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Jimin is still at work right now. since Yeonjun can't pick Gunhoo up because of his own busy work, she has to excuse herself and speak to Ryujin.

"come in." Ryujin said after seeing Jimin outside her office.

"I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am." Jimin bowed a little. "I need to pick up my son at school. If you let me, I will go pick him up and get back here as soon as possible."

"oh, you don't need to." Ryujin put her phone back on the table. "you know you're late, right?"

"yes, I'm aware of that, ma'am. That's why I'm trying to get your permission."

"Minjeong is on her way here. She called me already." Ryujin informed.

"Mrs. Kim? I don't understand, ma'am." Jimin furrowed her eyebrows. She thought that her boss didn't give her a permission to go.

"she'll be here with your son. Now, go back to work." Ryujin flicks her hand, shooing Jimin.

Jimin is still confused. Yet again, Minjeong helped her for no reason. After that, Jimin continues to greet a customer though she feels a little worried that Gunhoo will give Minjeong a hard time.

Being done with two customers is pretty tiring for Jimin. So, she decided to take her time, drinking a few gulps of water at the back of the showroom so no one can see her. by the time she goes back, she noticed Minjeong and Gunhoo enters the showroom with smiley faces.

"mommy!" Gunhoo runs towards his mother and hugs her. "Mrs. Kim took me to eat at Wendy's."

"did you ask her?" Jimin sighs, thinking that he was.

"she offered. She said she's hungry too." Gunhoo looks down.

"don't scold him." Minjeong showed up stifling at her. "he's behaving good."

"I was about to pick him up, ma'am." Jimin said to her.

"please, call me Minjeong. We're outside the school."

"but, I'm still at work, Mrs. Kim." Jimin smiles politely. "thank you so much. I didn't know what I did to receive this much help from you."

"I was just... helping. I helped other kids too. but, the parents seems to hate it. I don't know why." Minjeong's voice went lower gradually. She then snaps out of her own thoughts. "anyway... have a good day."

"you too, have a great day... Minjeong."

Minjeong turns around and smiles to herself. It's weird to spend time with someone else's kid, but, odd enough, she enjoyed every second of it. one of the reasons why she took Gunhoo to Wendy's is because that used to be Chaemin's favorite fast food chain. At least, she can cure her longing for her son.

"yes, hello, Mr. Carlson." Minjeong got a call from her client as soon as she entered her car. "I'm working on it. the trial is still in two days. If you let me have my time to plan out things, I'm sure that it'll work out fine."

Minjeong listens to him as she massaged her head. sure, he's one of her rich clients who's willing to pay any amount to win his case. One of two reasons for Minjeong to accept a case is because of the money. She won't argue with that.

"Mrs. Kim!"

Minjeong looks to the side and see Gunhoo knocking on her window. Then, there's Han behind him.

"need help, kiddo?" Minjeong asked after she opened her door.

"I was bored inside. Mommy is selling something to someone and she asked me to be with Mr. Han." Gunhoo pouts.

"your mom won't be happy if she saw you here. Mr. Han is a fun guy. Play with him."

"we have toy cars inside." Han chimed in. he then looks at Minjeong. "he insisted. Saw your car and ran off." He chuckles.

"just go back to your mom. We'll hang out again." Minjeong ruffles his brownish wavy hair. "I have work."

"okay." Gunhoo looks down and walks back to Han with a sad face.

"take care of him." Minjeong said to Han and soon drives off.


Jimin finally gets off work and arrived at her apartment. Gunhoo goes straight to his room to change and clean up. Jimin noticed that he's a little sleepy because he couldn't take his nap at the company.

"let's have a dinner before you do your homework, son." Jimin said after seeing Gunhoo gets out of his room.

"Mrs. Kim helped me with it when we went to Wendy's. I'm sleepy." Gunhoo sits at the dining table, waiting for his meal.

"you really like Mrs. Kim, don't you?" Jimin chuckles, sitting across him after giving him the food.

"she's nice to me. I like her." Gunhoo smiles a little, glancing at his mother. "I think you will like her too."

"as long as she's nice to you, I think I will." Jimin didn't think much about it. there's no reason to hate her so far. Though she's feeling a little jealous, Gunhoo was having fun spending time with Minjeong.

"I want to invite her to my birthday." Gunhoo randomly said.

"but you already had your birthday this year."

"there are still Easter, Hanukkah, your birthday, teacher day, parents' day..." Gunhoo stops to think. "there are many special days, mom." He got excited all of the sudden.

"okay, okay." Jimin shook her head, stifling a little. "why did you include parents' day?"

"because... Mrs. Kim said that teachers are our second parents." Gunhoo replied while still chewing.

"is that so? Are there any teachers you're close with other than her?" Jimin asked again.

"no. Mrs. Kim is nice to everyone. The other teachers looks busy." Gunhoo pouts.

"well, then. if you have any problems, you can just tell me, okay? you can sleep after this."

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