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It's about time that Jimin is allowed to go home. After Minjeong took care of the administration, she guides Jimin to her car. The two enters without saying anything.

"Gunhoo is waiting for you at home." Minjeong informed. "do you wanna stop by somewhere?"

"can I visit my apartment? I know it's rented, but, I just wanna have a look." Jimin politely asked.

"okay." Minjeong easily grants her wish. "our apartment is not that close, but still on the same way."

"is that so? How did we meet, then?" Jimin looks at her.

"I used to be Gunhoo's teacher. Shortly, I approached you first. Gunhoo didn't seem to mind and he loves to play with me at school. Then, I guess, I'm attracted to you."

"so we started from there?" Jimin followed up.

"somehow, we often came across each other accidentally, at random times." Minjeong chuckles.

"wait... I've been there before, right?" Jimin noticed a park with a lake in the middle. It feels familiar to her.

"that's actually that first time we met outside of school." Minjeong told her, feeling a spark of hope. "wanna go there?"

"can we?" Jimin is still reluctant towards her even though she knows that they've been together.

"trust me. anything you need, I'll provide for you. feel free to ask what you want."


Minjeong takes the lead, walking around the park hand in hand with Jimin. She told Jimin some random stuff about her and the things they did together at this park.

"and right now you act like we just met." Minjeong ended her stories.

"what if... I can't have the feelings anymore?" Jimin stops, letting go of her hand. She looks into her eyes when they faced each other.

"that..." Minjeong looks away. The thought itself is making her heart ache. "I..."

"I'm sorry... I'll try to remember my life with you." Jimin takes her hand gently and continues to start their evening walk.

Minjeong thinks that it's possible. For memories, they can come back, but, feelings... Minjeong always sets those aside. She thinks that it's just simply connected. Both her memories and feelings will come back.

"I'll make you have those feelings again." Minjeong squeezed her hand slightly.

"I don't wanna be a burden to you. I know you're busy and you can't take care of me all the time, especially when I have a son. I'll continue to work for myself and maybe-"

"Jimin..." Minjeong sighs as she turns to face her. "I understand your concerns. I really do. for now, I want you to focus on yourself and your health first. You don't need to worry about being a burden to me or you'll bother me. I really care about you and Gunhoo. You are never a burden because I..." Minjeong clenched her teeth. "I'm capable of taking care of both of you. so, please, let me be on your side."

"your eyes..." Jimin's hand reached her face, wiping the tears that falls out of Minjeong's eyes. the pure gaze and the soft tone of her voice clicked something on her head. "Minjeong..."

"it hurts..." Minjeong closes her eyes, feeling the warmth of Jimin's hand. "I really want you back, Jimin." She starts sobbing.

Jimin pulls her into a hug, which Minjeong accepted quickly. Minjeong can't help but to hug her tighter as she cries in her embrace.

"shall we go home?"


Minjeong leads her to their bedroom. She haven't said anything since that hug. Minjeong quickly changes her clothes and take some for Jimin.

"here's your clothes." She gives them to Jimin. "you often wear these."

"oh, okay." Jimin goes to the bathroom with the intention to clean up. "um... which one is my toothbrush?" she popped her head out the bathroom door.

"the green one. Your towel is the yellow one, your shower sponge is the blue one, your soap bottle is black and purple, and your shampoo is the yellow one." Minjeong told her all the things she remembers.

"we have our own soap and shampoo?" Jimin raised her eyebrow. "I must be the one asking for that." she then goes back in the bathroom.

"I'll wait for you outside, okay?"

Minjeong walks out of the room, the same time that Chaewon walks out of her room.

"what time is it?" Chaewon yawns, scratching her head.

"five. Why?" Minjeong walks over to Gunhoo who's working on his homework.

"I have a date at seven." Chaewon walks to the kitchen. "she doesn't remember Jen?"

"no. she doesn't remember anything after she met me." Minjeong keeps her attention to Gunhoo, checking his work. "I already updated her about what happened."

"what about uncle Jihoon?" Gunhoo chimed in.

"I don't need to tell her that." Minjeong caressed his head.

"who's Jihoon?" Jimin showed up, sitting beside Minjeong on the couch.

"ah, well... he's Gunhoo's biological father." Minjeong sighs. "he's not here anymore, so you don't have to think about him."

"oh." Jimin nods lightly a few times. "you better not lie to me." she nudge her arm playfully.

"I won't lie to you." Minjeong stifles.

"alright, guys. I gotta go get ready." Chaewon walks back to her room.

"where?" Jimin asked Minjeong.

"date with her girlfriend." Minjeong informed. "do you want anything for dinner?"

"do you have anything in your fridge? I can cook." Jimin offered. "I mean, you helped me a lot."

"mommy used to cook everyday before working at the new place." Gunhoo chimed in.

"I did? what if the taste changed?" Jimin looks at Minjeong.

"I always love your food." Minjeong smiles at her. "we probably have something back there. You can use anything you need." She watches her walks to the kitchen. "be careful. Your arm just healed."

Minjeong chased her, afraid that she'll get hurt.

"hey, I'm fine." Jimin noticed that Minjeong is standing beside her. "you can eat spicy food, right?"

"not really. I never told you about this, actually. I just take everything you gave me." Minjeong chuckles.

"why didn't you just tell me? now I feel stupid." Jimin stifles. "don't do that again. I want to return the favor." She then stops what she's doing, looking straight in front of her.

"what's wrong?" Minjeong noticed.

"nothing.. feels like déjà vu."

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