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Minjeong keeps glancing at her phone, busy texting Jimin while having her dinner with Isa. Isa doesn't mind about it. she gets that Minjeong has a girlfriend and she's only here because her father asked her.

"do you wanna go anywhere after this? I already ask my girlfriend." Minjeong kindly offered with a warm smile.

"I think I'm just gonna go home. Thank you for spending your precious time." Isa quickly finished up her meal.

"it's not a big deal. I have more free time than you thought." Minjeong stifles. "it's just that I spend most of it with her."

"that's good. I've struggled to find someone that fits me." Isa sighs, looking away.

"you'll find someone, I'm sure. if you want, I have a few acquaintances." Minjeong jokingly offered.

"my dad has to approve. Not just any guy or girl."

"I see."


Minjeong arrived at Isa's mansion. There's not much going on during the ride. They're not feeling awkward either.

"thanks for the ride. I really appreciate it." Isa smiles at her as she unbuckles herself.

"no problem. Let me know if you need any help with anything." Minjeong kindly smiles at her. "have a good night, Isa."

Isa gets out of the car and walks to her mansion. After she's gone, Minjeong drives off again.

"hey, babe. I don't think I can make it there. Her house is closer to my apartment and I'm exhausted already." Minjeong called Jimin on the way.

"really? I told Gunhoo you'll be here."

"I'm really sorry, Jimin. I'll be there tomorrow, okay?" Minjeong tried to negotiate.

"okay. I don't know why you're exhausted over a dinner, but, I'll let you go home tonight."

"thank you. I promise I'm gonna spend time with you tomorrow." Minjeong can hear the sarcasm on her voice.

"I'm working. What are you gonna do?"

"then, I'll come to your workplace. Stop sulking, please?" Minjeong sighs.

"let me know when you're home. I'll put Gunhoo to sleep."


Minjeong arrived at her apartment. upon entering, she can hear Chaewon and a girl laughing while they watch TV.

"good evening?" Minjeong approached them.

"oh, Minjeong!" Chaewon looked surprised. "why didn't you tell me you're coming?"

"because it's my apartment...?" Minjeong raised her eyebrow.

"right..." Chaewon nervously chuckles. "oh, this is Jennifer. Jen, my sister, Minjeong."

"nice to meet you

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"nice to meet you." Jennifer walks up to Minjeong and shakes her hand. "I'm Chaewon's girlfriend."

"oh, ok- you're what?!" Minjeong took a little step back. "you haven't told me!" Minjeong looks at Chaewon who's covering her face in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry! You're busy with Jimin and rarely come home." Chaewon stood up. "I've always wanted to tell you but it seems like you're getting busier and busier."

"hey, relax. I'm not mad. Just surprised, that's it." Minjeong walks towards her, followed by Jennifer.

"I can go if you guys wanna talk." Jennifer looks at them back and forth.

"you can stay, whatever. I need rest, so, try to keep it down." Minjeong smiles lightly. "nice to meet you, Jennifer."

Minjeong leaves them alone and goes to her own room. since everything is at her office, her room feels a lot emptier. It feels weird and refreshing at the same time. she quickly cleans herself up and prepares to go to bed.

Before that, she decided to call Jimin just like she told her to.

"hey." Jimin answered.

"I'm home. Is he asleep?" Minjeong asked about Gunhoo.

"already. Are you ready to sleep?"

"my eyes are heavy." Minjeong stretched a little, getting herself comfortable. "I kinda regret sleeping here. I want cuddles."

"your fault."

"I know. I really can't drive up there. I might pass out." Minjeong chuckles. "another thing. Chaewon got a girlfriend. Didn't know where or when they met. She said I was too busy that she didn't get the chance to tell me."

"I'm sorry. I was being pushy, wasn't I?"

"no, not at all. I was just taken aback. I'm happy for her." Minjeong smiles to herself. "you know what? I think I wanna do something with you."


Minjeong goes straight to Ryujin's showroom in the next morning to meet the owner herself.

"Mrs. Shin hasn't arrived yet, ma'am." Han stopped her track. It was so sudden that Minjeong got surprised.

"okay...?" Minjeong sensed something odd. "I'm just gonna wait in her office."

"no, no! wait. Just wait here. I'll call her."

Minjeong just obeys him and sits on the couch. she then noticed Jimin coming out of a room while brushing off her attire. Jimin noticed her as well and smiles at her. Minjeong responded with a playful wave and smile.

"bye, darling." Yeji's voice was heard.

Minjeong turns her head and see Yeji followed by Ryujin, walking out of the glass door. Just from the way Ryujin looks, Minjeong knows what they've been doing. no wonder Han prevented her to enter the office.

"morning, bestfriend." Ryujin plops on the single couch across her.

"yeah, morning. Anyway, can I borrow your employee for a day?" Minjeong asked right away.

"Jimin? What for?" Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows.

"it's not fair that I'm the only one who knows everything about her. though she never asked, I think that she needs to know what I really do."

"can you do that another day? we really need her." Ryujin glanced at Jimin. "Probably my best asset this year."

"I'd be busy, Ryu. If I brought her, we won't be able to talk properly and I'd probably left her by herself." Minjeong shared her thoughts.

"if you doubt yourself, than, don't drag her into your life at all." Ryujin rolled her eyes. "if you love her, you'll prioritize her."

"I already do prioritize her."

"no, you don't. 'busy' is just your excuse to put her under whatever it is you're doing." Ryujin leans forward. "it'll be a busy day today. You better take her when she's on her day off."


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