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Entering the unit, Minjeong and Jimin noticed that Chaewon and Jennifer are watching TV.

"whare's Gunhoo?" Minjeong asked, taking off her shoes.

"my moms!" Gunhoo's head popped up from the couch. he jumped down from the couch and runs towards them.

"what did I say about watching TV?" Jimin noticed that he's been lying on the couch.

"aunt Chaewon lets me. I was tired, mom." Gunhoo pouts.

"then you should sleep. not watch TV." Jimin sternly said to him.

"we're sorry." Chaewon stood up, followed by her girlfriend. "we made him a sandwich. Eric brought some groceries."

"yeah, I asked him." Minjeong walks towards the kitchen. "you guys already ate?"

"we had snacks." Jennifer shrugs.

"I'll cook for you tonight." Jimin kindly offered.

"great!" Jennifer smiles brightly and follows Jimin to the kitchen.

"can I eat again? I want your food." Gunhoo tugs Jimin's shirt.

"sure, baby. Sit with your mama."

Minjeong is enjoying her apple juice while playing with her phone. she then noticed Gunhoo sits beside her.

"how's the date, ma?" Gunhoo folds his arms on top of the table and looks up at Minjeong.

"how selfish." Chaewon teased her sister.

"hey, I didn't left him alone." Minjeong defended herself. She then looks at Gunhoo. "it's fulfilling. Good to be with someone you love for a whole day."

Jimin heard that. she can only smile to herself. Minjeong never really said those three words literally, but, Jimin can still feel it.

"what's fulfilling? Like when you eat and you feel full?" Gunhoo still can't understand hard words.

Jennifer being out of context, snorts as she holds her laugh. Minjeong knows what's on her mind. clearly, the picture of her 'eating' Jimin crossed Jennifer's mind. Minjeong didn't think much about it and stifles instead.

"my gosh, grow up." Chaewon slaps her arm.

"it's sort of like that. the other day I taught you about the word satisfying. That's what if feels like. It's the same." Minjeong explained to the boy.

"aunt Jen is an adult. Can she grow more?" Gunhoo tilts his head.

"of course, people grow until they're old." Jimin chimed in as she serves the food.

"looks good." Chaewon commented.

"mommy's food are all awesome! I'm hungry again." Gunhoo's eyes sparkled over the meal.

Soon after, they all start eating comfortably.

"Jimin will stay the night. Will that be okay with you both?" Minjeong asked.

"it's okay. why would you ask? I didn't." Chaewon shrugs.

"then, should I go?" Jennifer pointed at herself while looking at her girlfriend.

"can I sleep with them, mom?" Gunhoo looks at Jimin.

"sure! we have plenty of room for you." Chaewon smiles at him, replying to it instead.

"thank you so much." Jimin looks at Chaewon. "make sure he sleeps early."


Minjeong and Jimin finally have their time alone again. Minjeong is already in bed, getting ready to sleep.

"someone you love, you said?" Jimin approached the bed after getting out of the bathroom.

"what?" Minjeong focused back on her.

"you said... spending time with someone you love for a whole day." Jimin repeated as she climbs onto the bed.

"oh..." Minjeong stifles, looking away. "yeah, I love being with you."

"such a shy baby." Jimin snuggles into Minjeong's embrace.

"PDA is not my thing." Minjeong caressed Jimin's hair lovingly.

"I get it." Jimin smiles at her. "so, can I visit you some other time? now that I know where you work, I can come whenever I feel bored at home."

"better to let me know. I might not be at the company all the time or the office."

"where else would you be?" Jimin furrowed her eyebrows.

"well, I might be meeting my clients." Minjeong shrugs. "why don't you stay with Gunhoo or something? Maybe you can get close with the Kim."

"speaking of, isn't it too early for Gunhoo to have a crush? I'm not complaining about his choice, but, he grows too fast. I'm not blaming you or anything for teaching him all sorts of stuff, though."

"I mean Alice is not-"

A ringing comes from Jimin's phone. Minjeong looks over to the side table where it's placed. Jimin quickly checks it to see that Jihoon is calling her.

"wanna pick it up?" Minjeong calmly asked.

"he texted me as well." Jimin reads the texts briefly. "he's at the apartment."

"what for? Did you change your password like I asked you to?" Minjeong gets a little worried.

"I changed it. wait." Jimin texted him back, telling him to go. "I thought he gave up already."

Minjeong doesn't know what to do. she too, thought the same. The thought of Jihoon trying to get close to Jimin again doesn't bother her since she knows that Jimin will choose her regardless. It's just that it bothers Jimin and Minjeong doesn't like it.

"maybe you should change your number as well." Minjeong suggested.

"I can just ignore him." Jimin pressed a smile. "can we just go to sleep now?"

"good night, dear."

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