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In the middle of her work, Minjeong got interrupted by a call from Jimin's driver.

"hey, Eric. Why do you call?" Minjeong put her phone between her shoulder and cheek, still focusing on the files of her case.

"there are cops in front of Mrs. Yu's apartment. they're asking about park Jihoon."

"what? I'll be right there. Tell the cops that her lawyer is coming."

Minjeong soon hits the road, driving as fast as she can, but, still being safe. For about ten minutes, Minjeong finally arrived. She can see a police car parked near the entrance.

Jimin is sitting beside an officer and another man while Gunhoo stays with Eric. Jimin noticed her girlfriend walks in with a panicked face. Jimin stands up to greet her, followed by the two men.

"good evening, sir." Minjeong greeted them by shaking hands with them.

"are you the lawyer?" the man in white buttoned up shirt asked. "I'm detective Choi Sungmin."


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"yes. I heard that it has something to do with Park Jihoon. May I know what happened to him?" Minjeong walks to take a seat on the couch and the rest followed.

"he was found dead not too far from his apartment last night. The body was found around two fifteen, five miles from his apartment. three drunk men found him and called 911 immediately." Sungmin explained. "the last person he contacted was Mrs. Yu."

"any further investigation?" Minjeong asked again because she knows that Jimin has nothing to do with this.

"based on what we found on his phone, it seems like he and Mrs. Yu were close. He also mentioned a lawyer." Sungmin looks at Minjeong suspiciously. "other than that, it seems like he has a lot of debts to someone. Not only him but the father as well. We still have no clue whether it's the same debts or separate."

"I see." Minjeong nods a few times. "it is possible that he contacted Jimin to ask for help in paying the debts. If there are no further information other than that, there's no reason to interrogate my client."

"your client?" Sungmin squinted his eyes. "are you perhaps Minjeong? The name was mentioned a few times."

"yes, I am Minjeong." Minjeong doesn't have any reason to not be cooperative. All she has to do is reply to what they asked. She takes a glance at Jimin who seems to be in shock still.

"would you like to come with us to the station to explain more about your relationship with Mrs. Yu?" Sungmin politely asked. "if you're busy, you can come tomorrow morning."

"I don't see the need to do that, sir. With all due respect, we both have been cooperative and shared all that we know." Minjeong smiles at him.

Jimin, on the other hand, feels a little guilty. Though it seems like it, Jimin doesn't really hate Jihoon. It's just that she doesn't want anything to do with him.

"fair enough." Sungmin stifles. "if we have something that leads to you, we'll surely let you know." he stands up, followed by the officer.

"please, do." Minjeong stood up.

"have a good night, you two."


Minjeong have been in Jimin's apartment for about five hours now. accompanied by Gunhoo, they're currently still watching TV. Minjeong understands that maybe, Jimin needs time to process the news.

"son... you can sleep now." Jimin approached the couch.

"but, I want to accompany mommy. You're sad. I'm sad seeing you sad. I'm also sad that uncle Jihoon is not here with us anymore." Gunhoo whined.

"can you put him to sleep?" Jimin asked Minjeong.

Minjeong sighs and looks at Gunhoo. She stands up and extended her hand, asking Gunhoo to come with her.

"enough TV time, okay? your mom needs rest, so do you." Minjeong gently said to him.


It's always easy to put Gunhoo to sleep. but, tonight, Gunhoo keeps expressing his worries, which makes it hard for Minjeong to calm him down.

"there. I will protect mommy." Minjeong kisses his forehead as she closes his eyes. "sleep tight, buddy."

Minjeong can finally leave Gunhoo's room. she goes straight to Jimin's room and joins her on the bed.

"how are you feeling?" Minjeong asked, giving her a kiss on the head as well.

"we should've helped him." Jimin rests her head on Minjeong's shoulder. "I hope they found who did it to him."

"it was unfortunate. We couldn't do anything about it since we had no idea what he'd gone through." Minjeong wraps her arm around Jimin and rubs her arm. "they will accuse me, put me on their list of suspects."

"what? why? There's no reason for that." Jimin furrowed her eyebrows.

"the way that the detective asked me, I know that's his way to dig deeper into me. I have a motive that they can use." Minjeong knows that she doesn't need to worry about it. she's not guilty.

"if they come to you again, just be honest to them. It'll be easier." Minjeong looks at her. "tell them about me... only if they ask."


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