhoo looks back.

"didn't you just get one the other day?" Jimin furrowed her eyebrows.

"yes, but, I need to know more about wars. Geography is interesting. Also, history." Gunhoo stated. "do you think Mrs. Kim wants to take me to the bookstore this weekend?"

"you can ask her later. she's on her way." Jimin smiles at him.

"do you have a relationship with her?" Gunhoo suddenly asked. "I have a friend and her dad is close with someone. She said that the woman wants to be her new mom."

Jimin is taken aback by the sudden question and story.

"she told me that the woman started coming over so often. But she hates the woman. She said she's mean." Gunhoo added. "but, Mrs. Kim is kind. I like her. will she become my new mom too?"

"baby, we're still getting to know each other." Jimin responded as needed. "I don't have a relationship with her. not yet."

"then... is it possible for her to attend parent's day?" Gunhoo hopefully asked.

"I will ask her about that. now, finish your homework and come out for dinner, okay?" Jimin stood up and kissed Gunhoo on the head.

Just when she's out of the room, she hears someone opening the door. Knowing that it's Minjeong, she runs towards the door and greets the girl with a tight hug.

"hey." Minjeong chuckles. "Gunhoo in his room?"

"yeah." Jimin then plants a kiss on Minjeong's lips. "he asked me something earlier."

"what is it?" Minjeong walks inside as she takes off her coat.

"I supposed he noticed our closeness and questioned our relationship." Jimin followed Minjeong to the dining area.

"then, what do you say?" Minjeong sits on the dining chair.

"that we're still getting to know each other. I don't want him to get too hyped up." Jimin hugs her from behind and kisses her cheek. "I'll get him."

Finally, Gunhoo joined the two. They start eating casually and begins to start a light conversation for some minutes.

"have you told her about parent's day?" Gunhoo looks at his mother.

"what about it?" Minjeong wipes her mouth with a napkin.

"he wants both you and me attend it. it's in two weeks. He even marked the date on his little calendar." Jimin stifles.

"sure. I'll make time." Minjeong easily agreed.

"yay! I'll prepare something for both of you. you promise, right?" Gunhoo looks at Minjeong.


Jimin watches Minjeong offering his pinkie finger and Gunhoo gladly links his own to Minjeong's.

"should I call you mommy too?" Gunhoo asked innocently. "just to make my project easier."

Minjeong almost choked on her drink. Not that she's weirded out, but, because she's happy that Gunhoo can accept her that easily.

"go easy on her, darling." Jimin chuckles, ruffling his hair. "I know you like her that much."

"you've been hanging out with each other too much." Gunhoo pouts at Jimin. "why can't you have a relationship?"

"we'll work it out, buddy. You can call me whatever you want in the meantime."

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