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Waking up from a good sleep, Minjeong is already greeted by Gunhoo who's ready to go to school.

"good morning mama." Gunhoo hugs her. "have a good day today."

Minjeong chuckles seeing how cute he is. she then gets up and sits properly.

"you too, have a good day."

"I will! I have a group project with Alice." Gunhoo smiles brightly.

"are you with her every day?" Minjeong asked.

"of course. I attend school every day."

"baby... Eric is waiting for you." Jimin popped her head inside the room.

"bye, mama."

Minjeong noticed that Jimin is not following him or bid goodbye to her.

"you're not going with him?"

"can you give me a ride? I also want to talk about yesterday."

Minjeong is kind of confused. Maybe it's too important to hold. She quickly get ready by wearing some jogger pants and hoodie.

The two are soon inside the car.

"what do you want to talk about?" Minjeong asked as she starts driving.

"I wanna work at the store." Jimin confessed. It's a hard thing to say since she didn't think much about it. "I need to talk with Ryujin first. That's why I need your help."

"that's too soon to decide. Are you sure?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows.

"he offered me $6000 per month. I'll be the marketing manager." Jimin can't turn it down that easily.

"that's..." Minjeong got a little suspicious. "what about the working hour?"

"just average nine to five. Six days a week." Jimin replied. "It's more than enough for me and Gunhoo. Also, I don't need to burden you with anything."

"you're never a burden to me, Jimin." Minjeong can't see anything wrong with the decision. "you can talk to Ryujin first. I'll be with you."


At the end of Jimin's shift, Minjeong arrived right on time. she walks straight inside, going to Ryujin's office.

"good. You're still here." Minjeong said as soon as she sees Ryujin staring at her ipad.

"hey, Jeong." Ryujin seems a little stressed. "have a seat."

"you looks like shit. What's up?"

"charts going down the hill. I'm fucked, dude." Ryujin huffs. "I still don't know what caused it."

"you're the biggest in this city. I don't know any good dealers beside you." Minjeong responded. "you have imported cars, right?"

"also, the limited ones. If I can't get it up in six months, I'll be broke, man."

"you won't." Minjeong supported. "just relax. you can't think when you're stressed." On the other hand, Minjeong is thinking about Jimin's decision to leave this place. she can't let her bestfriend have another bad news.

"how can I relax? this shit is the only main source of my money. Well, I have other investments and small businesses, but, this is my priority."

"I understand."

Then, someone knocks on the door. Minjeong looks back and see Jimin walking in.

"your shift is over?" Ryujin looks up.

"yes, ma'am. Actually..." Jimin approached.

Minjeong stands up and grabs her wrist. She looks at Jimin, giving her a gaze.

"actually, she knows that I'm here from Han. I wanna give her a surprise." Minjeong smiles at her.

Jimin furrowed her eyebrows, looking back at Minjeong. She doesn't understand why Minjeong lied to Ryujin.

"oh, I thought you guys planned to see each other already." Ryujin sighs. "alright, you can go. Have a good night."


"what was that?" Jimin asked as soon as they got home. "you can't just stop me like that."

"Ryujin is not in her best condition right now. can you please, just please, give her some time?" Minjeong begged. "you must know that the company is not working well lately."

"I'm aware." Jimin sighs. "I've made up my mind, Jeong."

Minjeong who's currently with Gunhoo, keeps thinking while still focusing on the kid.

"dear, go to sleep as soon as you finish your book, okay?" Jimin walks over to them and sits on the couch.

"okay..." Gunhoo can feel that the tension is not good between the two, so, he stayed quiet. "I'm already sleepy. Can you please tuck me in, ma?"

Minjeong smiles at him and take him to his room. Gunhoo climbs onto his bed and gets in the blanket.

"is mommy okay? she looks sad." Gunhoo asked.

"we just need to talk. I'll make sure she's okay." Minjeong caressed his head.

"please make her happy."

Minjeong gets out of the room after making sure that Gunhoo is asleep. Seeing Jimin glued to her laptop, Minjeong approached her.

"I'm sorry about earlier." Minjeong sit beside her. she glanced at the screen, seeing that Jimin is preparing her resignation letter. "please, Jimin."

"what?" Jimin sharply looks at her. "I have one week, Jeong! If Ryujin couldn't keep her business stable, I'm out of there."

"whoa, no need to raise your voice." Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows. "don't blame Ryujin in this. she needs you to do it."

"needs me? you should know how much I tried to tell her that her plans won't work. Did she listen? No!" Jimin frustratingly stated. "keep siding your bestfriend."

"she's not like that, babe."

"don't babe me. you should've let me do it." Jimin looks back at the monitor. "I'm still gonna talk to her."

"fine." Minjeong stands up, about to leave. Then, she gets a sudden phone call. "hey." She glanced at Jimin after taking the call. "I'll look for her. calm down, okay?"

"where are you going?" Jimin got curious though she's a little pissed at her.

"looking for Ryujin. Yeji called."

Jimin just stays silent. Clearly, Minjeong doesn't think of her as a priority right now.

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