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Again, after some days, Minjeong goes to Jimin's apartment. just like Ryujin said she should take her on her day off.

"aren't you supposed to be working? I need to take Gunhoo to school."

"hi, mama!" Gunhoo ran and hugs her.

"hey buddy." Minjeong ruffles his hair. She then looks at Jimin. "he'll go with Eric. If that's okay with you."

"why?" Gunhoo looks up.

"I'm gonna kidnap your mom." Minjeong squinted her eyes, joking around with him.

"no!!!" Gunhoo put his hands on his head, acting surprised. He then laughs it off, followed by Minjeong. "are you guys going on a date?"

"sort of...." Minjeong glanced at Jimin.

"so, can I have a date with Alice after school?" Gunhoo's question surprised the parents.

"I guess...? You mean you're gonna play at her house, right?" Minjeong unsurely responded.

"where else would I be? I can eat uncle Jeonghan's food. he's a great cook." Gunhoo proudly stated.

"I'll text him." Jimin looked at Minjeong, then looks down at her son. "you can play with her. just don't come home too late."


"so where are we going?" Jimin asked, looking at Minjeong who's driving beside her.

"I wanna take you to where I work. It's time to let you know what I do." Minjeong replied as she smiles lightly at her.

"would I be a bother? I mean, I trust you. you don't need to do this." Jimin tilted her head.

"I know that. I just want to. It's okay. you can meet new people." Minjeong glanced at her.


First up, Minjeong drops by her company. the two enter the building, hand in hand, and Minjeong proudly greets everyone, as if showing Jimin off.

"...and here's my office." Minjeong can already see Isa and Rachel just chatting on the couch.

"nice one. It's bigger than Ryujin's." Jimin commented, looking around.

"good morning, Mrs. Kim." Rachel bowed lightly. "this must be Mrs. Yu. Nice to meet you. I'm her assistant."

"nice to meet you too." Jimin smiles at her.

"Isa." Minjeong called, since she's keeping a distance. "here's the woman I'm talking about."

"good to finally see you." Isa extended her hand for Jimin to take.

"if you don't mind, can you accompany her while I check on some things?" Minjeong asked Isa. "I'll be fine with Rachel."

"no, it's alright." Isa smiles at her. she then looks at Jimin. "have you tried our breakfast bagel? Let's go to the lobby café."

Minjeong watches them walks out of the room. seems like they'll get along well. With the two being out of sight, Minjeong goes to sit on her desk.

"I can finally see her in person. She's beautiful." Rachel commented as she put some files on the desk.

"thank you." Minjeong smiles. "I just want people to know more about her. since she knows not many people, I thought that I can look for some extra friends for her."

"so, you did this out of pity?" Rachel asked.

"that's not the only reason. I just want her to be around, that's all." Minjeong kept the answer short.

"oh, okay." Rachel nods a few times. "by the way, I want you to know something."

"what is it?" Minjeong looks up from the papers in front of her.

"it's about Mr. Camelot." Rachel looked at Minjeong, seeing that her boss is waiting. "it's just my feelings, but I think she's talking about you and your girlfriend. It's when you have a private talk with our client the other day."

"well, I told him about Jimin. Maybe it's about work. You heard him when he offered her to join his company." Minjeong didn't think much about it. "I haven't told her about the offer. His company is out of the city, you know that, right?"

"I know."


Back at Minjeong's office, Jimin brought some bread for her lover to take home or maybe to eat later.

"well, I'm here longer than I thought." Minjeong sighs, looking up at Jimin.

"Isa is a great company. we looked around the building to kill time. also, I bought some baked goods from the bakery." Jimin walks over to Minjeong with a smile. "how's everything?"

"it's all good. If I can maintain everything, we'll be fine." Minjeong stands up from her seat and approaches Jimin. "I need to go to the law firm." She gently tucks Jimin's hair behind her ear.

"then, let's go." Jimin linked her arm on Minjeong's.

"excuse me, ma'am. Mr. Camelot wants to meet up with you." Rachel showed up behind Minjeong with the company's phone on her chest. "in an hour."

"why so sudden?" Minjeong's eyebrows furrowed as she turns around to face her assistant.

"my dad knows that Jimin is here. I told him when he texted me to check up on me." Isa chimed in. "he might want to see her."

"hey, it's alright. We can meet him first." Jimin takes a seat on the couch, followed by Isa. "you're not in a hurry, right?"

Minjeong sits back down on her seat and decides to call Giselle.

"I'll be there a little late. Is Yujin there?" Minjeong informed then asked.

"she's having her lunch. You don't have to worry. I already arranged the files and Yujin decided to be nosy so I told her about your upcoming hearings."

"oh, alright. I need to meet up with someone. I'll be there in, probably, two hours." Minjeong looked at her watch.

"okay. I'll- we'll wait for you!!!" Giselle's voice got cut off by Yujin's. sounds like she still has some food in her mouth.

"hey, Yujin." Minjeong chuckles. "I'll see you later."

The awaited guest has finally arrived. James goes straight to notice the unfamiliar face in the room. Minjeong stands up and greets him with a firm handshake.

"is this the Yu Jimin you've been talking about?" James looks over to Jimin. He takes a seat beside her, keeping some respectful distance.

"yes, this is my girlfriend."

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