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Minjeong is waiting for Sakura and Kazuha since they have an appointment today. Soohyun is not present at the moment. He thought that Minjeong should start handling this on her own. She's capable of that anyway.

"Rachel, do we have the report from the orphanage? I think I've told you about it." Minjeong wants to help the funding for the orphanage with the company's profit. That's why the facility becomes a part of the company from now.

"here's the files, ma'am. It includes the incomes and expenditures of the orphanage." The assistant informed. "let me know if there's anything you want to ask. I got the information from our research team."

"did they come to the orphanage?" Minjeong asked as she reads the document.

"yes, ma'am. They asked them to make a report every month like you said." Rachel smiles at her.

"good. It won't be appropriate to just call them, am I right?" Minjeong chuckles. "what time is the appointment with Mrs. Miyawaki?"

"she should be here in about five minutes, ma'am."

Just then, the phone rings. Minjeong picks it up and someone on the other line informed her that Sakura has arrived.

"oh, she's already here." Minjeong stands up, tidying up her clothes. "let's get that deal." She grabs Rachel's shoulder and squeezes it gently. "prepare the meeting room."


Minjeong stands up and bows to Sakura and Kazuha before the two finally leaves the room.

"how did I do?" Minjeong looked at Rachel. "man, I should've changed something in that proposal. Their offer is so much better."

"you're doing great, ma'am. You don't need to change a thing. I can see that they're confident in their worth and you do the same." Rachel reassured her. "we'll get the deal."

"hopefully, yeah. Thank you for your help."

The two walks back to their office. Minjeong sits on her desk and makes a call.

"hey, love. I just met a client. A business client." Minjeong smiles to herself.

"that's great. How did it go?" Jimin responded.

"it was okay, I guess. I can't read their mind, of course. we did our best." Minjeong looks out the wide glass window. "Soohyun hired a wonderful assistant. I didn't really do too much about it."

"she must be really good at what she's doing."

"not better than you." Minjeong teased, no wanting her to be jealous. "I have a packed schedule tomorrow. I don't think I can come by tonight."

"it's okay. Gunhoo wants to have a video call with you."

"ma'am, excuse me. Mr. Camelot and his daughter wants to see you. they're on their way up to the office." Rachel showed up.

"they're already here? We have no appointment." Minjeong raised an eyebrow.

"we can't refuse him, ma'am. He's been a big help to this company. Mr. Kim really respected him." Rachel informed.

"can I call you later? I have a sudden guest." Minjeong talked to Jimin on the phone.

"okay. don't forget to have dinner."

"I won't." Minjeong hangs up and looks at Rachel. "any occasion?"

"they usually come unplanned. We have a contract, sort of. It was before I work here, so I don't know what really happened." Rachel then excused herself.

Soon enough, the guests walks in. Mr. Camelot and Isa smiles at Minjeong.

"good evening, sir, Isa." Minjeong approached them, joining them on the couch.

"I don't see your uncle here. How's he?" the man asked.

"he's still in Canada. He wants me to take care of this company more." Minjeong politely replied. "may I ask what brings you here? I'm not used to unplanned appointment."

"hey, we're too close for that. consider me as your other uncle. Call me James. Relax." he chuckles. "I used to come here just to bother your dad."

"oh, is that so?" Minjeong nervously laughs along. She's a bit weirded out. also, she noticed that Isa is a little uncomfortable. "you guys must be so close, then."

"I've told you." James stifles. "Soohyun must've trusted you a lot. He just left you here."

"I hope that's the reason. I'm trying to do my best. It's my company after all. he's been helping me a lot." Minjeong smiles at him. "by the way, I heard that we have some sort of contract. May I know what it is?"

"it was just a mutualism contract. Your dad asked me to take care of you and the company. at first I was like, yeah, sure, I can give this company a support after he's gone, before your wife passed away, and just help you secretly." He explained briefly.

"wait..." Minjeong suddenly remembered. "so, you're the one that sent some funding into my company anonymously? You also sent an advisor to help me understand better about managing a business." She looked at James in disbelieve.

"correct. Then I heard about the accident. I'm really sorry. I also heard that you ditched the company. your mom contacted me and I gotta help my friend, right? your dad can only trust Soohyun other than his other brothers and sister." James sighs. "don't think about it that much. it's not a written contract, anyway."

"I owe you a lot, then, Mr. Camelot." Minjeong then glanced at Isa, wondering why she's so silent.

"ah, you must be wondering why I brought her here." James wraps his arm around his daughter. "Since I already taught you stuff, why don't you guide my daughter. She finished her master's degree recently and needs to apply what she's learned in the real company." he smiles at her.

"in what way I can help her, sir?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows. It's too sudden for her. to 'teach' someone while she herself still learning.

"whatever you want. I'm sure you guys can work together." James shrugs. "your turn to help me. I can trust you, right?"

"yes, sir. I'll try my best." Minjeong nodded.

"give her your number." James said to Isa. "plan your meetup or something. I'll leave her to you." he looked at Minjeong.

"thank you for trusting me, sir."

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