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A few weeks has passed, Minjeong just got back from meeting Sungmin and Yujin at the police station. She's in a good mood because Sungmin's work satisfies her. the evidences are starting to lead to James. Though Yujin is still a bit skeptical, she's willing to help her. but, until Minjeong can press charges on James, everything is not done yet.

Minjeong is driving home, feeling relaxed because things are going according to her plan. Just like the other days, she finished her meeting late at night. As she enjoys herself, she noticed a car behind her with bright headlights. It sure bothers her, so, she tried to make a way for them. Oddly enough, they stay behind her.

Based on what she had learned, this is one of a sign that she's been followed. To test it out, she takes a few turns, left and right to see if the car is still following her.

"shit." Minjeong keeps seeing the car keeps tailing her. "the fuck?"

Minjeong acts quickly, taking turns calling Chaewon, Sungmin, and Yujin. all with the same information.

"I think someone followed me. black Chevrolet transverse. HD... M? 69... 56." Minjeong told Sungmin. "I'm at ESP street."

"hey, Chae. Sorry to wake you up. if anything happened, I want you to stay with Jimin and Gunhoo, okay? I'm in a hurry, sorry." Minjeong quickly hangs up and goes to call Yujin.

"Jin, I want you to stay in the call. Please." Minjeong keeps looking at her rear-view mirror.


Minjeong got hit from behind by the car. Fortunately, it's not fatal. Minjeong put her phone in her pocket and gets out of her car.

"hey, get out!" Minjeong started to approach the car, trying not to get to close.

Two men come out of the backseat. Honestly speaking, they're quite scary. They approach Minjeong confidently, but still calm.

"I won't ask for any money. I just want the driver to fix this." Minjeong pointed at her car. "tell him to come out." she can already see the driver.

One of them walks closer to her, having a huge hammer in his hand. He then proceeds to smash the back of her car brutally.

"hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Before she can stop the guy, the other starts pulling her away from her car and put a cloth on her mouth. Then, everything turns black.


Chaewon hurried to the police station where Sungmin works. Ignoring everything, she looks for him herself.

"Mrs. Choi." Chaewon barged into his office. "Choi Sungmin! What happened to my sister?"

"I know this isn't a great action." Sungmin keeps his eyes on the monitor. "have a seat. I need to look something up."

"what did she do?! what happened to her?! please tell me." Chaewon refused to calm down.

"I need to see the car's information. Can you please not make a scene?" Sungmin needs time to track down the car.

"what the hell did she do?" Chaewon finally takes a seat.

"we're running an investigation on James Camelot. I already told her that we've come to the dangerous part of the investigation. That guy has a lot of backups." Sungmin informed. "when he said that his businesses helps Minjeong's family, it's quite the opposite. That's why he wants your family and his be related in any way."

"I knew it! I told her to cut him off." Chaewon huffs. "now what are we gonna do?"

"there'll be no witnesses at this hour. The CCTVs around that area is still little in number, only in the main streets."

"guys! Minjeong got kidnapped."

Yujin's presence surprised both of them. Yujin is wearing a hoodie and shorts, indicating that she came here without preparation.

"what?! how?!"

"she called me and I got cut off. I think they threw the phone away." Yujin takes a seat beside Chaewon. "hey, Chaewon."

"did you record the call?" Sungmin asked. Then, Yujin shows him the recording.

"oh no..." Chaewon covers her mouth.

"we're gonna move as soon as we can. we're lucky that Minjeong is smart enough to contact us and give us some information."


Jimin wakes up with no one beside her. usually, when this happened, she supposed that Minjeong is outside with Gunhoo. She walks out of the room and finds no one. Then, someone comes out of Chaewon's room.

"good morning."

"who are you?" Jimin furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm Jennifer, you can call me Jen. I'm Chaewon's girlfriend." Jennifer smiles at her. "she asked me to stay here with you while she take Gunhoo to school."

"oh..." Jimin just stands there in silence. She's somehow feels uneasy. Not because of Jennifer, but because she haven't seen Minjeong since yesterday. "have you seen Minjeong?"

"nope. I just got here. Maybe she's already at work?" Jennifer guessed.

"would you mind if I asked you to take me to Shooting Star Group? That's her company. I remembered it some days ago." Jimin politely asked her.

"wow... you should tell me more about your progress. I'll take you there."


Meanwhile, Minjeong is in a room that looks like an old office. Her hands are tied, as well as her ankles, chained to the steel chair. in front of her is a desk with a piece of paper and a pen. It's still about him wanting her and Isa to engage in marriage.

"I won't let you go until you agreed to sign the paper."

"fuck you." Minjeong looks at the man. "never in a million years, James."

"then, enjoy your time here." James leaves her alone with his two bodyguards.

Minjeong looks down, starting to feel desperate. Ignoring the fact that she's extremely exhausted from the constant abuse that the bodyguards gave her, he mind is now filled with Jimin's whereabouts. Though she trusts Chaewon to take care of her in the meantime, she's still worried because she knows nothing about her until now.

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